Its time for greatness to step forward

You know, AHZ goes off on these paranoid rants, and every once in a while, a point gets lost in it all. And if he wasn't always setting off alarm bells about jews and the new world order, or whatever is up his behind today, then someone might even pay attention.

Because actually, while swinging wildly around, he has hit upon an interesting and debatable point. And it's something that Europe is struggling with right now. Having had large influxes of Muslim immigrants, who have not assimilated to their culture, in particular England and France. Here is a very interesting piece on the fall out of this in France:

What's interesting is that France is handling it by becoming really, very nationalistic and exhibiting behavior we associate with the right wing. Look:

The conservative candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, wants to create a ministry of “immigration and national identity” that would require newcomers to embrace the secular values of the republican state.

The Socialist candidate, Ségolène Royal, wants every French citizen to memorize “La Marseillaise” and keep a French flag in the cupboard for public display on Bastille Day.

The far-right candidate, Jean-Marie Le Pen, of the National Front party, chortles that his rivals have stolen — and therefore validated — his message of “France for the French.”

Now, what's funny is, that sometimes Europeans look down their noses at Americans, but what in the above wouldn't be very at home right here? USA #1 Same shit, different dialect.

But the French's amusing and botched handling of the situation does not negate the fact that they do indeed, have a situation. A situation that I for one, do not want here. Do I really want to be importing right wing fanatics? Shit, I want to find a way to start exporting our own home-grown ones. Now we're going to ship them in? In the early part of the 20the century, suffragists became frustrated by an influx of European male immigrants who, new to the homeland of these natural born women, would vote against suffrage!

What would happen in this country, if we experienced a similar level of Muslim immigration that France and England has had? Because if you think I want these right wing, women-bashing male Muslims, voting against my rights, you can guess again. But, what we don't yet know, is why it has not even begun to happen here. Could there be something about America, that is more condusive to assimiliation?

If so, that would really be something we could be proud of. It might even make me chant "USA #1. Which would be a first for me.

Im not a big flag waver of American Might .. what I am is a flag waver for America as leader in Ingenuity and Peace. Concerning both..we have lost are way.

As far as Muslims coming over here.. not much we can do about that unless we start doing some serious profiling... and I dont think we want to go there. Also..there is such a thing called the 1st Amendment where Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. So I cannot discriminate against Muslims just as I cannot discriminate against atheists.

Is it a problem? Are we threatened by it? Hell no ... as long as we enforce our U.S. Constitution ...and we dont read into it whats not there... we are safe from a Theocracy. I do not see George W Bush and his gang of neophytes as this great threat to the 1st Amendment ..

I would be more concerned with those who would want to take my right of religious Expression away.
Im not a big flag waver of American Might .. what I am is a flag waver for America as leader in Ingenuity and Peace. Concerning both..we have lost are way.

As far as Muslims coming over here.. not much we can do about that unless we start doing some serious profiling... and I dont think we want to go there. Also..there is such a thing called the 1st Amendment where Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. So I cannot discriminate against Muslims just as I cannot discriminate against atheists.

Is it a problem? Are we threatened by it? Hell no ... as long as we enforce our U.S. Constitution ...and we dont read into it whats not there... we are safe from a Theocracy. I do not see George W Bush and his gang of neophytes as this great threat to the 1st Amendment ..

I would be more concerned with those who would want to take my right of religious Expression away.

Of course you would be.

It is France's large secular society that feels under seige, and is reacting out of fear.

I think that both reactions give lie to the idea that liberals are somehow the natural allies of radical Muslims. I myself have never understood that comparison and don't know how the right has gotten away with making it lo these past six years.

I don't think we're going to have the problem here, but if we did, I do know who the natural ally of the radical muslim would be.

And it wouldn't be this girl.
Jarod.. do you think any of this is true? And if you do ..why would support a guy like this? Sounds like a creep who has some serious issues and character flaws. Do you support him merely because he might be gay and pro choice and was on your side of the fence concerning Chiavo?

This ..from one of the articles that you linked to ..

"Wetherington, who recently worked as a field director for U.S. Senate candidate Katherine Harris and currently works for state representative Ellyn Bodganoff's reelection campaign, also named a man whom he said is Crist's long-term partner, a convicted thief named Bruce Carlton Jordan who also recently worked for Harris in her long-shot Senate bid."
Jarod.. do you think any of this is true? And if you do ..why would support a guy like this? Sounds like a creep who has some serious issues and character flaws. Do you support him merely because he might be gay and pro choice and was on your side of the fence concerning Chiavo?

This ..from one of the articles that you linked to ..

