It's Over for Letterman

Sorry, but I still don't see a certificate of live birth, signed by the physician who delivered him. What you have posted, and what Obama has presented, is a state issued "birth certificate" which can be applied for by anyone at any time, and does not confirm the actual live birth. Now, this is a document every person born in America has, and if they don't, the hospital does. Why hasn't it been produced? Seems that would be no problem, if Obama were legitimately born in America. Sorry Annie, you may have given up on this, and a lot of others have as well, and I have said myself, I doubt anything ultimately will result in Obama being removed from office over it, but the issue is still out there, still alive and well, and making it's way through the legal system. The TRUTH will eventually come out, and if what is alleged is proven to be the case, there will be repercussions and ramifications.

It's obvious.

The cert of live birth was destroyed when Bush's agents blew up tower number 7 at the WTC complex on 9/11.

See how nicely your idiotic conspiracy theory dovetails into another??
Oh, I am well aware that 47k is a small fraction of his audience, however, that is a small fraction of the people who were outraged by his little 'joke' and have been vocal about it. These are the hard core people who took the trouble to actually SIGN the petition. BTW, I haven't signed it yet, so that should let you know, there are far more than 47k who are opposed to what Letterman said.

If the number of people upset is so trivial and insignificant, why do you think Letterman has now issued two public apologies and even called the governor to issue a personal apology? It seems to me, he sure is jumping his left-wing liberal ass through a lot of hoops for it to have been something trivial. My guess is, the network and his advertisers have gotten tons of phone calls, emails and letters, and his PR people TOLD him to go out and apologize, and when the first one went over like a lead balloon, they TOLD him to do it again, only more sincerely, and call the governor too, just to be safe! Now, if it wasn't that big a deal, WHY would they be so concerned? Doesn't make sense to me, does it make sense to you?

You know why he apologized?

Because he knew that hateful RightWing nazi's would beat that dead horse until there was nothing left if he didn't.

Now the situation has been defused and Dave can go back to making jokes about idiotic Republicans once again.
It was disgustingly tacky and outrageous misogynistic BS no matter which daughter it was about...though it was the 14 year old that was at the baseball game. The outrage is far from false. As a mother I'd be outraged and I guarantee this would be considered outrageous if it were about anyone’s daughter whom you cared for!

Do I think Letterman should be fired? NO! Do I think his first two apologies were non apologies? YES! Do I think politicians should be weighing in on this? NO! Do I think that the FCC should tighten rules about sexually exploitive crap such as Letterman's so called "joke" should be sought after? YES!

I just watched this alleged outrage to public taste, my God it really doesn't take much to get you lot riled up. I remember when you were supposed to be the silent majority shame you didn't stay that way.
You know why he apologized?

Because he knew that hateful RightWing nazi's would beat that dead horse until there was nothing left if he didn't.

Now the situation has been defused and Dave can go back to making jokes about idiotic Republicans once again.

These twats will get worked up about anything, when did Sarah Palin turn into royalty?
I just watched this alleged outrage to public taste, my God it really doesn't take much to get you lot riled up. I remember when you were supposed to be the silent majority shame you didn't stay that way.

When you stop to consider that I've got page after page after page of the filthiest, most disgusting comments ever put to computer and every single one of them was posted by the holier-than-thou Alec/ID, it does make her two-faced histrionics all the more enjoyable.
I just watched this alleged outrage to public taste, my God it really doesn't take much to get you lot riled up. I remember when you were supposed to be the silent majority shame you didn't stay that way.

That's right Tom people were outraged over a dirty old mans taste in jokes at the expense of innocent young women...we know that kind of think is hot for you and your type of unmanly maleness...go figure
When you stop to consider that I've got page after page after page of the filthiest, most disgusting comments ever put to computer and every single one of them was posted by the holier-than-thou Alec/ID, it does make her two-faced histrionics all the more enjoyable.

That you kept your phony list of so called posts of mine is too pathetic fatman. The majority of those posts were me repeating back what had been posted at me, the rest were righteous responses to posters like prak and darla the two most foul and vulgar posters to ever post!. That you are such a fat hypocritical jerk as to try and pass that crap off as "all mine" shows you for the disingenuous liar many of us have come to know and despise. Where's the despcable lists of your pals eh fatman?
That you kept your phony list of so called posts of mine is too pathetic fatman. The majority of those posts were me repeating back what had been posted at me, the rest were righteous responses to posters like prak and darla the two most foul and vulgar posters to ever post!. That you are such a fat hypocritical jerk as to try and pass that crap off as "all mine" shows you for the disingenuous liar many of us have come to know and despise. Where's the despcable lists of your pals eh fatman?

I have the old despicable gossip on ignore. Yeah, produce the lists of his foul-mouthed buddies. What a dastardly coward he is.
then Don Imus shouldn't of been fired for his remarks, the team looked like a bunch of- Nappy headed ho's. it was just a tasteless crack..what was all the FUSS about? huh?

The network pussied out. It was their decision and they fired him. Nothing wrong with that.
Should a network censor the term "nigger"? If so, then should they not censor the blatant sexually demeaning hostility towards women and children?

My point is there is a place for the hateful and raunchy and I am pretty sure its isn't television. I will agree that "late night" should allow for more adult programming. I personally think that good FCC regulations with regards to content is appropriate...parents should be able to walk out of a room anytime before 9 PM and not worry.

A network should censor anything they want because it is their network. The FCC should do fuck. You should just be a better parent and not let your nappy headed kids watch that shit.

Show some fucking personal responsibility you "conservative" fuck wads. Change the channel if you can't deal with it.
I have the old despicable gossip on ignore. Yeah, produce the lists of his foul-mouthed buddies. What a dastardly coward he is.


Everybody hear that??



Looks like I managed to get a rise outta the ol battleaxes, eh guys?
Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

-- Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, 'Did you know there's a White House dog?' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

"Chelsea Clinton has been spotted all over town recently at New York's hottest single bars. When asked about it, Chelsea said 'hey, I'm just trying to spend a little quality time with my Dad'" —Conan O'Brien

My God, this thread has been a real eye opener, much ado about nothing as good old Will might have said.