It happens more in rural areas...


Well-known member
It seems to me these school shootings happen in rural areas with less gun control.

Blacksberg VA
Collumbine CO
Paducha KY

And I remember one in Texas.

Why dont you ever hear of this shit happening in New York City, Washington, D.C. or San Fransisco where there are strict gun control rules????
Well NYC has had strict gun control for some time, not sure on the others. And yes Va is pretty liberal on gun control, not sure on CO, but TX is pretty open as well. I suppose FL is next for a massacre, esp if they cut off SS. A bingo hall shootup....
Well NYC has had strict gun control for some time, not sure on the others. And yes Va is pretty liberal on gun control, not sure on CO, but TX is pretty open as well. I suppose FL is next for a massacre, esp if they cut off SS. A bingo hall shootup....

WE had a bingo hall shooting about three years ago, and in Boca Raton someone shot a guy dead at a synagoug during services.
Number of school children in Japan, killed by guns last year:


I heard that on the radio this morning.

We are a savage culture, the drive for war in Iraq proves that.
The Japanese are a very different culture, so even if they had guns it would be different than here.
USC, everbody has been giving me fancy explanations, ranging from our history with slavery, to somehow we are an inherently more savage nation.

I don't think people are applying the Occum's Razor principle: The easiest, simplest explanation is probably the right one.

We have an enourmous amount of easily accessible handguns in this country. I really think, at a fundemental level, that's basically it.

I don't see anything inherently peaceful in japanese society compared to ours. Sure, their foreign policy in modern times is more pacifist. But, japanese culture, at some level, is probably not much different than ours. Domestic violence, and spousal abuse are raging problems in japan. Men beat the crap out of their wives as much there, as we do here - sad to say.
USC, everbody has been giving me fancy explanations, ranging from our history with slavery, to somehow we are an inherently more savage nation.

I don't think people are applying the Occum's Razor principle: The easiest, simplest explanation is probably the right one.

We have an enourmous amount of easily accessible handguns in this country. I really think, at a fundemental level, that's basically it.

I don't see anything inherently peaceful in japanese society compared to ours. Sure, their foreign policy in modern times is more pacifist. But, japanese culture, at some level, is probably not much different than ours. Domestic violence, and spousal abuse are raging problems in japan. Men beat the crap out of their wives as much there, as we do here - sad to say.

Totally agree! I am so sick of people from other countries, and leftists here supporting this by the way, claiming that their country isn't as violent. That it's the American Western culture. That America was founded on the violence of genocide. What a bunch of bullshit! Do they know anything about world history? I'm so sure that the history of other countries is all about pacifism and peace, and not imperialism, colonization and empire.

Get real.
I actually think Michael Moore's explanation is a good one.

IHG, I've seen that movie at least three times, and I don't recall Moore coming up with a final conclusion or explanation.

He spent the movie posing the question, and discussing various theories with people. But in the end, it still remained an enigma.
Totally agree! I am so sick of people from other countries, and leftists here supporting this by the way, claiming that their country isn't as violent. That it's the American Western culture. That America was founded on the violence of genocide. What a bunch of bullshit! Do they know anything about world history? I'm so sure that the history of other countries is all about pacifism and peace, and not imperialism, colonization and empire.

Get real.

You always say it so much better than me ;)
Totally agree! I am so sick of people from other countries, and leftists here supporting this by the way, claiming that their country isn't as violent. That it's the American Western culture. That America was founded on the violence of genocide. What a bunch of bullshit! Do they know anything about world history? I'm so sure that the history of other countries is all about pacifism and peace, and not imperialism, colonization and empire.

Get real.

usc, to be clear, this rant is not directed at you at all. I have seen and been involved with this discussion, and I have a problem with fellow leftists, (and I do not consider you a leftist btw) who actually support this nonsense. I could go on for days about this, trust me.
We are a savage culture, the drive for war in Iraq proves that.
The Japanese are a very different culture, so even if they had guns it would be different than here.
Chinese at Nanking (now known as Nanjing) are being buried alive by grinning Japanese troops who are competing with each other to invent new and more horrible ways to kill Chinese whom they regarded as sub-human. This photograph was taken by a Japanese and processed in a Japanese-owned photographic shop. A Chinese photographic technician made copies that were smuggled out of China.

Japanese armies invaded China's northern provinces and quickly captured the ancient Chinese capital Peking (now called Beijing). In the conduct of this war, the Japanese adopted a policy of deliberate savagery in the expectation that it would break the will of the Chinese to resist. Although poorly trained and equipped, the Chinese army and communist irregulars put up strong resistance to Japan's armies which enjoyed overwhelming superiority in numbers, training, and weapons. The Japanese troops responded to Chinese resistance to their invasion by embarking on an orgy of murder, rape, and looting that shocked the civilised world at that time, although it has now been largely forgotten in many Western countries where the rigorous teaching of history is becoming a neglected discipline.
IHG, I've seen that movie at least three times, and I don't recall Moore coming up with a final conclusion or explanation.

He spent the movie posing the question, and discussing various theories with people. But in the end, it still remained an enigma.

Well one thing he was trying to do is not come up with a simplistic answer like "It's the guns stupid."