It happens more in rural areas...

BTW I concede that the US is woefully bad in voter turnout. Of the industrialized west only Switzerland and Poland fare more poorly. Although it should be noted that voting is compulsory in many of those nations.
IHG: Numbers I have seen do not appear to support what you are saying to the degree you are implying but I will research this and find figures.

Wiki has it.

Voter Turnout:

Australia 95%
Austria 92%
Denmark 87%
Germany 86%
Sweden 86%
Norway 81%
Canada 76%
UK 76%

Those are the range of numbers I pretty much cited.
The government's foreign policy most certainly does not represent the core values of most americans. I would say less than 25% of american are real Warhawks like Dixie or Toby. People who want to just bomb anything and everything in sight. Now, it's true the the goverment can lie to the people, or stir up fear and paranoia, and get a temporary 60% approval rating for invading iraq. But, that number is based on smoke and mirrors. Lies, to be more specific in the case of iraq. The core values of most ameircans do not lie in a war like foreign policy.

Empirical evidence supports me. In poll, after poll, americans overwhelmingly support multilateralism, international institutions like the UN, and using diplomacy over force. Just think if ALL these americans were actually voting?

As I said it doesn't have to be a majority it only has to be enough. The fact that even a significant bloc of voters support such things is disturbing.

Also let us not forget. The US is not a homogenous nation but a cobbled patchwork of regional cultures. If these kinds of attitudes are prevalent in one area they poison the wells of others.

I think this countries foreign policy would be significantly different, if we had, say an 87% voter turnout, like Sweden has.

Because all polls I've seen, show that american overwhelming reject unilaterism and militarism as solutions to international problems. I think when we have 30 to 50% of american voting, the authoritarian rightwing gets over-represented, IMO.
I could go for compulsory voting.....
We have compulsory jury duty....

Me too. American citizens are wiser, at a fundamental level, than most Washing DC insiders give them credit for.

Like Darla, I too am a little fed up with Euro-weenies and pseudo-intellectuals telling me that america in an inherently savage country. I really don't think the policies of our government, reflect the core values of most americans, as I elaborated above.

I think americans by and large, are as decent and fair a people, as those in italy or France. Our government policies don't reflect it, because we are alone, at the bottom, in the developed world in terms of democratic participation. And in some way, we're a more tolerant society. Muslims, by and large, can integrate into our socity. Look at France: they are horrible xenophobes, and anti-muslim bigots.
Remember freedom fries ?
I feel that such childish behaviour by our "leaders" should not be forgotten.

That was stupid, inflamatory, and unneccessary. France is our oldest, and one of our best allies. And example of a politician who thinks he only needs to throw redmeat to the 20% of the nation that are rightwing authoritarians. Because the electoral system ensure that the Dixie's of the world will be overrepresented.
I wouldn't. People couldn't get justice without compulsory jury duty. We can still have an affective representative democracy without compulsory voting. I don't want people who could give a shit voting.
Hmm both of you support compulsory huh. Shows a fundamental difference between you two and I. I'm not surprised both of you strike me as populists.
Compulsory voting is not unique to Australia. It is used, for example, in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Italy, Singapore; in some cantons of Austria and Switzerland; for the French Senate; and in a number of other jurisdictions.

Compulsory voting is something of a misnomer. What the law requires is that an elector turn up at a polling booth and take a ballot paper. They are not compelled to fill in that ballot paper and have an absolute right not to vote by placing a blank or spoiled ballot paper in the ballot box. That is their unqualified right which only a small number choose to exercise.

--Chris Puplick
Not sure about you USC but Cypress seems to think Americans are in general smart and wise. I think the exact opposite. Thus it is natural for me to oppose compulsory voting.
Thats fine Cypress I still don't support it though. If a person has to be compelled to show up I don't have much confidence in their voting patterns. Anyone who is too lazy or apathetic to show up to a polling station is not a person I want making decisions for this country with me.
I'm just open to the idea. Not saying its the only way

But, I appreciate your honesty in saying you don't trust the american people to make the right choices. ;) That's how we get the foreign policy we have. But having only 30% or so, of americans voting. Maybe 50% in a presidential election.
Thats fine Cypress I still don't support it though. If a person has to be compelled to show up I don't have much confidence in their voting patterns. Anyone who is too lazy or apathetic to show up to a polling station is not a person I want making decisions for this country with me.

You're compelled to buy auto insurance. You're compelled to pay taxes. You're compelled to do a lot of things.

that's the price of admission, into a prosperous, democratic society. Do your duty as a citizen. For those who want to tune out, and live the Ted Kazinski lifestye, there are plenty of remote islands in the south pacific. ;)
"Perhaps if we passed a law requiring doughnuts to be free at all polling places...."

So you want to ADD to the healthcare problems in this country? Evil bastard.
"Perhaps if we passed a law requiring doughnuts to be free at all polling places...."

So you want to ADD to the healthcare problems in this country? Evil bastard.

Umm well maybe the big salty pretzels. Pass the basterd err mustard :)
Whatsa matter you not man enough to take junk food ?