It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections


Verified User
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
Sorry, but that won't happen since it's unlikely 3/4s of the states would ratify the change.

Why should California's votes count more than others?
California's votes wouldn't count more. Everyone's vote would be counted equally.
The most populous regions would dominate all others. Additionally, you might want to consider getting what you ask for as Americans flee high tax states for the SE.

Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
You have the option to move to a country that does that.
Iowa was probably a bad example.

Candidates only spend time in the swing states. All votes should be equal, and have equal weight w/ the candidates. The electoral college has reduced political campaigns to a narrow swath of the country.

Why do "swing states" matter? Is it because the election is so close only a few states matter? Why is the election so close???
Most Americans support this,
Most Americans support the idea of getting $1,000,000 for free every week.

The States own the Constitution; that idea is not open to a popular vote.

and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.
There's every reason and those reason have been enumerated many times here on JPP.

The States are to determine the President. This precludes a popular vote of the matter. How would you propose to do it? Would you suggest every State get one vote? ... or would you prefer each State get a number of votes based upon its population (to factor in the people)?

What's your "better way" that has the States deciding the President?

Why should some votes count more than others?
Each vote carries equal weight. ZenMode error.

Outside of our country,
Aaaah, so I don't care ...

It's time for Red States to secede from the Union. It's just not working for us anymore.​

I know that a lot of you in the Red States didn't quite make it all the way through geography back in elementary school but this is simply not a workable solution.

We in the Blue states know you have it tough. That's why we in the Blue states often pay more into the federal government than we get back out so that YOUR state can take more out than it puts in. The poverty and lack of education in your area coupled with the elimination of manufacturing jobs because of CEO greed has got to hit you hard. Don't worry, though, we'll be there for you to help you. Maybe one day your state will provide a net value to the country and you can pay it forward!

In the meantime could you possibly see your way to not eliminating basic human rights from people you don't like? Like women?
Elections no longer matter for as far as the eyes can see.....the Revolution does whatever the fuck they want...not caring at all what we think/want/need.

Look at Great Britain, where the people have voted for what they want for a decade, and have been completely ignored.

That is the situation in America now.
Or, I could support change within the country I love. That's kind of what we do in America.

Nah, just wait until some election in the not too distant future when one of the MAGA folks loses an election based on the Electoral College and the MAGA folks will be FIRST IN LINE to eliminate the E.C.

And we on the Left will probably fiercely defend it.

Which is pretty much the MAIN reason we should get rid of it.
I know that a lot of you in the Red States didn't quite make it all the way through geography back in elementary school but this is simply not a workable solution.

We in the Blue states know you have it tough. That's why we in the Blue states often pay more into the federal government than we get back out so that YOUR state can take more out than it puts in. The poverty and lack of education in your area coupled with the elimination of manufacturing jobs because of CEO greed has got to hit you hard. Don't worry, though, we'll be there for you to help you. Maybe one day your state will provide a net value to the country and you can pay it forward!

In the meantime could you possibly see your way to not eliminating basic human rights from people you don't like? Like women?
Uh.......................... no.
Blue states and blue cities are rotting to the core.