Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

Goyim is an actual Hebrew or Yiddish word that refers to non-Jews.

Heeb, spearchucker, and kike are made up words which were invented by actual bigots.

I have used cracker myself, but I think I am allowed because I am white. It wouldn't be cool if Louis Farrakhan used it

What about negro?

The bottom line for me is usage; is it used in a manner to demean or to push toward a more enlightened goal? No doubt we can agree demeaning is wrong. Universities seem to be supporting oppression of speech in using certain words without considering the ideas behind their usage. The Far Left seems to be doing exactly the same.

Note my meme about Stone getting a letter thanking him for his support. Would that get me fired from a University teaching position?

What about negro?

The bottom line for me is usage; is it used in a manner to demean or to push toward a more enlightened goal? No doubt we can agree demeaning is wrong. Universities seem to be supporting oppression of speech in using certain words without considering the ideas behind their usage. The Far Left seems to be doing exactly the same.

Note my meme about Stone getting a letter thanking him for his support. Would that get me fired from a University teaching position?


This country is racist.

Way too much talk about a White majority slipping away. For a couple reasons. 1.....Most whites dont even think that way or even care. 2.....losing a white majority is actually a false narrative GOAL made up by the left. It is said that by the year 2050 whites will be in the minority. Yeah,...sooooooo ??? So what. Thats not how real life works AT ALL. Minority groups are NOT monolithic and never were.

Picture it this way........ So in 2050 you take 100 Americans and put them in a field. It would look something like this. There would be 49 White people, 20 Hispanics, 13 black people, maybe 7 Asians, and 11 others from smaller minority groups. WHO is the majority? What single group? :thinking: ;)

Run that by Trump supporters!
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

Its very simple, they're homos and misandrists. They're an extreme minority without the catholics and race bait. They have to radicalize marginalized people like fellons, illegal immigrants, and especially dope trafficers. But they're fools. "Blacks" dont much care for them or their homo politics. They have nothing else to buy them off now that the dope flow is controlled by the chinese. Chinese are bringing some in but at rates where they cant keep south korea honey trapped for much longer.

It was the most disgustinly fragile foreign policy in history and it's full force fked now that faggots have no direct afghan source. Soon there will be faggot heads on pikes. The wise ones are out looking for a hotshot right now.
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

Two thoughts.

1) I agree. It is probably because most of the people whom are shown at Trump rally's tend to be 'white', males, middle-aged and overweight.
They are not ALL like that.
But a LOT of them appear to be that way.
But that does not excuse making mass generalizations like that.

2) now do you make generalizations about Democrats?
Because if you do?
You are kind of calling the Kettle 'black' here.

Most Reps seem to generalize Dems AND vise versa.
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Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY?

This may have been mentioned before but Ill say it anyway. The Trump supporters' hero IS a fat white person.

Specifically, his BMI would count as obese if his height hadn't increased by a couple of inches in his seventies. Odd thing, that ...

But not as odd as his hair.
This may have been mentioned before but Ill say it anyway. The Trump supporters' hero IS a fat white person.

Specifically, his BMI would count as obese if his height hadn't increased by a couple of inches in his seventies. Odd thing, that ...

But not as odd as his hair.
Which is exactly the appeal for JPP's RW incels. People like Stone can relate:

Two thoughts.

1) I agree. It is probably because most of the people whom are shown at Trump rally's tend to be 'white', males, middle-aged and overweight.
They are not ALL like that.
But a LOT of them appear to be that way.
But that does not excuse making mass generalizations like that.

2) now do you make generalizations about Democrats?
Because if you do?
You are kind of calling the Kettle 'black' here.

Most Reps seem to generalize Dems AND vise versa.

Have you ever seen a black Dem woman politician who wasn't obese? Stacey Abrams comes to mind.

Black Women and Fat

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Yeah...Kamala Harris, Saira Rao (though I think she is an indy now) and a few others.

Black women are fatter in general - because they are poorer.

You go to a poor area? Most of the women will be FAT. Whatever the color of their skin.

Because fatty food is cheap; it's the waste leftover from producing healthy food.

Healthy food is more expensive; lean meats, veggies, etc.
Yeah...Kamala Harris, Saira Rao (though I think she is an indy now) and a few others.

Black women are fatter in general - because they are poorer.

You go to a poor area? Most of the women will be FAT. Whatever the color of their skin.

Harris is 5ft 1in and 132 lbs, which gives her a BMI of around 27 or severely overweight but not quite obese. Oh and she not really black either.

You look at women from the previous times, very few were fat despite being poor, it's a modern phenomenon.
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Harris is 5ft 1in and 132 lbs, which gives her a BMI of around 127 or severely overweight but not quite obese. Oh and she not really black either.

You look at women from the previous times, very few were fat despite being poor, it's a modern phenomenon.

Well, I had no idea about her figure.
Nor - do I much care.
But her face does not look fat.

And it is a modern phenomenon because long ago - poverty meant starving.
Today, it can mean sitting around on welfare and eating lots of bad, tasty food...because bad food is cheapest.

And no offense - but why do you care?
I sure don't care in the SLIGHTEST whether fed female, black politicians are fat or not.
I ain't gonna date 'em.
So why would I care if they are fit or not?
So why do you care?

Besides, 42+% of ALL Americans are obese.