Its time for greatness to step forward

Yes. It is. Fundamentalists seek to establish sharia law wherever muslims live. The religion is fundamentally opposed to the notion of separation of church and state. Or Mosque and state.

Really? What large group of Muslims are seeking to establish sharia laws in the US? Where are they located, and what have they done, politically, in order to reach this goal?
Really? What large group of Muslims are seeking to establish sharia laws in the US? Where are they located, and what have they done, politically, in order to reach this goal?

I know of several large groups of Christians who are seeking to establish Christian law in the US. THis huge church here in WPB teaches its parishoners that there is no sepperation of church and state.
I know of several large groups of Christians who are seeking to establish Christian law in the US. THis huge church here in WPB teaches its parishoners that there is no sepperation of church and state.

Right, and they are on record as saying so. We have elected officials who are on record as stating they want biblical laws to guide public policy. Christians in this country, are well-organized and well-funded. They could be construed as a danger. I just don't see it in Muslims at this point and I don't know where AHZ is seeing this.
I think with AHZ it has to be conspiratorial groups causing our problems. After we could not possibly be doing most of it to ourselves now could we ?
Right, and they are on record as saying so. We have elected officials who are on record as stating they want biblical laws to guide public policy. Christians in this country, are well-organized and well-funded. They could be construed as a danger. I just don't see it in Muslims at this point and I don't know where AHZ is seeing this.

You wouldn't see it if you got gang raped and then flogged by an imam for dressing provocatively.
Darla I suppose some view tolerance of difference like that difference is taking over ?

I don't know. All I see here is another play on the "useful idiots" mocking that is so popular in con circles. You know, radical islamists are using me, an idiot, to further their institution of sharia law. And eventually I will receive my comeuppance when I am gang-raped and flogged.
Really? What large group of Muslims are seeking to establish sharia laws in the US? Where are they located, and what have they done, politically, in order to reach this goal?
No Sunday liquor, wine or beer sales in GA = Christian Sharia law. Not that it's a big issue to me, but the free market should decide. I think that even were it re-legalized, the majority of "package store' owners would opt for not opening on Sunday. It would not likely increase total sales and would increase costs - profits (OH EVIL PROFITS) would go down.
And the religious right contributed to Republican vicories, is that Sharia law ? Are the republicans the evil schemers out to enslave the world ?
And the religious right contributed to Republican vicories, is that Sharia law ? Are the republicans the evil schemers out to enslave the world ?

All major political movements, left, right, christian, jew, muslim are populated at the highest levels by masonic dicksnots planning to enslave us all.
You left out Hindu Masons.

Umm why do you hate America ? Most of our founding fathers were Masons.

Yes. they introduced secularism, which has it's merits, to destroy the christian church, now the masons are convincing people to become zealous noahide fascists. Then they were destroying the old, now they're building the new. Welcome to the new world order, kneel before Zod.
So they destroyed the church Of England and such just to create new churches ? Umm I don't think the Masons did this and I am not pro Mason.
The people did this, one of the problems of a quasi democracy.
So they destroyed the church Of England and such just to create new churches ? Umm I don't think the Masons did this and I am not pro Mason.
The people did this, one of the problems of a quasi democracy.

To weaken churches, and secularize society, so they could introduce the religion of the ascended masters, hierarchical despotism, devoid of notions of a common morality.
No Sunday liquor, wine or beer sales in GA = Christian Sharia law. Not that it's a big issue to me, but the free market should decide. I think that even were it re-legalized, the majority of "package store' owners would opt for not opening on Sunday. It would not likely increase total sales and would increase costs - profits (OH EVIL PROFITS) would go down.

That's the way it's always been in Ontario (Canada). When I lived in Ottawa we could go across the river to Quebec and get wine on Sundays. Also, in Ontario all alcohol is sold by government-operated outlets; no private wine/beer/booze stores and no alcohol sales in supermarkets or corner stores, etc. In order to get a drink in a restaurant on Sunday you had to buy a meal. There was some talk about relaxing those restrictions, but I don't think anything came of it. That's one reason for the nickname "Toronto the Good". :o
Youve got Zombie hating on Muslims and Masons, youve got Jarod hating on Christians. I repeat my original thought.... We need greatness to step forward.
Youve got Zombie hating on Muslims and Masons, youve got Jarod hating on Christians. I repeat my original thought.... We need greatness to step forward.

Don't forget about me, I hate white men!

And AHZ's trashing of Muslims and Masons is nothing compared to what he has to say about "The Jews".
Don't forget about me, I hate white men!

And AHZ's trashing of Muslims and Masons is nothing compared to what he has to say about "The Jews".

If you read honestly, you'd notice I also criticize christians. They have deviated greatly from christs message, and have become little theocratic power mongers. but of course, since I have been honest about jews, you're little "anti-semite" alarm has gone off, blinding you to all else.
Youve got Zombie hating on Muslims and Masons, youve got Jarod hating on Christians. I repeat my original thought.... We need greatness to step forward.

And I ask again, how do you define greatness? Are looking for the most vague, abstract, and meaningless generalities you can find? "A commitment to change?"