Israel takes out head of Hezbollah.

I dont know about that, but SOP for the Death Cult is to smash to smithereens selected targets as a warning to the rest, and to keep the rules vague to promote fear and self censorship.

Just as honesty is a character flaw in WOKE so is fairness.
I see why the cabal wants to shut down Judge Nap and crew, but the feds have also been trying to shut up small cyber fish like me for a long time.
I see why the cabal wants to shut down Judge Nap and crew, but the feds have also been trying to shut up small cyber fish like me for a long time.
I have been told that Google is currently doing a great purge at YouTube....and Judge Nap just came from a one week time out.

The censorship of the internet is to be global.
I had for several years been expecting that the internet administrators will be working out of the UN, which would be moved out of NY. Now it seems that there will be a full replacement of the UN in the New World Order, that it has been decided that it cant be salvaged.
I have been told that Google is currently doing a great purge at YouTube....and Judge Nap just came from a one week time out.

The censorship of the internet is to be global.
Cyberia changed the narrative. If the cabal isn't trying to shut you up, you're not exposing evidence.
It sure seems like there are a lot of people getting out of doing Sailing YouTubes...I wonder how much of that is because people are deciding that having ones entire life dependent on Google which cant be trusted because it is untrustworthy is dumb.
I have been told that Google is currently doing a great purge at YouTube....and Judge Nap just came from a one week time out.

The censorship of the internet is to be global.
I've been wanting to start a thread titled 'transnational fascism' but Phan will move it to the conspiracy theory forum. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? It's all starting to make sense.
I've been wanting to start a thread titled 'transnational fascism' but Phan will move it to the conspiracy theory forum. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? It's all starting to make sense.
Yes, and the huge question is how much of this is being organized and promoted by the Han....the Chinese and the Soviets before them have spent many decades studying us....this sure looks like they are pushing our buttons into suicide of the Western world order so that the new world order, which will be New Chinese Empire.... this time it will be global.....can be built.
The original plan was a great mashing up of the East and the West leading to a new glorious civilization....the East however decided that the West is now degenerate and must go away.
Yes, and the huge question is how much of this is being organized and promoted by the Han....the Chinese and the Soviets before them have spent many decades studying us....this sure looks like they are pushing our buttons into suicide of the Western world order so that the new world order, which will be New Chinese Empire, this time it will be global, can be built.
There's no one else to blame than the hos in DC. Xi and Putin want world trade and have been willing to beg for it. The cabal can't put this genocide back in the bottle.
There's no one else to blame than the hos in DC. Xi and Putin want world trade and have been willing to beg for it. The cabal can't put this genocide back in the bottle.
The West has betrayed absolutely everything we claimed to believe cant be saved....its way too late for that.
If true- Nasrallah is already replaced. Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. are ideologies- immortal defensive ideologies that will only be put aside when the aggressive doctrine of Zionism is defeated.
The sub-human Jews have removed ' red lines ' from warfare . They kill children by the dozens of thousands, destroy entire neighborhoods with ' precision ' bombing, flatten hospitals, schools, refugee centers, UN tented compounds- in an orgy of blood lust fueled by US weaponry and Washington Zionism. The Arabs have suffered badly from this miss-match in weaponry and military surveillance- but whatever is used against them they will, in turn, learn to use.
'Fat Boy ' has been dropped upon the world's civilization- but the fat lady hasn't sung yet.