Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

First, dimwit, I don't associate with people who commit rule violations. Any who strayed close or possibly over the line, I informed, but it's both their choice to do anything about it and it's the forum admin's choice to do something about it.

Second, you should be smart enough to recognize that a report is only a report. Someone like you or TOP who report everyone for everything are known to be whiners by the mods. A person who reports legitimate violations is just a person making a report. It's up to forum Admin to take action or not.

Lastly, it's your choice to lie about others. No one can make you a liar except yourself. Only you can choose to live an honorable life; no one can take that from you or make you into something you don't choose to be. Your choice, RB 60.

Oh, but you do associate with rule breakers and racists. Like I said, pussy, ask any mod if I ever reported anyone. Again, I encourage them to make the truth public.
You've been a dishonorable liar your whole life. You live alone in your fantasy world, looking for acceptance on a fucking internet forum that you think you're the gatekeeper of. You're not.
Squeal, coward squeal. It's what you do, it's all you have. You're a wannabe that never achieved an honorable thing in your life. How many times have you squealed on me?
Oh, but you do associate with rule breakers and racists. Like I said, pussy, ask any mod if I ever reported anyone. Again, I encourage them to make the truth public.
You've been a dishonorable liar your whole life. You live alone in your fantasy world, looking for acceptance on a fucking internet forum that you think you're the gatekeeper of. You're not.
Squeal, coward squeal. It's what you do, it's all you have. You're a wannabe that never achieved an honorable thing in your life. How many times have you squealed on me?

Name one and let's discuss it. We already discussed Guno. Who else? Or is this your way of defending yourself hanging out with rule breakers, oath breakers, traitors, racists and other scumbags?

You can scream all the insults you like, RB, but that doesn't change the facts.
Name one and let's discuss it. We already discussed Guno. Who else? Or is this your way of defending yourself hanging out with rule breakers, oath breakers, traitors, racists and other scumbags?

You can scream all the insults you like, RB, but that doesn't change the facts.

That's funny. You're here hanging out with what you say are rule breakers, oath breakers, traitors, racists and other scumbags all day, every day.. And kissing their asses.

The fact that you're a fat weak wannabe lying squealing coward? No, nothing changes that fact. You are what you are. If I were a better man, I'd pity you. But I don't.
WTF are you whining about now? I don't kiss anyone's ass and I certainly wouldn't start with a fucking racist.

Do you see any racism in the conversation below and, if so, is anyone being a racist?

All I've seen are racist assholes attacking someone and they replied in kind.

Morally, you're as guilty of being a racist, a traitor and unAmerican as the worst examples on this forum because you support them. I've never seen Guno go after others like you, Stone, volsrock and your other friends choose to do. You and your chosen friends attack him, other minorities, women and anyone else with whom you disagree. Am I wrong?

This has been posted before; I don't agree the racist wedges being driven into our society and recognize that the current Republican Party is, indeed, very hateful to all who are not Evangelical Euro-American males who support their favorite traitor, Pedo Don.

While I don't agree with Guno's use of racial epithets in fighting fire with fire against JPP's numerous Trump racists and traitors, I understand it.

I do not trust anything a Deplorable says about Guano.

They claimed he was black.

He's not. I asked him, and he is a mixed ethnic background. A mutt, so to speak.

They called him a virulent racist. The worst if have seen him say are words like goyim and cracker. Goyim is off color, but it is not racist. I have used the word cracker myself. Not the most noble words of the Queen's English, but nothing I am having a heart attack about
That's funny. You're here hanging out with what you say are rule breakers, oath breakers, traitors, racists and other scumbags all day, every day.. And kissing their asses.

The fact that you're a fat weak wannabe lying squealing coward? No, nothing changes that fact. You are what you are. If I were a better man, I'd pity you. But I don't.

Soooo you can't name a single other person. Figures.

Meh. Let's say I am exactly what you claim, a "fat weak wannabe lying squealing coward". How does that make you a better person, RB?

How does that make you thinner, stronger, more honest, less whiny and braver, son?
I do not trust anything a Deplorable says about Guano.

They claimed he was black.

He's not. I asked him, and he is a mixed ethnic background. A mutt, so to speak.

They called him a virulent racist. The worst if have seen him say are words like goyim and cracker. Goyim is off color, but it is not racist. I have used the word cracker myself. Not the most noble words of the Queen's English, but nothing I am having a heart attack about

Spell check. LOL It's "Guno". I've had to correct that one myself a few times. LOL

Cracker is racist, goyim is equivalent to calling someone a kike or a Hebe.

