Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......


Well-known member
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:
And for the record.....I am not calling out Owl or any of the others specifically. It could be anyone, wouldnt matter. Its just that I find the thing so odd. So far removed from reality that its almost hard to believe why anyone would do it. VERY very stupid.
BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them.

Most people post their links by default....................unless............................
And for the record.....I am not calling out Owl or any of the others specifically. It could be anyone, wouldnt matter. Its just that I find the thing so odd. So far removed from reality that its almost hard to believe why anyone would do it. VERY very stupid.

This is about abuse, this is about bullying people into submission, this is about making sure that there is no conversation and no compromise....only power matters.
Most people post their links by default....................unless............................

No problem. GLAD to do it. :cool:


"black adults
In 2020, black adults had the highest obesity rates of any race or ethnicity in the United States, followed by American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanics. As of that time, around 42 percent of all black adults were obese.Nov 16, 2021"

This is about abuse, this is about bullying people into submission, this is about making sure that there is no conversation and no compromise....only power matters.

But it makes them look fucking STUPID. All anyone has to do is walk around the street, look around,...and you instantly KNOW they are lying. Either that or they are just flat stupid,...or maybe blind. :cool:
Most people post their links by default....................unless............................

Need more than those I just posted? :laugh: There are hundreds. All of which support my claims. Dont take my word for it.... Drive to just about any Indian reservation. Walk around and just look. HOLY BALLS. Its nothing but people who can barely even move around anymore they are so fat. Its almost unreal to see.



https://www.firstnations.org/wp-con... Sheet Obesity in Native Communities FNDI.pdf
But it makes them look fucking STUPID. All anyone has to do is walk around the street, look around,...and you instantly KNOW they are lying. Either that or they are just flat stupid,...or maybe blind. :cool:

We can no longer tell obvious truths, and we increasingly claim lies as the truth, which is exactly what they are after. Like masking it is a constant demonstration of our submission.
....." Hey, can you 17 massively fat black people, Hispanics, and native Americans move out of the way a second? I need to take a picture of the three fat white people so I can beat them over the head with it" THAT is what this nonsense is like. Lying liars and the lies they tell. ;)
....." Hey, can you 17 massively fat black people, Hispanics, and native Americans move out of the way a second? I need to take a picture of the three fat white people so I can beat them over the head with it" THAT is what this nonsense is like. Lying liars and the lies they tell. ;)

Until you get that they dont give a flying fuck what the truth is or what you think, all that matters is your obedience, you are lost.
Until you get that they dont give a flying fuck what the truth is or what you think, all that matters is your obedience, you are lost.

What YOU do not understand is this...........There are tens of millions of people out there just like me who will NEVER obey. NO MATTER WHAT. We do not give a flying fuck what they want because it is irrelevant to us. They can demand and push all they want to,....doesnt mean jack shit to us. In fact we laugh at them for it. We laugh at them because we KNOW that they cannot make us do SHIT. They know it too actually. in fact,...many of us would actually LOVE for them to try to get heavy handed with us as it would give us the right to grind them into dust. But they wont............they wont because they know. ;) Enuff said. I am DONE talking to a fucking Tokyo Rose like you on this subject.
the amusing part is, the ones who do it are all fat white people.......

No need for a link there, just channel surf past the View or any of the other angry malcontent lefties screeching about the soup they are told to squawk about that particular day.
No need for a link there, just channel surf past the View or any of the other angry malcontent lefties screeching about the soup they are told to squawk about that particular day.

Joy and Joy. Pretty much a daily HATE fest. A couple of the most woefully miserable people you could ever find. Must really suck to be THAT unhappy.
the amusing part is, the ones who do it are all fat white people.......

Actually, it's ugly white women bitching about fat white women. They'd rather be fat, than ugly white white women. You can lose fat, but you can't lose ugly. They're tattooed with ugly (and lots of cheap tattoos.)
wow ... so far just one dimlib (moony) and even that was a waste of keystrokes ... and hopefully crickets will be another trend we can notice.
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:
Did they say all fat people are white? I didn't see that.

All white people are NOT fat. All fat white people ARE trump voters though.