Again, how is marrying gays not promoting homosexuality?
How is supporting a political party and a President that advocates abortion on demand including letting victims of botched abortions die not promoting abortion?
how is marrying gays PROMOTING homosexuality? Do you think that, by marrying two men who are in a committed relationship, I am telling otherwise heterosexual boys and men that being homosexual is a BETTER thing to be than heterosexual? Do you think that, if I were to refuse to perform the ceremony should my church approve it and it does become law, that gay couples would stop being gay?
Marrying them in no way PROMOTES their sexual preference.
Regarding your question concerning abortion, I am not a one issue voter. I vote for the candidate that best addresses all of my concerns...I vote for the candidate who stands on the platform that contains more of my beliefs than the other one. I do NOT promote abortion.
you lose "southern man"*
*that's code, you know!