It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections

Why should Texas's votes count more than others?
They don't.

Regardless, anyone thinking the EC will be eliminated by changing the Constitution is an idiot dreaming of rainbows and unicorns.

Better to do something practical such as a movement within each state to apportion their EC votes by county and/or ranked voting.
Polls show that most American support abolishing the EC mess. But can you even begin to imagine the money that will be spent to make sure that that never happens? We could have cheap/free universal health care for what the parties would spend to keep it in place, esp. the MAGAT party. We could have free two-year college/trade school for kids for what they would spend to keep it in place.

There is a reason why they want to keep it, and it isn't for our benefit.
We have a system that supports rule by the minority. Most Americans don't support the laws rammed through by the minority in the nation. An overwhelming majority in this nation supports common sense gun control. Supports the right of a woman to control her own body. Supports fair tax policy. I could go on. There will never be any meaningful changes, given the current system. Especially given that the dumbest people in the nation seem to have too much control over elections.

Hell...trump panders to them.
Most Americans support this,
You don't get to speak for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.
I already know you ignore the Constitution.
Why should some votes count more than others?
They don't.
People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
I don't give a shit if people outside the country don't read the Constitution.

But at least you should.

It's time for Red States to secede from the Union. It's just not working for us anymore.​

States have no color. California has effectively seceded. It's current form of government is dictatorship. It no longer recognizes the Constitution of the United States nor the Constitution of the State of California.

I call it the SDTC now (Socialist Dictatorship of the Territory of California).
We have a system that supports rule by the minority.
Blatant lie. The Constitution, however, serves also to protect the minority.
Most Americans don't support the laws rammed through by the minority in the nation.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You are not God. Omniscience fallacy.
An overwhelming majority in this nation supports common sense gun control.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You are not God. Omniscience fallacy. Gun control laws are unconstitutional.
Supports the right of a woman to control her own body.
There is no right to murder. The child she is killing for convenience is NOT HER OWN BODY!
Supports fair tax policy.
DEMOCRATS don't. DEMOCRATS want to 'tax the rich' (which is unconstitutional). DEMOCRATS want communism.
I could go on. There will never be any meaningful changes, given the current system.
I already know you despise the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
Especially given that the dumbest people in the nation seem to have too much control over elections.
The reason we have the 1st amendment is so we know who the idiots are.
Hell...trump panders to them.
Right now, California gets ignored. Completely.

Why should an Iowans vote count more than a Californian's?
States that are solidly locked in by one party are all that way. With a popular vote, it would only mean politicians would stop bothering with parts of the country that are solidly behind their party. For example, a Democrat running for something like Senate or President wouldn't bother with large solidly blue cities.

I'd also bet that gerrymandering by every party would become more extreme to block out areas so they become one-party voting blocks.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
states are regional areas. measured in space.
You really are very ignorant, ain'tcha, son?

If you are so enamored with cavemen, why not just chuck it all and head into the wilderness? Why not live on berries and rodents then clothe yourself in their skins?
of course....

its much smarter to let oligarchs starve you to death with green austerity based on fake carbon science.

I am truly beginning to believe that nothing short of a revolution will eliminate the electoral college. There's just too much money and power wrapped up in it.
To do so, those states that benefit the most from the EC would have to vote to abolish it. I don't see that happening. Unless we give cattle the vote. Then they would love the popular vote.
States that are solidly locked in by one party are all that way. With a popular vote, it would only mean politicians would stop bothering with parts of the country that are solidly behind their party. For example, a Democrat running for something like Senate or President wouldn't bother with large solidly blue cities.

I'd also bet that gerrymandering by every party would become more extreme to block out areas so they become one-party voting blocks.
Um...only POTUS would be affected by popular vote. Senators are ALREADY elected that way. They already count the regions that vote for their party as in their pockets.