It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections

Um...only POTUS would be affected by popular vote. Senators are ALREADY elected that way. They already count the regions that vote for their party as in their pockets.
Senators are only elected by the people of that State, dumbass.

Frankly, it's time to repeal the 17th amendment, since the purpose of the Senate is to represent the States as States, NOT to represent the popular vote (which is the House).

Senators should be appointed by the legislature of each State again.
I think you are kidding yourself here, Unk. Everything about the federal government and federal elections are DOMINATED by the minority. TOTALLY.

As regards to changing it with regard to the EC or the composition of the Senate...I have stated many times that I think it almost impossible for that to happen right now. The minority is effectively in control...and the minority does not intend to give up such control as it has to the majority.

Refusing to at least discuss the possibility, no matter how small, is a waste of a democracy.


Many Democrats agree that it is almost impossible to get the change via the options open at this point...and almost every Democrats discusses more viable alternatives...fairness.

It is possible for discussions recognizing both those things to occur.

It is happening right here.
Disagreed. Notice the MAGAts believe the same as you. It's why I think the Party of Trump has much more in common with Democrats than Goldwater Republicans.

You're free to opine about the Electoral College versus discussing workarounds or alternative. IMO, it's a waste of time. Good luck! :ribb:
Let me start off by saying that I do not expect things to change. The minority loves being in control.

BUT...California now has 54 Electoral College votes...and Wyoming has 3. California has a population of

Let me start by saying I think this will not change. The minority love being in control...and in our country, the minority is in control.

BUT...California now has 54 EC votes...and Wyoming has 3.

California has a population of 39,000,000...meaning it has one EC vote for every 722,222 citizens...while Wyoming as a population of 590,000...meaning it has one EC vote for every 196,000 citizens.

That simply is not fair.

California's 39,000,000 people are represented in the Senate by 2 senators; Wyoming's 590,000 are represented in the Senate by 2 senators.

That also is not fair.

Nothing going to be done about it...but we ought all to acknowledge that it is not fair.
Why does California have any votes or representation at all? They have effectively seceded from the Union.
They no longer recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the Constitution of the State of California.

The current form of government there is a dictatorship.

I call it the SDTC now.

This means, of course, that Kamala is not eligible to run for President.
I think you are kidding yourself here, Unk. Everything about the federal government and federal elections are DOMINATED by the minority. TOTALLY.
Thank you again for admitting that The Democrat Oligarchy is NOT the will of the people.
As regards to changing it with regard to the EC or the composition of the Senate...I have stated many times that I think it almost impossible for that to happen right now. The minority is effectively in control...and the minority does not intend to give up such control as it has to the majority.
The Democrats talk big, but they are impotent cowards in the end.
Refusing to at least discuss the possibility, no matter how small, is a waste of a democracy.
There is no democracy. The United States was never a democracy.

Many Democrats agree that it is almost impossible to get the change via the options open at this point...and almost every Democrats discusses more viable alternatives...fairness.
Democrats don't want fairness. They commit election fraud. They persecute and imprison political and take shots at political opponents. They want to take guns away from people. They ignore the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They want oligarchy.
Thank you again for admitting that The Democrat Oligarchy is NOT the will of the people.

The Democrats talk big, but they are impotent cowards in the end.

There is no democracy. The United States was never a democracy.

Democrats don't want fairness. They commit election fraud. They persecute and imprison political and take shots at political opponents. They want to take guns away from people. They ignore the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They want oligarchy.
So true, and either libs like those at this forum are oblivious to the fact that they enjoy having the U.S. be run by an oligarchy
or they are clueless as to what represents an oligarchy.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
It's a great idea. I agree that the electoral college sucks.
It will simply require a new constitution
and essentially the formation of a new nation to change it..

Our federal system,
perhaps the most stupid outline for a government ever conceived,
is the very root or foundation of this country's government.

People speak of getting rid of the electoral college as if it were a minor thing.
It's no surprise that conservatives here vehemently oppose switching to the popular vote.

Their candidate has won the popular just one time in the last 2 decades+.
It's no surprise that conservatives here vehemently oppose switching to the popular vote.

Their candidate has won the popular just one time in the last 2 decades+.
I fail to see why they are worried about it since changing the Constitution is highly unlikely considering how divided we've let ourselves become.

It's wiser, IMO, to focus on those things we can change instead of complaining about those things we can't.
It's a great idea. I agree that the electoral college sucks.
It will simply require a new constitution
and essentially the formation of a new nation to change it..

Our federal system,
perhaps the most stupid outline for a government ever conceived,
is the very root or foundation of this country's government.

People speak of getting rid of the electoral college as if it were a minor thing.
You don't want a constitution, Nifty. You despise the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
I fail to see why they are worried about it since changing the Constitution is highly unlikely considering how divided we've let ourselves become.

It's wiser, IMO, to focus on those things we can change instead of complaining about those things we can't.
Are you going to call for civil war again, Sybil?
Disagreed. Notice the MAGAts believe the same as you. It's why I think the Party of Trump has much more in common with Democrats than Goldwater Republicans.

You're free to opine about the Electoral College versus discussing workarounds or alternative. IMO, it's a waste of time. Good luck! :ribb:
blind belief that elections are good makes you an idiot, not a wise person.
Nope. But you aren't 'smart' enough to follow along. The minority in the nation has the ability to have a majority in the Senate. The minority in the nation is able to gerrymander (yes...both sides do it) so that the House can be controlled.
hey, dumbass, if the 'minority' in the nation has a majority in the senate, then guess what? a majority voted for those senators.

i'm astounded that you can tell me i'm not 'smart' enough to follow along when it's apparent you don't even know how senators are elected.
It's no surprise that conservatives here vehemently oppose switching to the popular vote.

Their candidate has won the popular just one time in the last 2 decades+.
that may be why some conservatives don't like popular vote, but real Americans understand why it is there and necessary for there to be three representations of government, as intended.