It's Over Guys....

as far as I am concerned, he is already overdue. I let him off with only $25 versus $100 on the assumption that he would pay BEFORE the election..
shut the fuck up maine we have talked enough by u2u i am sending it to you.

And we never agreed on any date for payment.. but it's coming. shut up.

I hope this teaches you a lesson Grind. Never bet anything other than sexual favors, and then, only with people you wanted to have sex with anyway. This is one of those wise, Yoda-like rules I am passing onto you.

You shouldn't be betting money on the internet anyway. I'm very disappointed in all this! ;)
ok i am overdue, I am sorry i cost you on the interest. I will make it $35 now to show good will. I really didn't know you were so desperate for it, I was always planning on getting it to you but I have been extremely busy. I don't have any envelopes... now that may not sound like a big deal but when you get back from work at 6pm, then have to make dinner, eat, etc... I don't have a ton of time to go walking around boston to get stamps and such. I am going to get it to you maine just quit your whinning. It's coming.
Would I be incorrect in expecting payment in FULL this long AFTER the election, given the fact that the agreement for partial payment was made prior TO the election?

Its up to you. It sounds like he didn't hold his end of the bargain, if he was supposed to cough up the money before the election.

Never said that. He assumed it and it would have been nice if I did it but that wasnt part of the agreement.
I hope this teaches you a lesson Grind. Never bet anything other than sexual favors, and then, only with people you wanted to have sex with anyway. This is one of those wise, Yoda-like rules I am passing onto you.

You shouldn't be betting money on the internet anyway. I'm very disappointed in all this! ;)

Internet bets should be about humiliation, not money ;)

Maineman should have bet grind, that if the Dems won, Grind would have to post a heartfelt thread, sincerely-worded, on why Bill Clinton was the best president in history.
I hope this teaches you a lesson Grind. Never bet anything other than sexual favors, and then, only with people you wanted to have sex with anyway. This is one of those wise, Yoda-like rules I am passing onto you.

You shouldn't be betting money on the internet anyway. I'm very disappointed in all this! ;)
If it were Yoda-like it would have sounded more like this:

Sex is only what you should bet on, yes... with those only you wish to bed!
Care to comment Grind?

Sure. Andrew sullivan does not like the religious right. He is happy that by bush losing the RR will lose steam. He voted for Kerry because He liked kerry more. Andrew is not, has not, been a bushite. To start this thread saying "it is over" because andrew sullivan said something is bat shit retarded.
Internet bets should be about humiliation, not money ;)

Maineman should have bet grind, that if the Dems won, Grind would have to post a heartfelt thread, sincerely-worded, on why Bill Clinton was the best president in history.


He's probably rather pay the money.
hey grind.... it is not like I need to worry about $25.... don't sweat it....just realize that if you bet with some less reasonable folks - like bookies, for example - you should be aware that prompt payment of gamblind debts is sort of assumed.
Sure. Andrew sullivan does not like the religious right. He is happy that by bush losing the RR will lose steam. He voted for Kerry because He liked kerry more. Andrew is not, has not, been a bushite. To start this thread saying "it is over" because andrew sullivan said something is bat shit retarded.

So I was right.

Sullivan saw a kerry victory as being in the best long-term interests of the GOP.
hey grind.... it is not like I need to worry about $25.... don't sweat it....just realize that if you bet with some less reasonable folks - like bookies, for example - you should be aware that prompt payment of gamblind debts is sort of assumed.

LOl. That's true, bookies are not well known for their patience.
So I was right.

Sullivan saw a kerry victory as being in the best long-term interests of the GOP.

I've been watching him over the years. He's definitely not an apologist. I see him more as a libertarian to be honest. He was one of the first from the right to chastise the president publicly before it became cool/necessary to keep your seat.

Never heard of this guy before today..

Not suprising. If all you watch is Fox News, you might never see Sullivan.

If, on the other hand, you go out of your way to get your news from a vareity of sources, you probably have seen or read Sullivan hundreds of times. He's on MSNBC, Cspan, and Time Magazine about twenty times a week.

