It's Really Bad Now.

You are correct. So correct, in fact, that I have can testify that I've seen dozens -- maybe hundreds -- of comments from Reichwingers both on JPP and elsewhere about 2016. In them, they referred to "throwing that bum [Obama] out," "getting those socialists out of the government," "changing the whole thing for the better," "draining the swamp" and other phrases meaning exactly what you said -- a peaceful overthrow of the then-current government for a new regime.

Sadly for our country, the new regime is hell-bent on perverting free and open elections, up to and including enlisting foreign assistance in keeping the current IMPOTUS in power.

The Ukraine government can't vote in U.S. elections. The Russian government can't vote in U.S.elections.
Making elections work for them instead of a real vote is the best way to control the government. He who counts the votes, or determines who will be allowed to vote, wins.

Vote are counted by an officer of that layer of government. In many cases (such as in Washington), that officer is an elected official. It is monitored by both side of an election.
Although there were a lot of stupid cucks who voted for him just because of his race, Obama actually downplayed the race card.
Lie. Obama used the 'race card' as often as he could.
At one point he even said there are some people who will never like him because of his race,
Playing the 'race card'.
but there are other people who like him only because of his race.
Playing the 'race card'.
Basically, he agrees with you. He thinks identity politics may have helped him.
Paradox. Irrational.
Buy a mirror jackass. :rolleyes:

Thank you for making my point well obvious!

No you didn't. You just claimed Obama used his race to become president. You didn't give any examples of him saying or doing things to get people to vote for him based on his race.

Sure I did. If you can't see that I did, it's why he was able to fool you into believing it was a qualification.
You attempting to contradict me is the height of stupidity.

Overthrow is merely used as a colloquial expression meaning to fundamentally change.
Anybody of even minimal intellect would have realized that.....JPP staff member.

That's not what it means you fucking retard/progressive.
Making elections work for them instead of a real vote is the best way to control the government. He who counts the votes, or determines who will be allowed to vote, wins.

Tell that to California and the growing driver's license loopholes that will likely lead to illegals voting in national elections eventually.

"A fascist is a follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions."

Progressivism checks out on that one. The only part of the left that is against a strong central government is the far left.
Even before Obama was elected the mindless drones on the right obediently warped certain words and terms into new and false meanings. Fascist, socialist, liberal, even conservative have strange new meanings to them. According to them, the party trying to curb a lawless and corrupt IMPOTUS are the bad guys, the fascists.

This sounds a lot like TRE45ON and his toadies and their Weltanschauung.


If you want to talk about redefining words to manipulate narratives, look at how racism is now defined by the left as "power + privilege" in order to further the ridiculous idea that minorities can't be racist or that you can't be racist against white people.