Its time for greatness to step forward

That's true.

Though I have to say, their gaydar is totally off. I could take one look at Ted Haggard and that Foley guy and tell you right off, not breast men.
There's a very popular local passtime in San Francisco, called "watching the tourists from Kansas lose their minds." I'm sure that it's popular in many other cities as well, but that's just speculation.

At the heart of the Castro district, at the corner of Castro and Market, is the largest. most grandly tricked out and busiest Gold's Gym in the entire region. This place is huge . . . as are many of the men in the clientelle.

Walk up and down Castro sometime. Go on: it's a nice, safe neighborhood, with lots of interesting shops. One thing you'll notice almost immediately is the immensely high proportion of incredibly buff young men wandering loose. There's a whole class of young women, in fact, who spend immense time and effort in trying to, ah, convert some of them.

Something they never seem to learn in The Heart(less) Land is that gay men really do prefer men. Men who look like men, for the most part.
You know, AHZ goes off on these paranoid rants, and every once in a while, a point gets lost in it all. And if he wasn't always setting off alarm bells about jews and the new world order, or whatever is up his behind today, then someone might even pay attention.

Because actually, while swinging wildly around, he has hit upon an interesting and debatable point. And it's something that Europe is struggling with right now. Having had large influxes of Muslim immigrants, who have not assimilated to their culture, in particular England and France. Here is a very interesting piece on the fall out of this in France:

What's interesting is that France is handling it by becoming really, very nationalistic and exhibiting behavior we associate with the right wing. Look:

The conservative candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, wants to create a ministry of “immigration and national identity” that would require newcomers to embrace the secular values of the republican state.

The Socialist candidate, Ségolène Royal, wants every French citizen to memorize “La Marseillaise” and keep a French flag in the cupboard for public display on Bastille Day.

The far-right candidate, Jean-Marie Le Pen, of the National Front party, chortles that his rivals have stolen — and therefore validated — his message of “France for the French.”

Now, what's funny is, that sometimes Europeans look down their noses at Americans, but what in the above wouldn't be very at home right here? USA #1 Same shit, different dialect.

But the French's amusing and botched handling of the situation does not negate the fact that they do indeed, have a situation. A situation that I for one, do not want here. Do I really want to be importing right wing fanatics? Shit, I want to find a way to start exporting our own home-grown ones. Now we're going to ship them in? In the early part of the 20the century, suffragists became frustrated by an influx of European male immigrants who, new to the homeland of these natural born women, would vote against suffrage!

What would happen in this country, if we experienced a similar level of Muslim immigration that France and England has had? Because if you think I want these right wing, women-bashing male Muslims, voting against my rights, you can guess again. But, what we don't yet know, is why it has not even begun to happen here. Could there be something about America, that is more condusive to assimiliation?

If so, that would really be something we could be proud of. It might even make me chant "USA #1. Which would be a first for me.

But it has begun to happen here.
First Muslim congressman excites crowd in "Hezbollah City" USA, a.k.a. Dearborn, Michigan
By Ted Sampley
U.S. Veteran Dispatch
January 1, 2006
"You can't back down. You can't chicken out. You can't be afraid. You've got to have faith in Allah, and you've got to stand up and be a real Muslim," Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress, instructed a cheering crowd of Muslims last month in Dearborn.

He urged the group to remain steadfast in their faith and push for "justice."

The crowd roared in return,"Allah akbar, Allah akbar, " -- God is great.

"Allaha akbar" were the last words heard on the cockpit voice recorder of Flight 93, just before Muslims murdered all its passengers by crashing the jetliner into the ground.

Muslim presence in Dearborn dates back to the last decade of the 19th century, when men from Lebanon followed a larger number of Lebanese Christian immigrants to the U.S.

Dearborn, which was originally settled in 1795 by German Catholics as a stagecoach stop on the Sauk Trail between Detroit and Chicago, has slowly given way to an escalating population of Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemenis and Iraqi emigrants and their descendants in turn.

Today, Dearborn is dominated by Lebanese Muslims, with an Arab population that has grown to nearly 40,000 from 7,000 in 1970. It has evolved into a midwestern United States re-creation of the Middle East with the second largest concentration of Arabs and Muslims outside the Middle East, second only to Paris.

