It's Over Guys....

He's a conservative. Sadly for him, he was outed when he was caught advertising for "bareback sex" (sex without a condom) in some gay magazine. However, before he was outed for that very irresponsible behavior, he was thrilled to go on talk shows to wag his finger at President Clinton for his "irresponsible behavior".

Other than the fact that he's never been a part of the religious right, you'd be hard pressed to find a "liberal position" that he holds, other than his support for gay rights. And he is gay after all, so this is no surprise. Though, in an age where pathetic closeted gay men, rise to the very top of the Republican party, in part by gay bashing, perhaps it should be a surprise.

He did accuse liberals in this country, after 9/11, of being "decadent" (and to think, I haven't advertised in a magazine for bareback sex in a dog's age) and of "mounting a fifth column".

So, impugning the patriotism of liberals and implying they are rooting for the terrorists... yeah, he's got con creds.

He's a Conservative ... oooooooohhhhh...... Dear God if someone has views other than left wing extremo ..... oooooops ... I mentioned God ... I must me be some Christian homophobe whacko ... the type who jerks off to gay porn and then publicly expresses a desire to oppress the Darla's of the world.

Darla .... when it comes to the closet are of the extreme...locked and loaded... its your way or the highway.... Closet Facsist... one who wants no debate... your ideology is right and all else is to be harnessed in a lock box and tossed into the river of no return.

In your world there is no room for debate .... You have all the answers ...

I dont know all of Sullivans views ... but I know he is not a Classic Conservative .... and Im not talking about your obsession with Homosexuality and abortion .... or your hate filled spew against Christianity.
Im talking about a guy who supported John Kerry for President.. I know very few Classic Conservatives who would have voted for a Senator who has one of the most left wing voting records ... how does that jive? It doesnt.
He's a Conservative ... oooooooohhhhh...... Dear God if someone has views other than left wing extremo ..... oooooops ... I mentioned God ... I must me be some Christian homophobe whacko ... the type who jerks off to gay porn and then publicly expresses a desire to oppress the Darla's of the world.

Darla .... when it comes to the closet are of the extreme...locked and loaded... its your way or the highway.... Closet Facsist... one who wants no debate... your ideology is right and all else is to be harnessed in a lock box and tossed into the river of no return.

In your world there is no room for debate .... You have all the answers ...

I dont know all of Sullivans views ... but I know he is not a Classic Conservative .... and Im not talking about your obsession with Homosexuality and abortion .... or your hate filled spew against Christianity.
Im talking about a guy who supported John Kerry for President.. I know very few Classic Conservatives who would have voted for a Senator who has one of the most left wing voting records ... how does that jive? It doesnt.
"Hate filled spew?" Ooo, I'm going to have to get on the ball: I've never managed to piss you off quite that badly. I'm jealous of Darla's accomplishment. Of course, she is a professional writer, after all. I'm just an amateur. I should get points for that, I think.

Who said being a GW fan was a prerequisite ? I know who Sullivan is .... to tell you the truth I had to look him up to be reminded as to who he is .. but I do recognise him.
He is not a classic conservative .... more of a Left-libertarian anti-statist who is somewhat fearful of corporate and religious influence.
You obviously didnt read my post response in full... because I sure wasnt describing Bush as a Classic Conservative ....

As far as Goldwater .... yeah he came out for Gay rights late in his career ...

As far as Bush being checked ... Ive been screaming for checks and balances for how long now?

I think you have a a point. In another day and age, Sullivan might have been considered a mainstream conservative (outside of his gay rights views). Today's republican party in contrast, is mainly a vehicle for social conservatives and neocons.

As for Sullivan voting for kerry: that was very much in his own self interest as a conservative. He saw something much earlier, than most Bush fans did: Bush was going down in history as one of the worst, most incompetent presidents ever. And bush was going to drag the republican party down with him.

Sullivan's vote for Kerry was merely a pragmatic choice: Stick with a petulant and incompetent Chimp, who will drag the party down? Or turn the Iraq mess over to a democrat to deal with.

Sullivan's right. If we had a president Kerry this year, Republicans wouldn't have been landslided out of congress.
I have seen the guy on real time enough to know he didn't vote for kerry so that the republican party wouldn't tank. Cypress you are being as biased as ever.
I have seen the guy on real time enough to know he didn't vote for kerry so that the republican party wouldn't tank. Cypress you are being as biased as ever.

