It's Over for Letterman

My point isn't that it isn't "idiot chit", it is what we would have heard. The amount of outrage over just talking about the looks of somebody's daughter, not even going to sex in public (seventh inning stretch in the stands, it caused an "awkward" moment for the Governor) with, again, the only one it could have possibly happened to....

If this had been a lefty everybody on the site would be "outraged", and Dix would be saying what you are.

Basically, what I am trying to say is that I agree that the joke sucked, was in bad taste, but find it not much more of a big deal than dog jokes about Chelsea. However, using the reaction of the left to the dog joke as a measure it is clear the level of outrage would have been enormous.

My advice for Dixie and the others trying to out 'outrage' the left, just quit that, point out the hypocrisy until people with brains note it, then move on.

But David Letterman and John McCain are not necessarily equals. Nor are David Letterman and Don Imus for that matter. Nor making knocked up jokes about the adult daughter of Sarah Palin that did get knocked up and then appeared on FOXNews and the Today Show promoting abstinence akin to calling the Rutgers Womens' Basketball team a bunch of nappy-headed hos.
Nope... not moving on! Sorry! Yes, I agree, it's not the end of the world, it's not worthy of all the outrage and perpetuation, but this is pure principle. If this is allowed to go unpunished, it opens the door for yet another attack of similar proportion from the liberals. I am sick and tired of this shit, and it needs to stop! The ONLY way to ensure it does stop, is to press the issue until something is done. Look at the responses, they are not the least bit contrite about what was said, they don't think it was a big deal at all! If we are not willing to stand up to this shit when it happens, and DEMAND something be done about it, we'll just continue to see it happen over and over again! That is the whole fucking problem with our side, we tend to want to 'let it go' and 'move on' and no lesson is learned, nothing changes.

My wife runs the deli at one of our local grocery stores. I am SURE she could recommend a nice cheese to go with that whine you've been enjoying all afternoon.
But David Letterman and John McCain are not necessarily equals. Nor are David Letterman and Don Imus for that matter. Nor making knocked up jokes about the adult daughter of Sarah Palin that did get knocked up and then appeared on FOXNews and the Today Show promoting abstinence akin to calling the Rutgers Womens' Basketball team a bunch of nappy-headed hos.
I did not equate the racist joke with this. Imus went beyond that same line, IMO.

Nor could this joke had been about the one who was "knocked up", no matter how many times he tries to excuse it with that line, only one daughter was in the stands, and it wasn't the one that was already knocked up.
I did not equate the racist joke with this. Imus went beyond that same line, IMO.

Nor could this joke had been about the one who was "knocked up", no matter how many times he tries to excuse it with that line, only one daughter was in the stands, and it wasn't the one that was already knocked up.

You presume that Letterman was aware of this. If anything, it shows that Letterman has lousy fact-checkers. Given that he is a late night talk show host and not a news anchor, color me not surprised.

Again, idiot shit. And if you aren't buying into it you have a funny way of showing it.
But David Letterman and John McCain are not necessarily equals. Nor are David Letterman and Don Imus for that matter. Nor making knocked up jokes about the adult daughter of Sarah Palin that did get knocked up and then appeared on FOXNews and the Today Show promoting abstinence akin to calling the Rutgers Womens' Basketball team a bunch of nappy-headed hos.

Sarah Palin's oldest daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, that is a personal family situation and has absolutely NOTHING to do with politics. It is no different than Biden's son being a druggie, or any of the other multitude of personal crisis political families face, just as all families face on a daily basis.

Letterman's joke was specifically about Palin and her daughter attending a baseball game... a real event... it was NOT the 18 year old who attended with Palin, it WAS the 14 year old. Letterman can claim he meant something else, but those are the facts of the matter here. The joke was inappropriate, even IF he meant the 18 year old! The CHILDREN of politicians should be OFF LIMITS... do you not understand that? Apparently not! You are all still trying to justify what he did, and that is precisely why this doesn't need to "go away" or be "moved on" from! What needs to happen is, you need to learn a lesson, Letterman needs to be made an example of, and this petty insulting attitude toward conservative politician's children, needs to cease and desist immediately and permanently.