You're conflicted. You call france "very nationalistic" for insisting on assimilation, yet you think assimilation would be the best thing that could happen here. Isn't that odd?
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Im not a big flag waver of American Might .. what I am is a flag waver for America as leader in Ingenuity and Peace. Concerning both..we have lost are way.

As far as Muslims coming over here.. not much we can do about that unless we start doing some serious profiling...
We can stop all immigration from muslim countries, and we should.
and I dont think we want to go there.
OF course we do.
Also..there is such a thing called the 1st Amendment where Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. So I cannot discriminate against Muslims just as I cannot discriminate against atheists.
This is immigration policy. There's an implied exception to the free exercise of religion when than exercise includes destroying the contitution and instituting shari'a law.
Is it a problem? Are we threatened by it? Hell no ... as long as we enforce our U.S. Constitution ...and we dont read into it whats not there... we are safe from a Theocracy. I do not see George W Bush and his gang of neophytes as this great threat to the 1st Amendment ..

I would be more concerned with those who would want to take my right of religious Expression away.

Like your right to bomb shit for insulting islam?
We can stop all immigration from muslim countries, and we should.

OF course we do.

This is immigration policy. There's an implied exception to the free exercise of religion when than exercise includes destroying the contitution and instituting shari'a law.

Like your right to bomb shit for insulting islam?

Do you know what your problem is Zombie? You seem to wake up in the morning paranoid and hating people that are different than you. Its people like you that give Conservatives a bad name. You blindly follow the leader who thinks the same way as you.. all in the name of Nationalism.. thats of course WASP Nationalism.

VH1 runs a Documentary on the History of R&R ... during the Decade of the 50's and when R&R was in its birth... they show some shocking news reels of White Men calling for the cenorship of Rock and Roll ...claiming that listening to this form of tribal music will influence white children and lower them into behaving like niggers. While viewing these news reels I had become ashamed and disgusted.
We can stop all immigration from muslim countries, and we should.

What planet are you living on. Almost all of the muslims I know around here, are productive and valued members of american society. Most of the ones I know are nurses, doctors, engineers, and small business entrepeneurs. I welcome those kind of immigrants.

Have you actually ever been mugged by a muslim immigrant? Have you ever actually seen one ever car jack an auto, or standing idle and drunk on a street corner? I haven't.
What planet are you living on. Almost all of the muslims I know around here, are productive and valued members of american society. Most of the ones I know are nurses, doctors, engineers, and small business entrepeneurs. I welcome those kind of immigrants.

Have you actually ever been mugged by a muslim immigrant? Have you ever actually seen one ever car jack an auto, or standing idle and drunk on a street corner? I haven't.

Earth, where muslim immigrants of all social levels contain a certain percentage of radicals willing to kill for allah, and the rest of whom don't seem interested in stopping them much.
Earth, where muslim immigrants of all social levels contain a certain percentage of radicals willing to kill for allah, and the rest of whom don't seem interested in stopping them much.

Please name one american muslim who has ever perpetrated an act of terrorism on american soil . I can't think of one. I CAN think of some militant, rightwing white americans who have committed horrific acts of terrorism on american soil: McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, among many others.

Name just one american muslim, who's committed a terrorist act on United States soil.

I'll wait.
If you're still madly googling, let me save you some time:

I don't think you'll find ANY evidence that an american muslim has ever committed an act of terrorism on american soil. Which is quite a contrast, to the the thousands of acts of terrorism committed by american right wing christians in this country -- going all the way back to the lynching terrorist campaigns of the ku klux klan, and into the modern age with Erich Rudolph.
Please name one american muslim who has ever perpetrated an act of terrorism on american soil . I can't think of one. I CAN think of some militant, rightwing white americans who have committed horrific acts of terrorism on american soil: McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, among many others.

Name just one american muslim, who's committed a terrorist act on United States soil.

I'll wait.

J.W. Lindh was working abroad, but still should factor in your understanding of jihad.

