It's Time To Go Single-Payer!

Not true. California has a rule that 40 percent of increases has to go to schools. That was what cranked the cost up. .

That is how single payer came to Canada. Tommy Douglas installed it in Saskatchewan . The other provinces fell in line when they saw how much better and cheaper it was. Tommy is always voted the popular politician in Canadian history. If Trump wasn't such a punk, he would follow that pattern and make himself a great president. At least it would mitigate some of his damage. You could eliminate the VA, work policies and Medicare at the same time. Fold them into single payer.
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Not true. California has a rule that 40 percent of increases has to go to schools. That was what cranked the cost up. .

That is how single payer came to Canada. Tommy Douglas installed it in Saskatchewan . The other provinces fell in line when they saw how much better and cheaper it was. Tommy is always voted the popular politician in Canadian history. If Trump wasn't such a punk, he would follow that pattern and make himself a great president. At least it would mitigate some of his damage. You could eliminate the VA, work policies and Medicare at the same time. Fold them into single payer.

In other words, you determine greatness based on whether or not a member of government is willing to give you something you're unwilling to provide yourself?
People in single payer countries do not fear going into bankruptcy like in America. Member of a family gets real sick and you could end up homeless.The dread of family destruction with illness is real here.

Countries with universal medical care have half the cost of America and have full coverage. They get care at least as good. They get preventative care . The American model is just plain wrong. When Taiwan was going to provide healthcare they came to America to see what to avoid.

Health insurance companies are in healthcare denial business. Refusing care makes more profit. So they make you fight and squabble for what you paid for. Ever get sick and log the phone calls and letters you made? It is a horrible experience. They use rescission to deny care. They have doctors whose function is to find a way to deny care. Insurance companies add cost and complication only. Our system is a mess.

Explain to me how, with all you bleeding hearts, that can happen to anyone. Wouldn't you bleeding hearts as a group, since you claim to care so much for others, pool your money together in those situations where it wouldn't happen? No, you wouldn't do that. A bleeding heart is nothing more than someone claiming compassion based on how much of someone else's money he's willing to spend.
The truth is that other countries the people have access to healthcare when they need it. that makes them overall healthier than Americans. We have people walking around with untreated high blood pressure and diabetes. The wealthy get great healthcare. Then it goes down on a sliding scale to the bottom, where it is essentially unobtainable. Rural areas are very under served. We have had organizations that bring healthcare to rural areas with camps that provide coverage to people with no insurance and few places to obtain it.

What's keeping YOU from personally providing the financial means to anyone you believe isn't getting what they should be getting?
If every compassionate liberal that voted for Hillary voluntarily paid for the healthcare of someone in need it would be problem solved wouldn’t it?

You should lead that charge.

I don’t care about your healthcare

More like bleeding heart Liberals. If all of those that think compassion comes from how much of someone else's money they can get the government to use for a cause they support would voluntarily do personally for those they claim to care about, just think how many bankruptcies, etc. could be avoided. I agree, if they want something to occur, they should set the example before demanding others fund what they support.
In other words, nobody gives them anything. In other words ,they pay for it in taxes. That means we all pay for healthcare and are free to use it. It results in healthcare costs that are half what we pay now. It stops medical bankruptcies. It ends people walking around with undiagnosed diabetes and high blood pressure. In other words, better and cheaper healthcare for all. The government gives you nothing unless you are among the wealthy.

Serious medical problems can take down even wealthy people. What do you think Mccains cancer is costing? Don't get cancer and don't get in a car accident and maybe you can avoid health costs for your whole life. Medicare people still pay 20 percent of their costs. A serious illness can wipe them out even though they are covered. Break a leg paying sports and see what a 50 K emergency room bill will do to you. Get in car accident.
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Another real stupid post. The liberals pay taxes too. It is their money also. And they want even haters like you to have medical care. We don't want you to go broke and lose your home for an illness or an accident.
In other words, nobody gives them anything. In other words ,they pay for it in taxes. That means we all pay for healthcare and are free to use it. It results in healthcare costs that are half what we pay now. It stops medical bankruptcies. It ends people walking around with undiagnosed diabetes and high blood pressure. In other words, better and cheaper healthcare for all. The government gives you nothing unless you are among the wealthy.

