Its time for greatness to step forward


Its time for greatness to step forward

Time for drastic action.. we need a Leader of heroic Proportions. We need a legend.. we need greatness. Greatness is rare .. but it does shine on. We’ve had great Leaders before.. and we will have one again… but now more than anytime in my lifetime we need Greatness to step forward….in this.. an era of such extreme doubt.

Im convinced that we are in perilous times and we need leaders to steer us in the right direction. A great leader will surround him or herself with great advisors…we need this and we need this now. We’ve had great leaders in the past… and regardless of which side of the fence you sit we’ve had The right Men at the Right Time. FDR was one… who stepped forward at the right time and lead this Country through perilous times, although It would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention that FDR didn’t know when to quit, yes his ego was huge and was a self anointed King. Lincoln was another, don’t need an explanation here..he simply laid the ground work that would go on to define Civil Rights. A couple of examples of the right men at the right time.., legends.., greatness and leaders of heroic proportions. Leaders that people in other lands were in awe.

Now is the time for a Leader like this to step forward. To lead us through the mess that is the Middle East, to lead us through what is the makings of a serious energy crisis, to lead us through what is looming as a major housing crisis, to forge ahead and return America as the Shiny Beacon of Technological Advances. To allow Americans to once again shout that we are proud to be American …chin up shoulders squared, shout and let it all out. Ronald Reagan had this quality, he had the ability to motivate Americans and leaders from other Countries as well.

It is of course up to Americans to seek out and search for the qualities of greatness. We no longer can afford to Vote in people of mediocrity. We need not settle for left overs…we need to demand the full course meal. We deserve it. This time around we damn well better be choosy about who we send to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. …. Fools need not apply.

On a personal note.. Im writing down a list of Issues that I think are the most important issues of the day. The individual who gets my vote will be the individual who addresses each issue in lengthy detailed fashion. I don’t care if this individual is Republican or Democrat.. if these issues are addressed…they will get my vote.. because Im in search of greatness.
Its time for greatness to step forward

Time for drastic action.. we need a Leader of heroic Proportions. We need a legend.. we need greatness. Greatness is rare .. but it does shine on. We’ve had great Leaders before.. and we will have one again… but now more than anytime in my lifetime we need Greatness to step forward….in this.. an era of such extreme doubt.

Im convinced that we are in perilous times and we need leaders to steer us in the right direction. A great leader will surround him or herself with great advisors…we need this and we need this now. We’ve had great leaders in the past… and regardless of which side of the fence you sit we’ve had The right Men at the Right Time. FDR was one… who stepped forward at the right time and lead this Country through perilous times, although It would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention that FDR didn’t know when to quit, yes his ego was huge and was a self anointed King. Lincoln was another, don’t need an explanation here..he simply laid the ground work that would go on to define Civil Rights. A couple of examples of the right men at the right time.., legends.., greatness and leaders of heroic proportions. Leaders that people in other lands were in awe.

Now is the time for a Leader like this to step forward. To lead us through the mess that is the Middle East, to lead us through what is the makings of a serious energy crisis, to lead us through what is looming as a major housing crisis, to forge ahead and return America as the Shiny Beacon of Technological Advances. To allow Americans to once again shout that we are proud to be American …chin up shoulders squared, shout and let it all out. Ronald Reagan had this quality, he had the ability to motivate Americans and leaders from other Countries as well.

It is of course up to Americans to seek out and search for the qualities of greatness. We no longer can afford to Vote in people of mediocrity. We need not settle for left overs…we need to demand the full course meal. We deserve it. This time around we damn well better be choosy about who we send to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. …. Fools need not apply.

On a personal note.. Im writing down a list of Issues that I think are the most important issues of the day. The individual who gets my vote will be the individual who addresses each issue in lengthy detailed fashion. I don’t care if this individual is Republican or Democrat.. if these issues are addressed…they will get my vote.. because Im in search of greatness.

But do you know what the answers are that you wish to hear? Or are you just looking for the best glittering generalities?

Shall this person reject the tropes of globalism which say americans are too expensive to hire?

Shall he learn from europe and severely limite immigration of radical islamists into the u.s.

It seems like when neocons say "if we don't fight them in iraq, we'll have to fight them on the streets of america" that it's a threat. Let's keep them off the streets of america.

What do you want to hear, or do you want someone to tell you sweet little lies, and give you more of the same?
But do you know what the answers are that you wish to hear? Or are you just looking for the best glittering generalities?

Shall this person reject the tropes of globalism which say americans are too expensive to hire?

Shall he learn from europe and severely limite immigration of radical islamists into the u.s.

It seems like when neocons say "if we don't fight them in iraq, we'll have to fight them on the streets of america" that it's a threat. Let's keep them off the streets of america.

What do you want to hear, or do you want someone to tell you sweet little lies, and give you more of the same?

