Ever call to get a doctors appointment in America? I do and I can get one in about 3 weeks. I had an appointment with a specialist for a spot on my back. Appointment was 6 weeks later. We have long delays for healthcare too. But once they get care, they do not go bankrupt after. I have a Canadian friend who got a heart transplant. No cost. Has had it for a decade. I have lots of Canadian friends and family. When I say, would you like your care traded for America's I get hooted out of the room. The American system is the worst possible. The wealthy get great care. But then, that is the real America isn't it? American healthcare system is the joke of the world. What do health insurance companies add to the equation? Only complexity and cost. They are in the healthcare denial business. Deny the care you paid for and they make more profit. They cannot resist that. Get sick and spend time playing phone tag . They will fight you every step .