Sorry never heard of him before this thread...maybe I have seen him while surfing the tube...but I'm not into bable or gay I must have surfed on by...and I never read time mag or watch Fox or NBC news anyway!
shrub isn't the only one responsible for destroying the republican party. the rest of them are right up there with him with their drunken democrat spending and inability to bring iraq to a successful conclusion.

they got their chance, and they failed to deliver. too bad people didn't vote third party instead of the for the democrats who have proven to be just as bad if not worse than the republicans, which is why they got their asses kicked in 94.

voting for these two parties is spinning our wheels. we need new blood to straighten out a lot of things that both parties continue to screw up just to have political control.

i personally did not vote for anyone who had a "d" or "r" next to their name, and will continue to do so in hope that these clowns are sent packing some day.

to those who say voting third pary is a waste of a vote, i say to you that voting for anyone belonging to these two crooked parties is not only a waste of your vote, but it's a vote for everything against what america is all about. the minute you all realize that and vote third party, the better off we all will be.
I guess the local tools like to be smartasses to try and shift the blame to someone other than their idols. They will blame the Democrats for failure even though it was their boys running the show in Iraq for four years. They'll act like it had nothing to do with failed policy that resulted in our failure, it's the Democrats who demand failure to occur. Riiiiiiiight....

You've had four years to straighten shit up, and nothing is getting any better. It takes one great god-damned pair of Rose colored glasses to think Iraq is progressing. To think, all those soldiers died for a cause that just wasn't possible with a bunch of fuck tards running the show.
shrub isn't the only one responsible for destroying the republican party. the rest of them are right up there with him with their drunken democrat spending and inability to bring iraq to a successful conclusion.

they got their chance, and they failed to deliver. too bad people didn't vote third party instead of the for the democrats who have proven to be just as bad if not worse than the republicans, which is why they got their asses kicked in 94.

voting for these two parties is spinning our wheels. we need new blood to straighten out a lot of things that both parties continue to screw up just to have political control.

i personally did not vote for anyone who had a "d" or "r" next to their name, and will continue to do so in hope that these clowns are sent packing some day.

to those who say voting third pary is a waste of a vote, i say to you that voting for anyone belonging to these two crooked parties is not only a waste of your vote, but it's a vote for everything against what america is all about. the minute you all realize that and vote third party, the better off we all will be.

I see a difference between the two parties... Republicans are about 99% wrong on the issues while, to me, Democrats are about 90% wrong on the issues. In the last presidental election I thought anything was better than Bush and thus I voted Kerry as the best chance to oust Bush. In this past congressional election I voted stright Democrat because doing so, I felt, was the best way to limit Bush.

My current thinking is that in the next election, as Bush will be out anyway, I will vote third party. Unless it is a clear Bush type clone running for president, then Ill vote for the most likely to beat him.
Whats even funnier, is these stupid assholes have been railing the Democrats for the last four years telling them they are traitors for wanting defeat. Now, they turn around once Dems are in office and THE FIRST THING THEY FUCKING DO is call for defeat in Iraq. What a bunch of fucking loons.
My current thinking is that in the next election, as Bush will be out anyway, I will vote third party. Unless it is a clear Bush type clone running for president, then Ill vote for the most likely to beat him.

This is how I've evolved over the last 6 years:

At the beginning I was pretty open about who I voted for meaning the best person for the job would have gotten my vote regardless of party affiliation. When the repugnants nominated Bush, I was pretty much in the democratic camp from there on out and also a proud member of the ABB club.

What I've come to learn from his failures is that when one party has all three branches, the only losers are the people. Politicians do nothing but play politics and everything is tit for tat even if its not in the interests of the people. the only thing that will keep them honest is the knowledge that they can be checked at any time. This is why I'll be voting for a green candidate when the dems sweep everything again. They will never be as incompetant as the republicans were, but I'd be a lot more comfortable knowing they were on the their toes and didn't have a false sense of security knowing they've got the house, senate and WH. That's not good for any of us.

In short, I'll vote Dem/Nader/Greens trying to keep the controlling party in check.

I'll never ever vote for a republican to federal office ever again. If I ever do, please, just say, "Remember the 109th" and I'll come back to my senses