Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

No it doesnt Liar. Are you blind as well as dumb? Why do you think I always LMAO at some of you nutjobs when you say stupid shit like that....:laugh:

LOL Dude, you're like the wife who asks her husband "Do I look fat?"

Are you relying on your office worker to say "Oh no, Stone, you don't look fat!"? ;)
My vision is decent enough to see a fat man in a ballcap. Are you vaccinated?

Nope. So tell me nutcase,.... Tell me specifically where I am fat in the picture. That way we can blow the picture up and prove you a LIAR yet again. Lying POS. If anyone is the fatass its your short little sawed ff ass, not mine. Like I say,....You are either blind,....or a liar. Me thinks its LIAR.
Nope. So tell me nutcase,.... Tell me specifically where I am fat in the picture. That way we can blow the picture up and prove you a LIAR yet again. Lying POS. If anyone is the fatass its your short little sawed ff ass, not mine. Like I say,....You are either blind,....or a liar. Me thinks its LIAR.

See? Two strikes already; middle-aged unvaxxed terrorist supporter.

Dude, what does your family consider "fat"? Anything over 290?
....." Hey, can you 17 massively fat black people, Hispanics, and native Americans move out of the way a second? I need to take a picture of the three fat white people so I can beat them over the head with it" THAT is what this nonsense is like. Lying liars and the lies they tell. ;)

Q sees what you did there.
:rofl2: Says the fat boy avatar.

LMAO! Yeah,...right. :rolleyes: Like I keep telling you,....just because you SAY something doesnt make it true. You more than anyone,...WAY MORE than anyone actually, do that same schtick all the time. You just say shit and hang with it as if its actually true. Its crazy,.... just like you are. Hey,....are you going to ever follow thru on the threat you made to me or not? The one where you said you were going to come see me armed with a gun? Are you EVER coming? Im getting sick of waiting. I want you to follow thru instead of just being a little pussyboy loud mouth. There isnt much you can do about being short, or being a little pussy boy, you were born that way, poor genetics. ...but you CAN follow thru on your threats. Are you coming or not?
LMAO! Yeah,...right. :rolleyes: Like I keep telling you,....just because you SAY something doesnt make it true. You more than anyone,...WAY MORE than anyone actually, do that same schtick all the time. You just say shit and hang with it as if its actually true. Its crazy,.... just like you are...

Meh. Your avatar is worth a 1000 words, fat boy. LOL

...Hey,....are you going to ever follow thru on the threat you made to me or not? The one where you said you were going to come see me armed with a gun? Are you EVER coming? Im getting sick of waiting. I want you to follow thru instead of just being a little pussyboy loud mouth. There isnt much you can do about being short, or being a little pussy boy, you were born that way, poor genetics. ...but you CAN follow thru on your threats. Are you coming or not?
Sorry for missing this the first time around since I rarely read your whiney screeching's all the way through.

I never threatened you, fat boy. NEVER. You made that shit up and now you remember it but it never happened. Look it up yourself.
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All you need is enuff gas to get here Dutch, Even a loser like you CANT be THAT broke. Oh,...and were leaving for Florida in a few weeks so time is running out. You coming lying little pussy boy, or not? I saved the threat you made but never turned you into the authorities in the hopes you would actually come like your lying big mouth said you would. Soon Im just going to get pissed off and turn you in. Afterall,...it is the responsibility of all good Americans to turn in domestic terrorists right? ;) And BTW,....you denying the threat happened wont make it go away. You could easily find that out the hard way when your FBI pals come knocking on your door. So sack up little trooper,....action not words. If you think you dont like me now,....just wait till you see me in person. :laugh: