Main stream republicans are starting to follow the Conservative's lead. They are no longer looking to compromise with Democrats, but instead ignore the left-wing pundits, dig their heels in and pull hard in the opposite direction. Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to
ensure ultimate victory.
No matter what happens with programs that the Democrats push through, if the GOP sounds the warning loud enough and votes a resounding NO, the Democrats may pass their huge spending bills, but will ultimately own the resulting failure completely.
I am starting to see joy from conservative pundits who see this happening, and like Winston Churchill during the Battle of London, realized that although the country is undertaking massive punishment, the enemy can never defeat us, will ultimately be beaten, beaten badly, and good will be triumphant.
Such is the future of the Democrat Party.