My point isn't that it isn't "idiot chit", it is what we would have heard. The amount of outrage over just talking about the looks of somebody's daughter, not even going to sex in public (seventh inning stretch in the stands, it caused an "awkward" moment for the Governor) with, again, the only one it could have possibly happened to....
If this had been a lefty everybody on the site would be "outraged", and Dix would be saying what you are.
Basically, what I am trying to say is that I agree that the joke sucked, was in bad taste, but find it not much more of a big deal than dog jokes about Chelsea. However, using the reaction of the left to the dog joke as a measure it is clear the level of outrage would have been enormous.
My advice for Dixie and the others trying to out 'outrage' the left, just quit that, point out the hypocrisy until people with brains note it, then move on.