It's not free stuff

you must be from a different country, cause here in the US we are a republic not a social democracy,,,THANK GOD!!!

We can be both, most Western countries are. In fact, I'd say America has always been in a struggle between Capitalism and Social Democracy, while always being a Republic.

and here we reject redistribution for the failure it is along with any form of socialism since all of them end in the death of millions of people,,,

You're thinking of Marxism. Social Democracy hasn't led to mass murder like Marxism or Capitalism.

and the fact that revenues go down when taxs are raised on the rich is a well documented fact and really just old news at this point

We can be both, most Western countries are. In fact, I'd say America has always been in a struggle between Capitalism and Social Democracy, while always being a Republic.

You're thinking of Marxism. Social Democracy hasn't led to mass murder like Marxism or Capitalism.


no we cant be both,,,they are polar opposites

social democracy is just another name for all marxist ideologies

and the source is the treasury dept
no we cant be both,,,they are polar opposites

social democracy is just another name for all marxist ideologies

No, Social Democracy is a mixed economic system. It has a mostly free market with plenty of private businesses, but instead of having regulations to help the rich, like with Capitalism, it has regulations to help the working-class. It also has democratic elections, checks and balances, government transparency, and freedom of speech.