OTOH, I've never seen Guno initiate only retaliate. That doesn't make it right but it also doesn't make him a racist like Stone, RB, volrock and the other racist, traitorous assholes on JPP.
Spell check. LOL It's "Guno". I've had to correct that one myself a few times. LOL

Cracker is racist, goyim is equivalent to calling someone a kike or a Hebe.

OTOH, I've never seen Guno initiate only retaliate. That doesn't make it right but it also doesn't make him a racist like Stone, RB, volrock and the other racist, traitorous assholes on JPP.

No it's the equivalent to calling someone a Gaijin.
:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: Let's go with that; let's say I'm the fattest, shortest, roundest member of JPP. How doe that prove your lies about threats?

How does that disprove you aren't fucking the office worker who can't type, can't write but has a sweet ass? Do you fuck the secretary and then treat your wife like a housemaid who does your laundry and cooks your food? Is that why she's #3 and you're looking for #4?

If I'm the fattest, roundest and shortest member of JPP, how does that disprove you're not a narcissistic fat boy oath-breaker who is supporting white supremacist terrorism against your fellow Americans, Stone?

Unlike your lies about me threatening your family, this thread is full of your support for domestic terrorism, your white supremacist views on race and the fact, if you are believed to be a vet, that you're an oath-breaker?

Hey,....little short fat fuck,....can you show me where I supported white supremacist views or racism in this thread? Nope.....sure cant. Just a hint,....posting links that BLOW SOMEONE ELSES RACIST narrative out of the water and make them look foolish is not racism. It is FACTS AND SCIENCE! :cool:

Hey,....little short fat fuck,....can you show me where I supported white supremacist views or racism in this thread? Nope.....sure cant. Just a hint,....posting links that BLOW SOMEONE ELSES RACIST narrative out of the water and make them look foolish is not racism. It is FACTS AND SCIENCE! :cool:


Do you support 1/6?
Hey Beachball boy.......I know you are somewhat mentally disabled but have you figured out YET how I KNOW you are quite short ? :thinking: ;) :cool:
Do you support 1/6?

You guys need to be polite. For instance,....Never answer a question with another question. Instead first answer the question the other party asked you THEN ask your question. I will be more than happy to answer your question as soon as Dutch, or even you in his place, answers mine as mine was asked first. TIA.....
Spell check. LOL It's "Guno". I've had to correct that one myself a few times. LOL

Cracker is racist, goyim is equivalent to calling someone a kike or a Hebe.

OTOH, I've never seen Guno initiate only retaliate. That doesn't make it right but it also doesn't make him a racist like Stone, RB, volrock and the other racist, traitorous assholes on JPP.

Goyim is an actual Hebrew or Yiddish word that refers to non-Jews.

Heeb, spearchucker, and kike are made up words which were invented by actual bigots.

I have used cracker myself, but I think I am allowed because I am white. It wouldn't be cool if Louis Farrakhan used it
And BTW...hurry the fuck up. Football starts in about 20 minutes and it is a lot more entertaining than this nonsense so......once the clock strikes noon Im leaving you sad sack cases to your own pathetic devices.
You guys need to be polite. For instance,....Never answer a question with another question. Instead first answer the question the other party asked you THEN ask your question. I will be more than happy to answer your question as soon as Dutch, or even you in his place, answers mine as mine was asked first. TIA.....

In order to know where you stand when you ask that question, I have to ask you a question. Capeesh? ;)
In order to know where you stand when you ask that question, I have to ask you a question. Capeesh? ;)

Dog dont hunt. I asked Dutch to SHOW ME the proof of his claims that he claims exist in this very thread. Either him or you do it.........or you will get nothing,...and love it! Because you will have no other option :laugh:
Dog dont hunt. I asked Dutch to SHOW ME the proof of his claims that he claims exist in this very thread. Either him or you do it.........or you will get nothing,...and love it! Because you will have no other option :laugh:

Your denial is noted. :D
Too late now. Wife just told me lunch is ready. You guys are screwed now.......

Hey,....little short fat fuck,....can you show me where I supported white supremacist views or racism in this thread? Nope.....sure cant. Just a hint,....posting links that BLOW SOMEONE ELSES RACIST narrative out of the water and make them look foolish is not racism. It is FACTS AND SCIENCE! :cool:


That's it, Stone? You're now denying you support the white supremacists on this forum and, IMO, your local area? Are you denying you've posted dozens of racial posts about Native Americans and Hispanics? Are you denying you believe 1/6 was justified?

Dude, you've swallowed the entire fuckwad that Trump was spewing from day one and you still gobble it up.