Note last sentence, in particular:

"Managing Risk"

By Andrew Sullivan - endorsing Kerry for Prez
October 2004

"And when you think of what is happening in the two major parties, the case for a Kerry presidency strengthens. If Bush wins, the religious right, already dominant in Republican circles, will move the GOP even further toward becoming a sectarian, religious grouping. If Kerry loses, the antiwar left will move the party back into the purist, hate-filled wilderness, ceding untrammeled power to a resurgent, religious Republicanism--a development that will prove as polarizing abroad as it is divisive at home. But if Bush loses, the fight to recapture Republicanism from Big Government moralism will be given new energy; "
hey grind.... any money coming my way? You realize that if you wait twenty years to pay up, the value will not really be what we agreed to....
Note last sentence, in particular:

"Managing Risk"

By Andrew Sullivan - endorsing Kerry for Prez
October 2004

"And when you think of what is happening in the two major parties, the case for a Kerry presidency strengthens. If Bush wins, the religious right, already dominant in Republican circles, will move the GOP even further toward becoming a sectarian, religious grouping. If Kerry loses, the antiwar left will move the party back into the purist, hate-filled wilderness, ceding untrammeled power to a resurgent, religious Republicanism--a development that will prove as polarizing abroad as it is divisive at home. But if Bush loses, the fight to recapture Republicanism from Big Government moralism will be given new energy; "

Care to comment Grind?
I tend to agree with him... However I think that the 2006 losses can have much the same effect, if sane minds prevail.
the dude still hasn't settled his bet with you??

He actually approached me about three weeks BEFORE the election and asked if he could pay one quarter of the cost of the bet IN ADVANCE of the election because he knew he was going to lose....

I graciously accepted and fully expected payment BEFORE the election. Here we are almost a month afterwards and he has yet to cover his debt.

Would I be incorrect in expecting payment in FULL this long AFTER the election, given the fact that the agreement for partial payment was made prior TO the election?

And regardless.... if he waits another ten years before paying up, I can maybe get a candybar for what he'll end up sending me.

I realize that Grind is a pampered rich college kid, but he had better learn the ettiquette involved with gambling debts before he ever meets a bookie. He could get legs broken for this sort of behavior.
He's a Conservative ... oooooooohhhhh...... Dear God if someone has views other than left wing extremo ..... oooooops ... I mentioned God ... I must me be some Christian homophobe whacko ... the type who jerks off to gay porn and then publicly expresses a desire to oppress the Darla's of the world.

Darla .... when it comes to the closet are of the extreme...locked and loaded... its your way or the highway.... Closet Facsist... one who wants no debate... your ideology is right and all else is to be harnessed in a lock box and tossed into the river of no return.

In your world there is no room for debate .... You have all the answers ...

I dont know all of Sullivans views ... but I know he is not a Classic Conservative .... and Im not talking about your obsession with Homosexuality and abortion .... or your hate filled spew against Christianity.
Im talking about a guy who supported John Kerry for President.. I know very few Classic Conservatives who would have voted for a Senator who has one of the most left wing voting records ... how does that jive? It doesnt.

Klaatu, what are you on about now? Have you been drinking?
"Hate filled spew?" Ooo, I'm going to have to get on the ball: I've never managed to piss you off quite that badly. I'm jealous of Darla's accomplishment. Of course, she is a professional writer, after all. I'm just an amateur. I should get points for that, I think.


I don't even recall the post that prompted this...if indeed there was one. It's amazing how I seem to upset people just by being around. It's one of the things I enjoy most about myself. ;)
He actually approached me about three weeks BEFORE the election and asked if he could pay one quarter of the cost of the bet IN ADVANCE of the election because he knew he was going to lose....

I graciously accepted and fully expected payment BEFORE the election. Here we are almost a month afterwards and he has yet to cover his debt.

Would I be incorrect in expecting payment in FULL this long AFTER the election, given the fact that the agreement for partial payment was made prior TO the election?

And regardless.... if he waits another ten years before paying up, I can maybe get a candybar for what he'll end up sending me.

I realize that Grind is a pampered rich college kid, but he had better learn the ettiquette involved with gambling debts before he ever meets a bookie. He could get legs broken for this sort of behavior.

Would I be incorrect in expecting payment in FULL this long AFTER the election, given the fact that the agreement for partial payment was made prior TO the election?

Its up to you. It sounds like he didn't hold his end of the bargain, if he was supposed to cough up the money before the election. By default, if the agreement was not kept you'd be within your rights to revert back to the original debt.

But, its your business. I'd probably just be happy with the $25 bucks, and let water go under the bridge.
shut the fuck up maine we have talked enough by u2u i am sending it to you.

And we never agreed on any date for payment.. but it's coming. shut up.
yeah right...and my point is...if it shows up a decade from now, I will be able to buy a candybar..... our deal was $25 before the election.... but really.....I don't expect a dime, and quite frankly, never really did, even after your pathetic plea to reduce the balance due.