John Phillip Walker Lindh (born February 9, 1981) is an American citizen who was captured during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan while fighting there for the Taliban. His capture made worldwide headlines. Walker prefers to go by the name Hamza Walker Lindh today, although during his time in Afghanistan, he went by Suleyman al-Faris.[2]

Here's another Americané_Padilla_(alleged_terrorist)

José Padilla (born October 18, 1970), also known as Abdullah al-Muhajir or Muhajir Abdullah, is an United States citizen of white-Hispanic[1] origin, accused of being a terrorist by the United States government. He was arrested in Chicago on May 8, 2002, and was detained as a material witness until June 9, 2002, when President Bush designated him an illegal enemy combatant and transferred him to a military prison, arguing that he was thereby not entitled to the protection of United States law. On January 3, 2006, he was transferred to a Miami, Florida jail to face criminal conspiracy charges.

I think there is a greater threat in the immigant community, have you heard of the ninteen hijackers of 9/11?

Many of them were here previously with some kind of immigrant status or another.

Is that the best you've got?

those aren't even muslim immigrants. That was the issue YOU made. Those were misguided caucasian and hispanic AMERICAN youths

The 19 hijacker weren't american muslims dude.

Try again.

Is that the best you've got?

those aren't even muslim immigrants. That was the issue YOU made. Those were misguided caucasian and hispanic AMERICAN youths

The 19 hijacker weren't american muslims dude.

Try again.

You asked for American muslims who had caused harm on american soil. I did think that a bit odd, considering we were discussing immigrants, yet complied anyway. I thought of those two immediately.

Then I gave you perhaps the 19 most famous terrorist immigrants, that have performed terrorist acts on american soil. I gave you more than you asked for.

Yes, Lindh and padilla, were misguided, misguided into the faith of islam, which teaches jihad against unbelievers.
Though daniel Pipes is a zionist extraordinaire, his analysis of Islam is correct, I believe.

Pipes wrote that "the Muslim effort to be accepted in the United States is not a particularly difficult one, for enlightened Americans make persistent efforts to understand Islam and portray Muslims positively. This results from a sense of guilt about past prejudice, plus a multiculturalist impulse. Jewish and Christian groups often join with Muslim counterparts to fight what they perceive as bias." He adds that non-Muslim lawyers frequently provide Muslim defendants with pro bono services and non-Muslim institutions make funding available.

Future Attacks
In this context, it is important to understand the motivations and world of thought of extremist Muslims. Pipes defines an Islamist as one who believes Islam is the solution to every problem. "In America, an Islamist would be somebody who wants to replace the constitution with the Qur'an.2 It is a totalitarian movement that has much in common with fascism and Marxism-Leninism." He estimates that about 10-15 percent of Muslims in the world are Islamists, which is tantamount to well over a hundred million people. Pipes adds that the percentage is probably in the same order of magnitude among U.S. Muslims.

He forecasts: "There will be more attacks by Islamists on Americans. I can say this confidently because so many signs point in this direction. These assaults will awaken people. I expect it to be a one-way process of what I call education by murder. I do expect ever more Americans to worry; contrarily, I do not expect to hear many say, 'Well, I used to be worried about the threat of militant Islam, but no longer.' As time passes and more events occur, their assessment will become more realistic.

"As Islamists are dangerous, the methods to be used against them cannot be like those the United States usually applies to dissenters. However, much of the U.S. public is unprepared to discuss these matters; if one broaches the topic, one is accused of McCarthyism.

"One little-noticed development concerns the declaration of war. This used to be part of a military undertaking, but since World War II it has become defunct, and along with it the legal machinery that once went into gear. When President Bush says we are at war, it is a political statement, not a legal one."

The Main Determinant: Ideology
Pipes adds: "There is a gradual awareness developing of militant Islam existing not just in the hills of Afghanistan but within American society. This is unparalleled in our country's history, as the United States never seriously confronted fascism or communism internally, as Europe was forced to do. Americans certainly never experienced a hazard from an ideological source comparable to the Islamists.

"The focus on al-Qaeda is doubly misplaced. First, it is an umbrella group, rather than an actual organization. Second, it is a symptom of a much deeper attitude. The ideology is the key, not an organization. This ideology is a force in itself and not the result of socioeconomic conditions; it cannot be solved, for example, through a Marshall Plan type of response.

"Militant Islam cannot be compared to any segment of Christianity, Judaism, or Hinduism. These religions do not embody groups with totalitarian utopian ideologies that seek world hegemony. In fact, militant Islam resembles fascism and communism more than any religious movement.

