whatever happened to what the Democrats and liberals continually Scream about-leave the children out of it??
Well, as we always see time and time, the Democrats only mean, leave our Democrats children out of it, but any Conservatives are fair game..
Letterman is an old, bitter, hateful little man, who by the way, got his dog ugly girlfriend knocked up before marriage...yet he doesn't even see his hypocrisy, because he now has to goosestep to the party, and he has sinking rating's so he believes if he bashes Sarah Palin and her kids, it will help his stinking ratings...Just think the OUTRAGE if he had said anything of the sort about "the Obama's little girls"...
Left-wingers are so transparent and looking in them can be ugly..
And David Letterman can go to hell with the rest of those bitter, hateful, small minded old liberals, as far as I'm concerned..