Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

Still harassing me because I was adopted. Fucking wimp...

Stop being offended for an accident of birth. You can't change being adopted anymore than anyone else can change the circumstances of their own birth.

The only people who get offended are the racists and other assholes who insult others for accidents of birth such as being born black or into a Muslim family.

Have you been guilty of doing that, RB? ;)
I don't want to change being adopted. Why would I? My parents were good people, they taught me how to survive on my own.

You're racist buddie keeps saying I'm a spawn of a rapist without knowing a damn thing about what led to me being adopted. It's an immature way to insult me, to say the least. Maybe he should review

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.

I'd say he's violated it many times.
Son, go back to your mommy if you can't have a man-to-man conversation about your support for traitors and terrorists or your attacks on the United States military and our First Responders.

Grow up, pussy. Who attacked our military or first responders? You're losing it, go to bed, little fat boy.
.....annnnnd you swear to God, hope to die, on your Mother's grave that you never reported him or encouraged others to report him...like you just did?

Nope. Never, ask any of the mods if I ever reported anyone. They have my permission to answer...honestly.
Grow up, pussy. Who attacked our military or first responders? You're losing it, go to bed, little fat boy.
Look in a mirror to see who needs to grow up, son. You, RB. You regularly side with the Trumpers in attacking the military, LEOs, etc.


You have never seen an insurrection in the US, but you might if you assholes keep fucking up our country...
What did the UNARMED crowd do once they were in there....NOTHING! They left. No insurrection. Not even a single delay to what was planned.
Doesn't matter anyway. You pukes are showing what you want to do and the American people will put a stop to it at the ballot box next year.
Nope. Never, ask any of the mods if I ever reported anyone. They have my permission to answer...honestly.

Ah, so you are a pussy who talks about it and hope someone else reports him? Otherwise, why are you being a whiny little bitch about it?
That you have some personal issues which, like the Insurrectionist nutjobs, you express through your hatred of the US military, LEOs and the Federal government.

You're a fucking coward and a liar. Show us these posts of mine that say I hate the military, LEOs and first responders.
Yet you kiss the racist's ass and defend him. Why aren't you squealing on him?

WTF are you whining about now? I don't kiss anyone's ass and I certainly wouldn't start with a fucking racist.

Do you see any racism in the conversation below and, if so, is anyone being a racist?

But they all look so HAPPY in that picture! :laugh:
Here, put this over your bed -

All I've seen are racist assholes attacking someone and they replied in kind.

Morally, you're as guilty of being a racist, a traitor and unAmerican as the worst examples on this forum because you support them. I've never seen Guno go after others like you, Stone, volsrock and your other friends choose to do. You and your chosen friends attack him, other minorities, women and anyone else with whom you disagree. Am I wrong?

This has been posted before; I don't agree the racist wedges being driven into our society and recognize that the current Republican Party is, indeed, very hateful to all who are not Evangelical Euro-American males who support their favorite traitor, Pedo Don.

While I don't agree with Guno's use of racial epithets in fighting fire with fire against JPP's numerous Trump racists and traitors, I understand it.
WTF are you whining about now? I don't kiss anyone's ass and I certainly wouldn't start with a fucking racist.

Do you see any racism in the conversation below and, if so, is anyone being a racist?

All I've seen are racist assholes attacking someone and they replied in kind.

Morally, you're as guilty of being a racist, a traitor and unAmerican as the worst examples on this forum because you support them. I've never seen Guno go after others like you, Stone, volsrock and your other friends choose to do. You and your chosen friends attack him, other minorities, women and anyone else with whom you disagree. Am I wrong?

This has been posted before; I don't agree the racist wedges being driven into our society and recognize that the current Republican Party is, indeed, very hateful to all who are not Evangelical Euro-American males who support their favorite traitor, Pedo Don.

While I don't agree with Guno's use of racial epithets in fighting fire with fire against JPP's numerous Trump racists and traitors, I understand it.

So you think you're the forum gestapo, squealing on everyone but your buddies. You fucking hypocritical degenerate lying coward.
Can't answer the question, eh? LOL Figured you were just blowing smoke as usual.

Killing Americans, attacking police, destroying or blowing up public property. The usual shit terrorists do.

I'm content to let others decide who is the weak, lame little liar between us.

You made threats against my wife and children, and myself. You made a threat that you and one of your friends were coming to see my family and I armed. Furthermore,...you KNOW I can prove it. YOU are the terrorist pussy boy in this room. Nobody else here is stupid enuff nor vile enuff to make the kind of threats you made against me. My bet is,....not one single person in here supports those threats you made. Loser POS ....
But Dutch never did come to see us armed like he said he would. Smart move too, he never would have seen home again back in Bumfuck. What isnt smart is to make vile terroristic death threats. You fucked up Dutch,....you fucked up real bad. I wonder what those Texas DA's.... OF ALL PLACES :laugh: , are going to think of not only your violent threats against my family but your overall posting record here? I think we both know the answer to THAT question....;)
So you think you're the forum gestapo, squealing on everyone but your buddies. You fucking hypocritical degenerate lying coward.
First, dimwit, I don't associate with people who commit rule violations. Any who strayed close or possibly over the line, I informed, but it's both their choice to do anything about it and it's the forum admin's choice to do something about it.

Second, you should be smart enough to recognize that a report is only a report. Someone like you or TOP who report everyone for everything are known to be whiners by the mods. A person who reports legitimate violations is just a person making a report. It's up to forum Admin to take action or not.

Lastly, it's your choice to lie about others. No one can make you a liar except yourself. Only you can choose to live an honorable life; no one can take that from you or make you into something you don't choose to be. Your choice, RB 60.