It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections

They would count more without the EC due to sheer population anyway. Moot point. We're stuck on stupid for the rest of our lives anyway.

Short term goal is to rid the nation of trump. Work up from there.
Yes, you are stuck on stupid for the rest of your life.

So you support the assassination of a former president?
Obviously you're referring to kamala's illegal immigrants who are hurting, raping, and or murdering women
on a daily basis in many if not all of those highly populated blue cities.
Hater claims to be a Christian but never acts like one. Sad.

John 11:35 Jesus wept.
Hater claims to be a Christian but never acts like one. Sad.

John 11:35 Jesus wept.
So, me pointing out how kamala's illegals are raping and murdering our young girls makes me not acting like a Christian? LOL!
No, it's the Christian in me that abhors the acts of leftists that allow these evil acts to continue. GOD is on my side here, and HE certainly isn't on the side of kamala.
His base needs would have to be met including sexual urges. Someone would cap him for attempting rape.
I still don't see why you think "cavemen" would be any more likely to commit rape than a modern man. He'd be more likely to kill the neighbor's poodle and present it to a woman as a sign of what a good provider he is. lol
I still don't see why you think "cavemen" would be any more likely to commit rape than a modern man. He'd be more likely to kill the neighbor's poodle and present it to a woman as a sign of what a good provider he is. lol
Human nature. Some people claim a babies need to be taught hate. While there's truth in that statement, the deeper truth is that babies are pure Id; all they care about are their needs, not those of others.

They need to be culturally/socially indoctrinated such as learning to share and not to stick a pencil in another baby's eye when fighting over a toy. In the Freudian model, that's the Super Ego.

Cavemen followed the law of the jungle; might makes right. They know what they want and, if able, will take it by force. In short, without social indoctrination, they are full grown men who are pure Id. This includes committing rape, murder and theft if they so desire. If they exist in a relatively sophisticated tribe, there'd be social restrictions on unsociable behavior with banishment being among the harshest penalties.

A banished caveman would be more likely to commit rape than a modern man since modern people are socially indoctrinated from birth to adulthood.

At least that's the way I see it. I could be wrong. :)
Seriously? The state with the most EC votes?

They don't. California has 55 votes to Iowa's 6. The irony? Iowa is traditionally a blue state. Why the change? LOL

Let me start off by saying that I do not expect things to change. The minority loves being in control.

BUT...California now has 54 Electoral College votes...and Wyoming has 3. California has a population of
Seriously? The state with the most EC votes?

They don't. California has 55 votes to Iowa's 6. The irony? Iowa is traditionally a blue state. Why the change? LOL

Let me start by saying I think this will not change. The minority love being in control...and in our country, the minority is in control.

BUT...California now has 54 EC votes...and Wyoming has 3.

California has a population of 39,000,000...meaning it has one EC vote for every 722,222 citizens...while Wyoming as a population of 590,000...meaning it has one EC vote for every 196,000 citizens.

That simply is not fair.

California's 39,000,000 people are represented in the Senate by 2 senators; Wyoming's 590,000 are represented in the Senate by 2 senators.

That also is not fair.

Nothing going to be done about it...but we ought all to acknowledge that it is not fair.
There's every reason and those reason have been enumerated many times here on JPP.
They do not have the intellect to understand the genius of our constitution.

Or the consequences of changing it.

Like a child in a toy isle they just want their childish way.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
most americans are stupid, which is why the founders created the republic

not one single vote counts more than any other. swing states getting campaign visits is exactly why the electoral system is working.

a bullshit throwback at slave states makes you an idiot
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most americans are stupid, which is why the founders created the republic

not one single vote counts more than any other. swing states getting campaign visits is exactly why the electoral system is working.

a bullshit throwback at slave states makes you an idiot
Being elite at bartending says enough.

It's like being an E4 in the military.
We have a system that supports rule by the minority. Most Americans don't support the laws rammed through by the minority in the nation. An overwhelming majority in this nation supports common sense gun control. Supports the right of a woman to control her own body. Supports fair tax policy. I could go on. There will never be any meaningful changes, given the current system. Especially given that the dumbest people in the nation seem to have too much control over elections.

Hell...trump panders to them.
you're showing your ignorance

the minority cannot, in any way, ram laws through our system.

the minority can only prevent laws being rammed through by the majority.

a system designed by the founders that actually works the way it was intended