A) Im not a Neo-Con... are you? Or are you a Neo-Lib and if so ..whats the difference? They both offer up mind control

B) A candidate is just that..a candidate.. its up to you and I to read in between the lines and a decipher from the bullshit.
If I hear a candidate talk about nothing except Health Care and Class Warfare.. I can pretty much decipher through the bullshit. But If I hear a candidate address the real problems like Global Dysfunction concerning Human Rights.., U.S. Housing and Mortgage Industry collapse, Oil Dependance.. , Alternative Energy.., The decline of American ingenuity ... They have my ear.

Im not saying that we dont problems when concerning health care.. but if we work on fixing the real problems.... the small problems will get fixed as well. Fixing the major problems will go a long way towards creating and expanding opportunities... , opportunities expand the finaincial infrastructure which then expands opportunities for the people. When people have broader opportunities from which to choose... things like health care and human services improve as well.

Your obsession with Terrorists speaks loud and clear of paranoia ... hate and War first.. discussion and diplomacy last. Its a recipe for failure. Ronald Reagan taught us well.. his endless summits with the Evil Empire USSR proved that...
Its time for greatness to step forward

Time for drastic action.. we need a Leader of heroic Proportions. We need a legend.. we need greatness. Greatness is rare .. but it does shine on. We’ve had great Leaders before.. and we will have one again… but now more than anytime in my lifetime we need Greatness to step forward….in this.. an era of such extreme doubt.

Im convinced that we are in perilous times and we need leaders to steer us in the right direction. A great leader will surround him or herself with great advisors…we need this and we need this now. We’ve had great leaders in the past… and regardless of which side of the fence you sit we’ve had The right Men at the Right Time. FDR was one… who stepped forward at the right time and lead this Country through perilous times, although It would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention that FDR didn’t know when to quit, yes his ego was huge and was a self anointed King. Lincoln was another, don’t need an explanation here..he simply laid the ground work that would go on to define Civil Rights. A couple of examples of the right men at the right time.., legends.., greatness and leaders of heroic proportions. Leaders that people in other lands were in awe.

Now is the time for a Leader like this to step forward. To lead us through the mess that is the Middle East, to lead us through what is the makings of a serious energy crisis, to lead us through what is looming as a major housing crisis, to forge ahead and return America as the Shiny Beacon of Technological Advances. To allow Americans to once again shout that we are proud to be American …chin up shoulders squared, shout and let it all out. Ronald Reagan had this quality, he had the ability to motivate Americans and leaders from other Countries as well.

It is of course up to Americans to seek out and search for the qualities of greatness. We no longer can afford to Vote in people of mediocrity. We need not settle for left overs…we need to demand the full course meal. We deserve it. This time around we damn well better be choosy about who we send to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. …. Fools need not apply.

On a personal note.. Im writing down a list of Issues that I think are the most important issues of the day. The individual who gets my vote will be the individual who addresses each issue in lengthy detailed fashion. I don’t care if this individual is Republican or Democrat.. if these issues are addressed…they will get my vote.. because Im in search of greatness.

I nominate the current governor of Florida. Charles Christ.

The only problem is that the RR will hate him as he is single, no children, and very effininate. He sometimes denies he is gay, sometimes he refuses to answer the question. THe man is a bold and strong leader whos politics appeal to a broad range of people. He has already accomplished more than former governor Jeb Bush.
Darn and Dixie left the board, just when a legend is needed.

I noticed Dixie has not been around, when and why did he leave?

Was it an offical departure, or has he just faded away, or is his high school just on spring break?
I noticed Dixie has not been around, when and why did he leave?

Was it an offical departure, or has he just faded away, or is his high school just on spring break?

No it was official Jarod. Came complete with a stand-alone "YOu won't have Dixe to kick around anymore" diatribe-type thread.
A) Im not a Neo-Con... are you? Or are you a Neo-Lib and if so ..whats the difference? They both offer up mind control

B) A candidate is just that..a candidate.. its up to you and I to read in between the lines and a decipher from the bullshit.
If I hear a candidate talk about nothing except Health Care and Class Warfare.. I can pretty much decipher through the bullshit. But If I hear a candidate address the real problems like Global Dysfunction concerning Human Rights.., U.S. Housing and Mortgage Industry collapse, Oil Dependance.. , Alternative Energy.., The decline of American ingenuity ... They have my ear.

Im not saying that we dont problems when concerning health care.. but if we work on fixing the real problems.... the small problems will get fixed as well. Fixing the major problems will go a long way towards creating and expanding opportunities... , opportunities expand the finaincial infrastructure which then expands opportunities for the people. When people have broader opportunities from which to choose... things like health care and human services improve as well.

Your obsession with Terrorists speaks loud and clear of paranoia ... hate and War first.. discussion and diplomacy last. Its a recipe for failure. Ronald Reagan taught us well.. his endless summits with the Evil Empire USSR proved that...