Too bad Bristol Palin wasn't the daughter of some liberal scumbag, she could have just had the baby sucked down a tube and the world would have never known about it! But because she has respect for human life, and doesn't believe in killing her baby, she has to endure this endless shit from scumbuckets! That's about all you people are good for, attacking the children of people you don't agree with politically!
There is no way that the writers would have intentionally made this joke about a 14 year old girl. Letterman has had some lousy jokes in the past but nothing resembling jokes about a 14 year old getting knocked up at a ball game.
Sarah Palin's oldest daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, that is a personal family situation and has absolutely NOTHING to do with politics. It is no different than Biden's son being a druggie, or any of the other multitude of personal crisis political families face, just as all families face on a daily basis.

Letterman's joke was specifically about Palin and her daughter attending a baseball game... a real event... it was NOT the 18 year old who attended with Palin, it WAS the 14 year old. Letterman can claim he meant something else, but those are the facts of the matter here. The joke was inappropriate, even IF he meant the 18 year old! The CHILDREN of politicians should be OFF LIMITS... do you not understand that? Apparently not! You are all still trying to justify what he did, and that is precisely why this doesn't need to "go away" or be "moved on" from! What needs to happen is, you need to learn a lesson, Letterman needs to be made an example of, and this petty insulting attitude toward conservative politician's children, needs to cease and desist immediately and permanently.

Too bad Bristol Palin wasn't the daughter of some liberal scumbag, she could have just had the baby sucked down a tube and the world would have never known about it! But because she has respect for human life, and doesn't believe in killing her baby, she has to endure this endless shit from scumbuckets! That's about all you people are good for, attacking the children of people you don't agree with politically!

Oh please lay off the holier than thou crap. Yes a liberal might have aborted. But when Bristol Palin makes political points for her mom by preaching about abstinance even a diehard fan has to think its sad.
There is no way that the writers would have intentionally made this joke about a 14 year old girl. Letterman has had some lousy jokes in the past but nothing resembling jokes about a 14 year old getting knocked up at a ball game.

BUT THEY DID! That's the thing! Perhaps they should have checked more thoroughly, perhaps someone should have thought about doing their homework, or better yet... perhaps they shouldn't have written such a joke about ANY kid of a politician! I can't answer that, but I know this... there are consequences for making such comments, and exceptions shouldn't be made because the guilty party is a liberal making a joke about a conservative! If we are going to have standards, they are going to apply across the board, regardless of political persuasion.
You presume that Letterman was aware of this. If anything, it shows that Letterman has lousy fact-checkers. Given that he is a late night talk show host and not a news anchor, color me not surprised.

Again, idiot shit. And if you aren't buying into it you have a funny way of showing it.
Yes, that is the presumption. Even if it was in error, once he realized the only one it could have happened to was 14, well, the first apology shouldn't have been sarcastic and caustic.

I found his second apology a bit more realistic. But again, my point is in the perception, had this been any public figure making the same joke about Chelsea the 'outrage' would have been deafening. Even if she had an older sister that had been "knocked up". It is silly to reject the premise when we have the 'outrage' out of much less caustic jokes to measure by.

The only point I have in this thread is the hypocrisy of those who would spout outrage over a bad joke about looks who would defend this one. I am not personally outraged, nor do I suspect those who show outrage over this one are truly outraged. It is hard to be 'outraged' when I expect jokes like this from people on the left, because the actual target (the mother) sends them into feats of hypocrisy hitherto unmeasured.

If it was a bad joke that wound up hitting the wrong target, or if it was a bad joke that hit the correct target, it still was one that needed a bit more of an apology than his previous sarcasm portrayed.
BUT THEY DID! That's the thing! Perhaps they should have checked more thoroughly, perhaps someone should have thought about doing their homework, or better yet... perhaps they shouldn't have written such a joke about ANY kid of a politician! I can't answer that, but I know this... there are consequences for making such comments, and exceptions shouldn't be made because the guilty party is a liberal making a joke about a conservative! If we are going to have standards, they are going to apply across the board, regardless of political persuasion.

Best of luck to you and John Ziegler in your quest to get Dave canned. I'm sure it'll work out for you.
Oh please lay off the holier than thou crap. Yes a liberal might have aborted. But when Bristol Palin makes political points for her mom by preaching about abstinance even a diehard fan has to think its sad.

