It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections

Uh.......................... no.
Blue states and blue cities are rotting to the core.

Like I said, I think you might want to learn a bit of US geography so you can better understand how difficult secession is in this case.

Maybe have the librarian show you where the geography books are located and she might also be able to help you find a map of the United States. Enjoy!
Or, I could support change within the country I love. That's kind of what we do in America.
You mean like packing the Supreme Court, adding States just because they support your demographic, ending the fillibuster, and eliminating the Electoral College?
Any Republican threaten any of that and you malcontents would be screeching to the high heavens.
Like I said, I think you might want to learn a bit of US geography so you can better understand how difficult secession is in this case.

Maybe have the librarian show you where the geography books are located and she might also be able to help you find a map of the United States. Enjoy!
MAGAts are both poorly educated and not-too-bright to begin with. They don't want to learn more.
Guano, you are quite the little racist aren't you? Figure it out yet?

It's time for Red States to secede from the Union. It's just not working for us anymore.
It's time for Red States to expel the blue States from the Union. It's just not working for us anymore.

Wait. It's time for the Red States to take over the Blue States, expel the violent illegal immigrants, regain control of the blue States, make them great again, reintegrate the cured States back into the Union, and make America great again.

... if we can't do that, then the Red States can just leave.
Blue states pay for the tab for the uneducated white xtian run jesusland states, Fact
Blue States overspend and put the rest of the country further and further in debt. Fact.

Blue States destroy the economy for the rest of the country and make it harder for everyone to become great again. Fact.

Blue States are the problem. Fact.
It's time for Red States to expel the blue States from the Union. It's just not working for us anymore.

Wait. It's time for the Red States to take over the Blue States, expel the violent illegal immigrants, regain control of the blue States, make them great again, reintegrate the cured States back into the Union, and make America great again.

... if we can't do that, then the Red States can just leave.
Nutjobs supporting nutjobs. Sad.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
There are a lot of quirks in our system. States with more cows than humans still get the same Senate representation as Texas and California. Our system was set up for rule by minority.
You mean like packing the Supreme Court, adding States just because they support your demographic, ending the fillibuster, and eliminating the Electoral College?
Any Republican threaten any of that and you malcontents would be screeching to the high heavens.


This thread is about the electoral college.
There are a lot of quirks in our system. States with more cows than humans still get the same Senate representation as Texas and California. Our system was set up for rule by minority.
Expected misrepresentation by someone who is equal to a MAGAt except in political alignment.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
Polls show that most American support abolishing the EC mess. But can you even begin to imagine the money that will be spent to make sure that that never happens? We could have cheap/free universal health care for what the parties would spend to keep it in place, esp. the MAGAT party. We could have free two-year college/trade school for kids for what they would spend to keep it in place.

There is a reason why they want to keep it, and it isn't for our benefit.
You mean like packing the Supreme Court, adding States just because they support your demographic, ending the fillibuster, and eliminating the Electoral College?
Any Republican threaten any of that and you malcontents would be screeching to the high heavens.
Idiot. McTurtle ended the filibuster for SC appointments.