So you don't believe islam is a threat to freedom? Do you want a theocracy in america? Go on, make some snide comment about christians and ignore the actual question.

I guess you want someone who's in as much denial about terrorism as you are?
I nominate the current governor of Florida. Charles Christ.

The only problem is that the RR will hate him as he is single, no children, and very effininate. He sometimes denies he is gay, sometimes he refuses to answer the question. THe man is a bold and strong leader whos politics appeal to a broad range of people. He has already accomplished more than former governor Jeb Bush.

Sometimes denies that he isnt gay? If he says he isnt you have any reason to believe otherwise..? And I have to ask you Jarod.. what is your obsession with Homosexuality? It seems every other thread...this is your main concern...
There are real issues out there.. who sleeping with whom is not one of them ...
If Ive said it once Ive said it a thousand times... Sex is not a Federal Issue... unless YOU make it one.
So you don't believe islam is a threat to freedom? Do you want a theocracy in america? Go on, make some snide comment about christians and ignore the actual question.

I guess you want someone who's in as much denial about terrorism as you are?

When have I ever made a snide comment about Christians?

Is Islam a threat to Freedom in America? No..
Sometimes denies that he isnt gay? If he says he isnt you have any reason to believe otherwise..? And I have to ask you Jarod.. what is your obsession with Homosexuality? It seems every other thread...this is your main concern...
There are real issues out there.. who sleeping with whom is not one of them ...
If Ive said it once Ive said it a thousand times... Sex is not a Federal Issue... unless YOU make it one.

Read what I said, I have no problem with it. I just think the RR will, and thus this great leader will have no chance.

Once a great leader stands up, in this enviroment, he/she will be villified by 30 to 50 % of the population with the help of the corporate media machine.
The RR make it an issue every chance they get.

An unmarried man CANNOT get elected president in todays enviroment.
When have I ever made a snide comment about Christians?

Is Islam a threat to Freedom in America? No..

You know, AHZ goes off on these paranoid rants, and every once in a while, a point gets lost in it all. And if he wasn't always setting off alarm bells about jews and the new world order, or whatever is up his behind today, then someone might even pay attention.

Because actually, while swinging wildly around, he has hit upon an interesting and debatable point. And it's something that Europe is struggling with right now. Having had large influxes of Muslim immigrants, who have not assimilated to their culture, in particular England and France. Here is a very interesting piece on the fall out of this in France:

What's interesting is that France is handling it by becoming really, very nationalistic and exhibiting behavior we associate with the right wing. Look:

The conservative candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, wants to create a ministry of “immigration and national identity” that would require newcomers to embrace the secular values of the republican state.

The Socialist candidate, Ségolène Royal, wants every French citizen to memorize “La Marseillaise” and keep a French flag in the cupboard for public display on Bastille Day.

The far-right candidate, Jean-Marie Le Pen, of the National Front party, chortles that his rivals have stolen — and therefore validated — his message of “France for the French.”

Now, what's funny is, that sometimes Europeans look down their noses at Americans, but what in the above wouldn't be very at home right here? USA #1 Same shit, different dialect.

But the French's amusing and botched handling of the situation does not negate the fact that they do indeed, have a situation. A situation that I for one, do not want here. Do I really want to be importing right wing fanatics? Shit, I want to find a way to start exporting our own home-grown ones. Now we're going to ship them in? In the early part of the 20the century, suffragists became frustrated by an influx of European male immigrants who, new to the homeland of these natural born women, would vote against suffrage!

What would happen in this country, if we experienced a similar level of Muslim immigration that France and England has had? Because if you think I want these right wing, women-bashing male Muslims, voting against my rights, you can guess again. But, what we don't yet know, is why it has not even begun to happen here. Could there be something about America, that is more condusive to assimiliation?

If so, that would really be something we could be proud of. It might even make me chant "USA #1. Which would be a first for me.
Read what I said, I have no problem with it. I just think the RR will, and thus this great leader will have no chance.

Once a great leader stands up, in this enviroment, he/she will be villified by 30 to 50 % of the population with the help of the corporate media machine.

I did read what you said... you said he is very effeminate and sometimes denies that he is gay. Which implies that he is A) lying B) being forced to answer a question because of his mannerisms.. which is a slap in the face to all those who supposedly fight against negative stereotyping ..

So who's asking this question? The media? Or Florida Republicans who obviosly voted the guy into the office in the first place ...
I did read what you said... you said he is very effeminate and sometimes denies that he is gay. Which implies that he is A) lying B) being forced to answer a question because of his mannerisms.. which is a slap in the face to all those who supposedly fight against negative stereotyping ..

So who's asking this question? The media? Or Florida Republicans who obviosly voted the guy into the office in the first place ...

I think it was the media who asked. Christ was elected by a broad base of Floridians. If you look at the data, he got more Democratic support than any other Republican canidate for Florida Governor ever.

The RR here in Florida hates him. He is for allowing gays to adopt.