It's Over for Letterman

He said he has some sort of belt and pulley system...I say just roll him in flour and look for the wet spots.

My GAWD!!!

You are talking......


This is what is wrong with you pinheads. For whatever reason, ethics, morals, dignity, honesty, integrity... it all goes out the window for party loyalty. It doesn't matter that thousands have singed a petition to have this idiot fired for what he said, because he has millions of viewers... it doesn't matter what he said was inappropriate and wrong, his ratings are up!

Welcome to the world of capitalism. Works on TV just like everywhere else. When something has views it sells advertising space. So long as it works Dave ain't goin' nowhere.
Yes, we do live in Capitalism and you saw what happened to the Dixie Chicks..

boycott Letterman..I never watched the perv. as it was...
Yes, we do live in Capitalism and you saw what happened to the Dixie Chicks..

boycott Letterman..I never watched the perv. as it was...

How about that?

NEVER watched Letterman?

Yet so very ready to label this man she's ADMITTED she's never seen...

Then how do you know he's a "perv"??

Oh right, you got your marching orders from Rush, Sean and Glen, just like the good little automaton you are.

They tell you who to hate and you fire up the righteous rage.
How about that?

NEVER watched Letterman?

Yet so very ready to label this man she's ADMITTED she's never seen...

Then how do you know he's a "perv"??

Oh right, you got your marching orders from Rush, Sean and Glen, just like the good little automaton you are.

They tell you who to hate and you fire up the righteous rage.

:blah::blah::blah::blah::blah: ho that Letterman gig wasn't played on the news hundred are do di duh
:blah::blah::blah::blah::blah: ho that Letterman gig wasn't played on the news hundred are do di duh

Riiiiiiiiiiight. And of course it's alright to use one 45 second clip to judge the totality of a man's career. Almost 30 years entertaining people, yet it's okay for you to make your judgement based on 45 seconds out of that 28 years.

Of course you're entitled to your "opinion", I just thought you'd like a chance to show everyone you weren't just another snap-judgement, knee-jerk Rightie reactionary.
Riiiiiiiiiiight. And of course it's alright to use one 45 second clip to judge the totality of a man's career. Almost 30 years entertaining people, yet it's okay for you to make your judgement based on 45 seconds out of that 28 years.

Of course you're entitled to your "opinion", I just thought you'd like a chance to show everyone you weren't just another snap-judgement, knee-jerk Rightie reactionary.

why not, you guys do it all the time...I'm just imitating you all, aren't you flattered? snort
I've watched Letterman, and used to enjoy his show. Now though, I have to get up early and I go to bed. If I had the choice I'd probably watch Conan as I've always thought he was funny.
Riiiiiiiiiiight. And of course it's alright to use one 45 second clip to judge the totality of a man's career. Almost 30 years entertaining people, yet it's okay for you to make your judgement based on 45 seconds out of that 28 years.

Of course you're entitled to your "opinion", I just thought you'd like a chance to show everyone you weren't just another snap-judgement, knee-jerk Rightie reactionary.

you my dear, are one of the biggest knee jerkers here, acting all righteous and really have no right to talk about others. But we know that won't stop you..adios
I've watched Letterman, and used to enjoy his show. Now though, I have to get up early and I go to bed. If I had the choice I'd probably watch Conan as I've always thought he was funny.

I've watched Dave from the very beginning, when he had a short-lived DAYTIME talk show before he bacame the king of latenight. I watched when Jerry Lawler came out and bitch-slapped Andy Kauffman on Dave's show.

I will admit he's not quite as funny as he was when he was on after Johnny, but then, some of his wackier stuff had to go bye bye when he moved to 10:35. Fortunately, I've got the type of job that allows me to stay up late every night even though I am older now.

Remember when he'd crush stuff with the 80 ton hydraulic press?? How about "The guy under the seats" w/Chris Elliott?

I think that moving to an earlier time slot will be a problem for Conan also. he's not gonna be able to get away with some of the crazier stuff I've seen him do over the years.
you my dear, are one of the biggest knee jerkers here, acting all righteous and really have no right to talk about others. But we know that won't stop you..adios

You used a 45 second clip to judge a man's entire career. I think I got a little wiggle room when it comes to who's more reactionary.
You used a 45 second clip to judge a man's entire career. I think I got a little wiggle room when it comes to who's more reactionary.

I've seen the perv. many moons ago and didn't like him them..not that I need to explain myself to you, but, my t.v. was on the blink and that was the only channel I could get, I actually saw the show that night..But, as usual, you go right ahead and jump to any conclusion you why bother arguing with it..

I won't have ruined the pervs. career, he WILL have done that all on his go say a prayer for the perv. or something...sheeesh.