"Wetherington, who recently worked as a field director for U.S. Senate candidate Katherine Harris and currently works for state representative Ellyn Bodganoff's reelection campaign, also named a man whom he said is Crist's long-term partner, a convicted thief named Bruce Carlton Jordan who also recently worked for Harris in her long-shot Senate bid."

I dont think that stuff is true, I dont care if its true. I support him because he, thus far, has been on the correct side of every issue. He does not play politics with God and people's lives. He does not try to force his morality on other people.

The point is that if a single man, who is not masculine looking or acting runs for president, the RIGHT will ensure he is not elected, even if he is a GREAT leader.
Of course you would be.

It is France's large secular society that feels under seige, and is reacting out of fear.

I think that both reactions give lie to the idea that liberals are somehow the natural allies of radical Muslims. I myself have never understood that comparison and don't know how the right has gotten away with making it lo these past six years.

I don't think we're going to have the problem here, but if we did, I do know who the natural ally of the radical muslim would be.

And it wouldn't be this girl.

This is a very blurred situation or phenom.. I believe this came about during the time immediately following 9/11 .. when America's National Pride was at stake...and we all had this common enemy. Muslims and Arabs in this country were the target of much prejudice ... and the Media....was running several stories and defending them. This became a "liberal" thing to do.. to defend Muslims against the "evil" extreme right wing.

I could never understand far left liberals defending Extreme Islam... when its beliefs were so counter productive to Womens Rights and Anti Jewish ... but there they were defending them. Hind sight being what it is some degree I now think they did the right thing.. defending their right of Religious Expression.
I dont think that stuff is true, I dont care if its true. I support him because he, thus far, has been on the correct side of every issue. He does not play politics with God and people's lives. He does not try to force his morality on other people.

The point is that if a single man, who is not masculine looking or acting runs for president, the RIGHT will ensure he is not elected, even if he is a GREAT leader.

Well Jarod.. name some effeminate leaders the LEFT has put up ... on the National Stage...

This such hyperbole
This is a very blurred situation or phenom.. I believe this came about during the time immediately following 9/11 .. when America's National Pride was at stake...and we all had this common enemy. Muslims and Arabs in this country were the target of much prejudice ... and the Media....was running several stories and defending them. This became a "liberal" thing to do.. to defend Muslims against the "evil" extreme right wing.

I could never understand far left liberals defending Extreme Islam... when its beliefs were so counter productive to Womens Rights and Anti Jewish ... but there they were defending them. Hind sight being what it is some degree I now think they did the right thing.. defending their right of Religious Expression.

Oh, I would do that again today. I don't want to see anybody persecuted, or God forbid, physically hurt. Some Muslims were assaulted here post 9/11. To me, defending any human being against persecution and violence, is not the same as defending extreme islam, which i make no defense of. And I don't have any trouble drawing that line.

Anyway, I don't think we have them here in the large numbers (in proportion to their and our population) that France and England have. And from what i have seen in NYC, they like others, do assimilate to some degree here. I do not know why they do not, apparently to any degree, over there.
Well Jarod.. name some effeminate leaders the LEFT has put up ... on the National Stage...

This such hyperbole

You are missing my point, its not a left right issue. If an effeminate leader, D or R is put up, the Religous RIGHT will assissnate him for it, and that will play with whackos from Alabama, Ohio and Texas enough that he will not have a chance in hell.
You are missing my point, its not a left right issue. If an effeminate leader, D or R is put up, the Religous RIGHT will assissnate him for it, and that will play with whackos from Alabama, Ohio and Texas enough that he will not have a chance in hell.

That's true.

Though I have to say, their gaydar is totally off. I could take one look at Ted Haggard and that Foley guy and tell you right off, not breast men.
I think it was the media who asked. Christ was elected by a broad base of Floridians. If you look at the data, he got more Democratic support than any other Republican canidate for Florida Governor ever.

The RR here in Florida hates him. He is for allowing gays to adopt.
Sounds like my kind of republican
That's true.

Though I have to say, their gaydar is totally off. I could take one look at Ted Haggard and that Foley guy and tell you right off, not breast men.


Well.. Edwards gets a bad rap... I dont see him as being effeminate. Kucinich? Nerd yes .. maybe even an asexual spore .. , loafer floater..? No
Hillary... hmm..Ive always had my suspicions ... she may prefer other men ;).

On the pub side.. Newt is definetly a closet fan of Hustler Magazine. General Schwarzkopf.. ooops! I mean McCain.. is hardly model material for a speedo.

Big Love Romney? This guy looks like he walked out of an artist template rendering the prototype politco candidate...

When you come right down to it ... Joe Biden, Al Gore, Chuck Hagel and Bill Richardson project normalcy .... at least my version of what normal is ...