how are those lies about being kidnapped in your alleged service to this country coming along? worked out all the kinks....
why would you call them lies?
are you suggesting that service in Lebanon during the time frame when I was there was not prone to that sort of hazard?
Oh wait... you wouldn't know. You don't know feces from fat meat about the middle east... you were just a baby when that was going on... but somehow, you feel as if you have the right to accuse someone who spent his adult life serving in harm's way to keep YOUR sorry pathetic ass safe of being a liar. I get it counselor. You toss out cheap shots without basis and think that you are quite the stud. Go chase an ambulance... go get coffee for the real partners at the B&B while you do grunt work...
get back to me when you have done ANYTHING in your pitiful life that is worthy of commendation. loser.