I know that many on the pinhead left think it is much ado about nothing, and following Letterman's contrite apology, and Palin's acceptance of it, that this will all blow over in time. But it won't.
Many comparisons have been made to the Don Imus comments about the basketball team, but Rev. Al Sharpton disagrees, he thinks there is no comparing the two incidents. I have to agree Al, they are completely different! In one instance, a radio host made an off-the-cuff comment about his impression of how a group of female college athletes looked, on live radio. In the other, a 62-year-old man told a scripted and recorded joke about a minor child having sex. Not even in the same ball park, in my opinion.
What Imus said was terrible, not making excuses for that... but he was fired from his job in spite of his almost immediate apology, including an in-person meeting with the women he insulted, and a personal apology to each of them. Dave Letterman gave a sarcastic and smarmy attempt at apology, which sounded more like an excuse, then after a week of public outcry, delivered a more sincere effort. It may have been enough for Sarah Palin, but the public is not satisfied.
This was a written and prepared joke! A series of people had to be aware of it, Letterman had to approve it, and then it was pre-recorded, so there was ample time for someone to step forward and say... this isn't such a good idea! Imus didn't have that luxury, it came out on live radio, and was not something planned at all. In the case of Imus, it simply didn't matter how much he apologized, or how sorry he was for making the comment, he was still fired from his job. It was the principle of the matter.
Letterman is going to be made an example of. For far too long, those of us on the right have endured this double standard, putting up with endless jokes and insults, having our children attacked on a daily basis by left-wing scum who don't have the decency to leave the kids out of it. Enough is enough! This will serve as the line in the sand. We will no longer tolerate this sort of thing, and let this serve as a notice to the left, we're through being civil about it.
The next time some right-winger makes an idiotic comment about someone on the left, I don't want to hear a word about it! Not a fucking peep! You people don't have some invisible force field which makes you impervious to criticism over stuff like this, and you best stop acting like you do. If we are going to establish the standard that people lose their jobs for this sort of thing, it is going to apply to left-wingers just as it applies to right-wingers.
In light of that.... Buh-bye Dave!