I've been on this site just two weeks now.....

how can you expose your family this way?

the right is full of dullards who cant accept facts

do you know what the right did to the families of Sandyhook children that were murdered by some gun nutters crazy son?

your right wing media caused the litle brothers and sisters of the murdered children massive grief by screaming at them in public and calling them liars and CRISIS ACTORS

tortured them with public hate of all sorts

that is what your side does to people

gets nut bag gun snugglers to MURDER people for your lies

you are very lucky left leaning people are not as evil as your spawn

you are soo stupid you just keep exposing your family

while you whip up hate that gets people killed

I just care more about your family than you do

only an idiot would give away their information on the internets
Thanks, everyone, for all the WONDERFUL (Sarcasm) responses to this thread. It's hilarious to observe the non-stop vitriol spewed by some on this site. It must REALLY suck to be that miserable. Keep your vitriol coming, I can handle ANYTHING you throw my way. And have fun LAUGHING at it. Thanks again!
when I fist came on the internets back in 2002 I was sweet as pie to everyone

guess what happened

I got accused of insulting people

and got insulted non stop

I noticed the pathetic attempts

and realized the right was sooo stupid and full of lies that being nice was NEVER honored by them

So I unleashed on you idiots

and people crack up

the asshole righties who tried to SCARE me off by getting really vulgar got their asses stomped by me

you guys deserve every insult I give you and more
Thanks, everyone, for all the WONDERFUL (Sarcasm) responses to this thread. It's hilarious to observe the non-stop vitriol spewed by some on this site. It must REALLY suck to be that miserable. Keep your vitriol coming, I can handle ANYTHING you throw my way. And have fun LAUGHING at it. Thanks again!

you lie and embrace lies and I will be happy to oblige you
Oh there is a lovely thread that still exsist where were I call out people for having a discussion about my clit

tell me how nice republicans are

you people would cook and eat children if someone told you it would increase your sexual stamina