"All we can do presently is prepare ourselves for worse to come. Eloquence and perceptivity did not make Churchill prime minister of Great Britain; it was the fall of France* that did so. In like fashion, those who are warning of the dangers of militant Islam will be turned to should a fall-of-France style disaster occur.
But it has begun to happen here.

You're conflicted. You call france "very nationalistic" for insisting on assimilation, yet you think assimilation would be the best thing that could happen here. Isn't that odd?

No, I did not call France "very nationalistic" for insisting on assimiliation. I called them that for being...nationalistic. The flag-waiving, the "France is #1" the over-all attitude, perhaps best expressed by the Americanized "France, love it or leave it".

Here in our country, we see Muslims assimilating naturally, and by that, I do not mean they deny their own culture. I mean assimiliating within the framework of multiculturalism, and that right there, might be the very best thing about America, and might be why we are not having the problems Europe is having.

Keith Ellison is an American leftist, he is not a Islamic radicalist. You poor deluded fool.
You asked for American muslims who had caused harm on american soil. I did think that a bit odd, considering we were discussing immigrants, yet complied anyway. I thought of those two immediately.

Then I gave you perhaps the 19 most famous terrorist immigrants, that have performed terrorist acts on american soil. I gave you more than you asked for.

Yes, Lindh and padilla, were misguided, misguided into the faith of islam, which teaches jihad against unbelievers.

All I can really say is it's good to see a jew-basher showing some good ole equal opportunity hate.
If you're still madly googling, let me save you some time:

I don't think you'll find ANY evidence that an american muslim has ever committed an act of terrorism on american soil. Which is quite a contrast, to the the thousands of acts of terrorism committed by american right wing christians in this country -- going all the way back to the lynching terrorist campaigns of the ku klux klan, and into the modern age with Erich Rudolph.

Hold on Cypress ..there are plenty of left wing terrorists as well .....

And by the way... American Muslims fall to the right of the political spectrum ....
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You asked for American muslims who had caused harm on american soil. I did think that a bit odd, considering we were discussing immigrants, yet complied anyway. I thought of those two immediately.

You said we should stop muslim immigration. To any reasonable person, this means people of middle eastern or south asian decent.

You pulled out of your ass, two punk native american caucausians and hispanics. First, neither one was ever charged with a terrorist act on american soil, and second, they are not south asian or middle eastern immigrants.

Then I gave you perhaps the 19 most famous terrorist immigrants, that have performed terrorist acts on american soil. I gave you more than you asked for.

Please stop lying. The 19 hijacker weren't "immigrants". They were here on false visas. Those aren't "immigrants". Actual muslim people who immigrate here, are here to become permanant residents or citizens, and are carefully screened by us. Do you know how hard it is to legally immigrate to america? That's why you've not found ONE example of a muslim immigrant who has committed terrorist acts on our soil. Ever notice how most of them are doctors, nurses, or entrepeneurs?

Yes, Lindh and padilla, were misguided, misguided into the faith of islam, which teaches jihad against unbelievers.

They were american punks kids of caucasian and hispanic background.

You said we should stop muslim immigration. Muslim "immigration" has nothing to to with Lindh or Padilla.
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You said we should stop muslim immigration. To any reasonable person, this means people of middle eastern or south asian decent.

You pulled out of your ass, two punk native american caucausians and hispanics. First, neither one was ever charged with a terrorist act on american soil, and second, they are not south asian or middle eastern immigrants.

Please stop lying. The 19 hijacker weren't "immigrants". They were here on false visas. Those aren't "immigrants". Actual muslim people who immigrate here, are here to become permanant residents or citizens, and are carefully screened by us. Do you know how hard it is to legally immigrate to america? That's why you've not found ONE example of a muslim immigrant who has committed terrorist acts on our soil. Ever notice how most of them are doctors, nurses, or entrepeneurs?

They were american punks kids of caucasian and hispanic background.

You said we should stop muslim immigration. Muslim "immigration" has nothing to to with Lindh or Padilla.

You brought up American muslims. I thought you meant American born muslim terrorists. So I named two.

Muslims immigrants are a threat, as well as those who are here on visas.
When have I ever made a snide comment about Christians?

Is Islam a threat to Freedom in America? No..

Yes. It is. Fundamentalists seek to establish sharia law wherever muslims live. The religion is fundamentally opposed to the notion of separation of church and state. Or Mosque and state.