Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

You KNOW you are in trouble when the person leading the meeting has a head like porky pig herself.
But where you go wrong you silly old fool is when you " report" someone who has done nothing wrong. Then you just look like a nut, or someone with an ax to grind. You know what generally happens then...... thats when the FBI is prone to show up at your door. You see son,....crazy old cranks like you can be considered dangerous. They are seen that way because after an agency looks at someone you reported and finds NOTHING,.... it makes you look like a crazy person. Crazy people do crazy things. When they come for you dont act weird or anything, get yourself in trouble. Just offer them coffee and answer all of their questions as best you can. Maybe that way you can still avoid being thrown into the dementia ward for a little longer.

If you were smarter or honest you'd know that's not my call. It's my call to report suspicious activity. It's our community's, state's and nation's job to figure it out and hope they don't fuck it up like 9/11 or Nashville.

If one of your nimrod friends wants to be a hero of white supremacists like Timothy McVeigh then it might be the honest report by a good American who prevents your friends from blowing up another daycare center.

Notice too who thanks those kinds of posts. But he/she/it isn't racist, nosireebob!

Agreed. Observation is a key to truth since acts speak louder than words. TOP's a hypocrite which isn't surprising since she's always lied to and, mostly, about me.

Liars are often hypocrites since they believe they are special and the rules never apply to them, even the rules they push onto others. Hence, TOP's inherent hypocrisy.

I'll be the first to admit I push the rules, test the rules, but I never intentionally break one in fun and entertainment and only as a last resort IRL.

FWIW, <off topic warning> That's why I don't believe in miracles AKA magical hands from heaven; it would be breaking the rules and, IMO, the Almighty doesn't break the rules since it's cheating.

Honest people and God don't cheat. TOP cheats every day which is why you don't see her expounding on her supposed Christianity. LOL
If you were smarter or honest you'd know that's not my call. It's my call to report suspicious activity. It's our community's, state's and nation's job to figure it out and hope they don't fuck it up like 9/11 or Nashville.

If one of your nimrod friends wants to be a hero of white supremacists like Timothy McVeigh then it might be the honest report by a good American who prevents your friends from blowing up another daycare center.


You know Dutch,... people like you and your friends involved with drug trafficking down in Texas are really a scourge upon this land. You guys kill so many people DAILY in this great land by pushing your poison,...and for what,....all to make a few measly dollars. Why not just work and earn your money? Scumbag. The more that people like you and your drug running friends are put away in prison the better this country becomes.

Building Strawmen is Soooooooo FUN!! Doesnt make it true though,...does it Dutch? :laugh:
Agreed. Observation is a key to truth since acts speak louder than words. TOP's a hypocrite which isn't surprising since she's always lied to and, mostly, about me.

Liars are often hypocrites since they believe they are special and the rules never apply to them, even the rules they push onto others. Hence, TOP's inherent hypocrisy.

I'll be the first to admit I push the rules, test the rules, but I never intentionally break one in fun and entertainment and only as a last resort IRL.

FWIW, <off topic warning> That's why I don't believe in miracles AKA magical hands from heaven; it would be breaking the rules and, IMO, the Almighty doesn't break the rules since it's cheating.

Honest people and God don't cheat. TOP cheats every day which is why you don't see her expounding on her supposed Christianity. LOL

Another load of shit. Like I said from the beginning......a pathetic bored old man in Bumfuck with nothing better to do then start fires and watch them burn. Pitiful.....
Agreed. Observation is a key to truth since acts speak louder than words. TOP's a hypocrite which isn't surprising since she's always lied to and, mostly, about me.

Liars are often hypocrites since they believe they are special and the rules never apply to them, even the rules they push onto others. Hence, TOP's inherent hypocrisy.

I'll be the first to admit I push the rules, test the rules, but I never intentionally break one in fun and entertainment and only as a last resort IRL.

FWIW, <off topic warning> That's why I don't believe in miracles AKA magical hands from heaven; it would be breaking the rules and, IMO, the Almighty doesn't break the rules since it's cheating.

Honest people and God don't cheat. TOP cheats every day which is why you don't see her expounding on her supposed Christianity. LOL

She used to quote the Bible quite often. But since the old forum -- because ppl here will call her out on the phoniness -- she mostly quit. I do find it amusing that she'll blather about Kwanzaa and quote Oprah and Maya Angelou though, in an attempt to prove that she's not *really* a racist. In a way ppl like TDAK, CFM, volsrock etc are far more honest about who they hate. People of color are pretty quick to discover the racism beneath the fake smiles IRL. Especially when a white person posts in Ebonics. lol

Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

I don’t think I’ve ever made such a claim, but it does appear lots of those who attend his rallies are fat and white.
You know Dutch,... people like you and your friends involved with drug trafficking down in Texas are really a scourge upon this land. You guys kill so many people DAILY in this great land by pushing your poison,...and for what,....all to make a few measly dollars. Why not just work and earn your money? Scumbag. The more that people like you and your drug running friends are put away in prison the better this country becomes.

Building Strawmen is Soooooooo FUN!! Doesnt make it true though,...does it Dutch? :laugh:
Did you report me like an honest American or are you just a lying scumbag oath-breaker?
Nope. Not in the slightest. More strawman building on your part. Doesnt make it true though,....silly guy. :laugh:

Of course not, but your avatar indicates I'm closer to the truth than you are. :)

Why are you dodging the question about being an honest American?
Of course not, but your avatar indicates I'm closer to the truth than you are. :)

No it doesnt Liar. Are you blind as well as dumb? Why do you think I always LMAO at some of you nutjobs when you say stupid shit like that....:laugh:
Again Dutch,.... just because you SAY something....doesnt make it true. Fucking weirdo nutjob.
Again Dutch,.... just because you SAY something....doesnt make it true. Fucking weirdo nutjob.

100% correct, Stone. Why would any patriotic, sane American disagree?

The fucking weirdo nutjobs are those supporting terrorists and violence against their fellow Americans.