It's Over Guys....

No, it's just a kinder, gentler way of saying what I did. If it is a solely religious conservative I will vote third party... I just added an example of why I don't want a huge majority of D and why I won't vote for them at this time...

But heck, you can pat yourself on the back for avoiding the R and voting Third Party and get all holy on me because I mentioned Patsy as a reason I wouldn't currently vote D.... Instead of mentioning "Bush"...

Whatever, maybe its the lawyer in me, but words mean things and different words mean different things. I would vote Republican and as long as he was not on the ticket I would not count off for Bush having been a part of the Republican party. Bush is one man and does not infect the entire party. Now if a canidate supported something Bush did but I opposed Id count off for that, but I am certantly not going to disqualify the Republican party because Bush was once the leader.