It's not free stuff

but both trump and bernie are compromised by russia so what difference does it make desh? :thinking: don't you care about the spooky russians controlling our country? how could you vote for that?

because Bernie isn't backed by an entire party that is bought out by Russia idiot

if he is in the Russian pocket

The Democratic party members wont back him huh

Bernie wont win anyway
because Bernie isn't backed by an entire party that is bought out by Russia idiot

if he is in the Russian pocket

The Democratic party members wont back him huh

Bernie wont win anyway

that's some nice cognitive dissonance you have ther!
The founders who wrote the constitution agree with me not YOU and your idiot republican meme of taxes being theft
if you don't want people to mix up who you are then stop changing your god damned name child

why are you so retarded you still dont get, after 13 years of this site existing, that there are only 4 people in existence on this site that have a red name.


like... are you fucking blind you stupid cow?

you are so retarded you think everyone is me, and then when you are actually talking to ME, you think I am actually someone else. Fucking. Mental.
suck it grind

you are a fucking baby man who cant back the rat bastard idiocy that you claim to believe

you are a sociopath with no morals

maybe if you didn't allow socks and changed your fucking name every fifteen minutes you wouldn't look so fucking stupid
suck it grind

you are a fucking baby man who cant back the rat bastard idiocy that you claim to believe

you are a sociopath with no morals

maybe if you didn't allow socks and changed your fucking name every fifteen minutes you wouldn't look so fucking stupid

you can't stump the trump 2020.

most rich people own business's and shift the loss to their products and recoup the loss, while others are high ranking employees and the company they work for either charges more or reduces the size of the staff to maintain the salary levels to keep those high paid ones

not to mention tax revenues always goes down when they raise taxs so it ends up hitting the lower levels at some point
most rich people own business's and shift the loss to their products and recoup the loss, while others are high ranking employees and the company they work for either charges more or reduces the size of the staff to maintain the salary levels to keep those high paid ones

But because redistribution of wealth helps small businesses, these employees now have more places to work, which not only gives more job security, but also brings up wages. This is why redistribution of wealth, when done in the context of Social Democracy, has been so good for the working-class. It also keeps companies from charging much more, since they now have more competition.

not to mention tax revenues always goes down when they raise taxs so it ends up hitting the lower levels at some point

How would tax revenues go down if the rich are paying more?
But because redistribution of wealth helps small businesses, these employees now have more places to work, which not only gives more job security, but also brings up wages. This is why redistribution of wealth, when done in the context of Social Democracy, has been so good for the working-class. It also keeps companies from charging much more, since they now have more competition.

How would tax revenues go down if the rich are paying more?

you must be from a different country, cause here in the US we are a republic not a social democracy,,,THANK GOD!!!
and here we reject redistribution for the failure it is along with any form of socialism since all of them end in the death of millions of people,,,

and the fact that revenues go down when taxs are raised on the rich is a well documented fact and really just old news at this point