It's not free stuff

The United States Postal Service (USPS; also known as the Post Office, U.S. Mail, or Postal Service) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States, including its insular areas and associated states. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution.

the Cumberland road is in the constitution?

care to elaborate to prove your claim

its in the same section that authorizes the interstate system along with the postal authority

now how about you show me where the powers to steal from one group of people and give to another exist
The founders wrote the USPO right in9ot the constitution

They did not care if it paid for its self

they in fact later collected the people money to build roads for the post office to be more efficient

that is what you right wing idiots say is socialism


yet you fucking right wing idiot dupes keep buying the LIES about the founders and the constitution
your debate about taxses being fucking illegal theft is an idiots refrain

ypu are so gullible that evil people manipulate you even when it comes to third grade level historical FACTS
The founders were fine with it idiot


the system they created provided the people to make MORE decisions to create such systems in the future for our nations benefit

the amendment process
under the constitution thats not the job of the fed government,,,
so if youre saying its OK for them to steal from me then its OK for me to steal from you

The United States Postal Service (USPS; also known as the Post Office, U.S. Mail, or Postal Service) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States, including its insular areas and associated states. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution. I

I'd ask for an explanation but I know I'd get a Glenn Beck revision in return

Arsecheese trolling the thread with his asinine Glenn Back meme again. :rolleyes:

I am amused that idiots need an explanation of why the Federal Government should not be in the wealth redistribution business. I can't think of a single intelligent reason why they should be in it.
its in the same section that authorizes the interstate system along with the postal authority

now how about you show me where the powers to steal from one group of people and give to another exist

right in their actions you fucking idiot

these were the SAME people who WROTE and voted in the constitution ypu complete fucking dupe

They did this

and NEVER made the claims you made about it

YOU are a fucking brainless loser for buying this stupid fucking republican meme

I stand with the founders

You stand with a Russian bought out republican party
you cant refute the COLD HARD FACTS I just gave you

so like the worthless russo bot hole you are

you do lame insults

and this new poster is just as lie filled as you are
your debate about taxses being fucking illegal theft is an idiots refrain
ypu are so gullible that evil people manipulate you even when it comes to third grade level historical FACTS

^^Triggered lunatic who can't spell simple words. :rolleyes:

I'll try to make it simple for you; it is not the Governments money or it's wealth. It is OURS. The Government is a necessary evil that should be kept as small as possible to prevent tyranny.

If you had a brain larger than a pea, you could comprehend the OBVIOUS. Government is not there, or empowered, to take from one citizen to give it to another. That is corruption and does nothing to make life better for anyone. The Founders understood this obvious fact. I guess they didn't think our educational establishment would be corrupted by leftist hacks who indoctrinate rather than educate.

YOU being the best example of how badly our educational system is failing us.
the founders created a socialistic program that collected the peoples money to build roads and wrote the post office right into the constitution

yet you fucking idiot republican dupes keep repeating the LIE that taxes are illegal

why are you sooo fact adverse?
over Trumpy?

fuck yes

I would vote for a homeless drug addict over trump

but both trump and bernie are compromised by russia so what difference does it make desh? :thinking: don't you care about the spooky russians controlling our country? how could you vote for that?