It's not free stuff


under the constitution thats not the job of the fed government,,,
so if youre saying its OK for them to steal from me then its OK for me to steal from you

I'd ask for an explanation but I know I'd get a Glenn Beck revision in return
under the constitution thats not the job of the fed government,,,
so if youre saying its OK for them to steal from me then its OK for me to steal from you


the founders had no problems with it idiot

what makes you think you can pretend the constitution says what you claim GLEN BECK IDIOT MEME MASTER?

the founders had no problems with it idiot

what makes you think you can pretend the constitution says what you claim GLEN BECK IDIOT MEME MASTER?

sorry but its you that failed to show where the constitution says it,,as per the 10th amendment
no you didnt,,,

tell us all what you know about the Cumberland road and the creation of the post office

You on the right who BUY asshole republican memes don't now the real history

You are too brainwashed to read on your own
tell us all what you know about the Cumberland road and the creation of the post office

You on the right who BUY asshole republican memes don't now the real history

You are too brainwashed to read on your own

those are in the constitution,, the other is not
the things you just listed ,,,dumbass

ADD is a tough thing to overcome, but you keep trying and some day you may succeed,,,


the Cumberland road is in the constitution?

care to elaborate to prove your claim