Serious medical problems can take down even wealthy people. What do you think Mccains cancer is costing? Don't get cancer and don't get in a car accident and maybe you can avoid health costs for your whole life. Medicare people still pay 20 percent of their costs. A serious illness can wipe them out even though they are covered. Break a leg paying sports and see what a 50 K emergency room bill will do to you. Get in car accident.

In other words, you have nothing but a push for bigger and bigger government involvement. Why aren't you capable of doing for yourself?

For that 50K ER bill, I'd pay no more than $750 out of pocket using the insurance that was in place BEFORE Obamacare. That $750 would only be that much unless I had already used my insurance for something else during the year. If I had met it on something else, that 50K ER bill would be ZERO out of pocket.

You left out those that don't pay the taxes that fund what they get. Are you saying that if someone doesn't pay the taxes that would go to fund the single payer system they wouldn't get care? I doubt you'd support that.
Another real stupid post. The liberals pay taxes too. It is their money also. And they want even haters like you to have medical care. We don't want you to go broke and lose your home for an illness or an accident.

I have medical care. $750 out of pocket max/year. I can't lose my home. It's paid for, bitch.

Unless the Liberals are paying the entire tax bill that funds the programs they support, they're demanding the rest of us pay them, too.

I don't give a shit about your healthcare and don't give a damn if you care about mine. I don't owe you or anyone else a thing and vice versa.
I keep forgetting. the entire medical industry is based on you. My mistake. However if you got a serious illness your home would be in jeopardy. paid for or not bitch. Hope you and you family don't get real sick. I don't want you to find out how stupid you are , the hard way.
You are not capable of doing it yourself. You can not pay for a serious health problem or accident. Why can'y you actually think and analyze?

I did think and analyze. I have insurance that costs me a $750/year out of pocket max. I've paid that max in the past. It wasn't for an accident or serious health problem. However, had it been, the end result would have been the same max out of pocket.

Why would I support a system where my total costs exceed what I'm paying now? I don't care about your healthcare. There are 3 others for which I hold that responsibility and you're not one of those 3.
I keep forgetting. the entire medical industry is based on you. My mistake. However if you got a serious illness your home would be in jeopardy. paid for or not bitch. Hope you and you family don't get real sick. I don't want you to find out how stupid you are , the hard way.

Funny how you want the entire medical industry based on those unwilling to provide for themselves.

The way my home is set up, in a legal sense, it can't.
Funny how you want the entire medical industry based on those unwilling to provide for themselves.

The way my home is set up, in a legal sense, it can't.

Dems don't have problems making all taxpayers pay for the things they want.
the founders wrote the post office right into the constitution

they collected money from the people to build it and the roads needed (the cumberland road sound familiar idiot) to opperate it .

they did not care if it paid for its self or not
The truth is that other countries the people have access to healthcare when they need it. that makes them overall healthier than Americans. We have people walking around with untreated high blood pressure and diabetes. The wealthy get great healthcare. Then it goes down on a sliding scale to the bottom, where it is essentially unobtainable. Rural areas are very under served. We have had organizations that bring healthcare to rural areas with camps that provide coverage to people with no insurance and few places to obtain it.

People who can't afford to pay for their own goods and services don't have a right to force me to help pay for theirs.

If you admire government-controlled healthcare in other places, renounce your US citizenship and emigrate.
the founders wrote the post office right into the constitution

they collected money from the people to build it and the roads needed (the cumberland road sound familiar idiot) to opperate it .

they did not care if it paid for its self or not

The postal service is an independent agency of the federal government due solely to it being in the Constitution. It does not receive direct taxpayer subsidies.