What I think is sad, is you believe it's okay to attack the children of people you don't agree with politically. Not only is it sad, it's reprehensible. This is exactly why this issue doesn't need to go away, and we don't need to move on. This is precisely why David Letterman needs to lose his fucking job!
What I think is sad, is you believe it's okay to attack the children of people you don't agree with politically. Not only is it sad, it's reprehensible. This is exactly why this issue doesn't need to go away, and we don't need to move on. This is precisely why David Letterman needs to lose his fucking job!

news flash: despite your pious rantings, he won't.
Best of luck to you and John Ziegler in your quest to get Dave canned. I'm sure it'll work out for you.

Oh, I am sure it will work out too! So far, 47,000 people have signed the petition calling for him to be fired. The fact that he has now been forced to issue two apologies, is evidence there is some pressure, because otherwise, he wouldn't have apologized the first time. The fact that this thread is the hottest thread on the board today, is evidence this is not some trivial issue that is going away!

Yes, it is indeed going to work out for me... not for Dave, not for the left!
Sarah Palin's oldest daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, that is a personal family situation and has absolutely NOTHING to do with politics. It is no different than Biden's son being a druggie, or any of the other multitude of personal crisis political families face, just as all families face on a daily basis.

Letterman's joke was specifically about Palin and her daughter attending a baseball game... a real event... it was NOT the 18 year old who attended with Palin, it WAS the 14 year old. Letterman can claim he meant something else, but those are the facts of the matter here. The joke was inappropriate, even IF he meant the 18 year old! The CHILDREN of politicians should be OFF LIMITS... do you not understand that? Apparently not! You are all still trying to justify what he did, and that is precisely why this doesn't need to "go away" or be "moved on" from! What needs to happen is, you need to learn a lesson, Letterman needs to be made an example of, and this petty insulting attitude toward conservative politician's children, needs to cease and desist immediately and permanently.

Too bad Bristol Palin wasn't the daughter of some liberal scumbag, she could have just had the baby sucked down a tube and the world would have never known about it! But because she has respect for human life, and doesn't believe in killing her baby, she has to endure this endless shit from scumbuckets! That's about all you people are good for, attacking the children of people you don't agree with politically!

It has EVERYTHING to do with politics when the pregnant girl's mother trots out her holier-than-thou, family values to marginalize her politial opponents, only to discover her own FAMILY can't even live by the rules she sets for others.
Oh, I am sure it will work out too! So far, 47,000 people have signed the petition calling for him to be fired. The fact that he has now been forced to issue two apologies, is evidence there is some pressure, because otherwise, he wouldn't have apologized the first time. The fact that this thread is the hottest thread on the board today, is evidence this is not some trivial issue that is going away!

Yes, it is indeed going to work out for me... not for Dave, not for the left!

47,000 huh? You realize that Dave has around 3.5 million viewers per night don't you. You just might eventually reach 2% of his total viewership if you keep up your hard work, big guy.

I'd also note that "hotness" on this board doesn't amount to much. It seems I recall the birther threads being pretty hot at one time but I still haven't seen the VAULT COPY.
Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

-- Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, 'Did you know there's a White House dog?' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

"Chelsea Clinton has been spotted all over town recently at New York's hottest single bars. When asked about it, Chelsea said 'hey, I'm just trying to spend a little quality time with my Dad'" —Conan O'Brien

That's not what happened with the Limbaugh incident at all.

O'Brien's joke doesn't make fun of Chelsea- it makes fun of Bill.

It has EVERYTHING to do with politics when the pregnant girl's mother trots out her holier-than-thou, family values to marginalize her politial opponents, only to discover her own FAMILY can't even live by the rules she sets for others.

No, it's not acceptable to bring someone's children into the fray. You may disagree with Palin, you may call her any name you wish, and make fun of her in any way you like, but her family should be off limits. Bristol Palin made the decision to have her baby, and because of that, the public became aware of her pregnancy out of wedlock. Had she been the daughter of a liberal, no doubt the baby would have been aborted, and the whole thing would have been kept secret. Imagine that... the life of a baby for political expediency. That's the kind of "values" the left has, no respect for human life, and party above everything else, including human life. You are the last people who need to be lecturing others about hypocrisy.