Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

Stone is a consummate liar; he denies Qanon exists then posts pictures from a Qanon website. ROFLMAO

Stone, the white supremacist militia traitor supporting the overthrow of the US government lies about Qanon's existence then posts their pictures. ROFL

I just love the smell of silly old dumbfuck in the morning!


Does Q post as Q or does he make posts as Qanon? C,mon fucking idiot, answer the question dementia boy.
Hey everybody,....I wonder if there are countless old posts of Dutches we can all dig up? :laugh: ;) You know what the difference is Dutch? I actually stand by what I say or post. No need to LIE or attempt to muddy the waters like you do. But then again, Im not a pathetic old man pussyboy troll like you either. Big difference. You once threatened me that you were going to come see me,...armed. Like as if someone like me would ever fear some pathetic old pussy like you.... :rolleyes: :laugh: Do you know why I never reported you? Because I was HOPING you would even though I knew there was no shot of it. THATS what pussies do Dutch, like you most probably always have...and you are the very definition of a washed up old pussy.
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How many hundreds more links of SCIENCE and FACTS would you like? I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to provide them for you. :cool:
You just proved my point for me,...again...ignoramus. Here,... let me spell it out in simple terms for you. When Q made posts were his posts labeled from Q or from Qanon? There is no person called Qanon you silly bastard who doesnt know what you are talking about. :laugh:

Great! So you have nothing to worry about. LOL

Quibble all you want, but you've posted Qanon shit for over a year, you supported the Insurrection and you support the white supremacist militias. I can see it and hope others can see it too.

You just proved my point for me,...again...ignoramus. Here,... let me spell it out in simple terms for you. When Q made posts were his posts labeled from Q or from Qanon? There is no person called Qanon you silly bastard who doesnt know what you are talking about. :laugh:
I just love the smell of silly old dumbfuck in the morning!



ROFLMAO It's always fun to see when a person is so guilt-ridden that they spend two or more posts replying to a single one of mine.

BTW, when are you going to figure out how to hyperlink a thread?
There is no such person as Qanon. Never was. You know,...like I said all along. I cant help this place is packed to the brim with dumb fucks like Dutch who cant read. Hmmmm,.... maybe he just needs glasses. Dutch,...do you need new reading glasses? You know the VA can help you with that right? Might be time to make the call.
There is no such person as Qanon. Never was. You know,...like I said all along. I cant help this place is packed to the brim with dumb fucks like Dutch who cant read. Hmmmm,.... maybe he just needs glasses. Dutch,...do you need new reading glasses? You know the VA can help you with that right? Might be time to make the call.

Who claims "Qanon" is single person? Q is the person/persons, Anon is the group. Why are you trying to steer everyone away from your involvement with terrorists, Qanon and anti-government forces?
Who claims "Qanon" is single person? Q is the person/persons, Anon is the group. Why are you trying to steer everyone away from your involvement with terrorists, Qanon and anti-government forces?


O.k Junior G man. I still say Matt said it best when describing your " calls" to the FBI. ........" Martha,...you wanna take this one, its that old NUT from Bumfuck Texas AGAIN" :laugh:

O.k Junior G man. I still say Matt said it best when describing your " calls" to the FBI. ........" Martha,...you wanna take this one, its that old NUT from Bumfuck Texas AGAIN" :laugh:

Insult away, traitor, but I'm only a humble retiree who abides by his oath to the Constitution...unlike you.

All good, patriotic Americans report terrorists and criminals. You don't like it because you are one. I get it, but I'm still doing it and recommend others do the same.
Insult away, traitor, but I'm only a humble retiree who abides by his oath to the Constitution...unlike you.

All good, patriotic Americans report terrorists and criminals. You don't like it because you are one. I get it, but I'm still doing it and recommend others do the same.

But where you go wrong you silly old fool is when you " report" someone who has done nothing wrong. Then you just look like a nut, or someone with an ax to grind. You know what generally happens then...... thats when the FBI is prone to show up at your door. You see son,....crazy old cranks like you can be considered dangerous. They are seen that way because after an agency looks at someone you reported and finds NOTHING,.... it makes you look like a crazy person. Crazy people do crazy things. When they come for you dont act weird or anything, get yourself in trouble. Just offer them coffee and answer all of their questions as best you can. Maybe that way you can still avoid being thrown into the dementia ward for a little longer.
Insult away, traitor, but I'm only a humble retiree who abides by his oath to the Constitution...unlike you.

All good, patriotic Americans report terrorists and criminals. You don't like it because you are one. I get it, but I'm still doing it and recommend others do the same.

Are you denying it, Stone? Like you are denying you support white supremacist militias, Trump and the overthrow of the US government and our Constitution?

Here, let me quote your post again and you can read it for yourself, dumbass:

Now say "I was only joking! I'm a funny guy!" :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

I know someone on this forum knows you and I hope they post your racist shit on your company website.

Notice too who thanks those kinds of posts. But he/she/it isn't racist, nosireebob!
More FACTS and SCIENCE!! :cool:


"Native American adults are 50% more likely to be affected by obesity than non-Hispanic whites, according to a report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Native Americans also are twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to have diabetes, the CDC says.

Diabetes and obesity are linked; more than 90% of people with Type 2 diabetes are affected by some degree of obesity, according to the Obesity Action Coalition. Excess weight can make the cells of muscle and other tissue more resistant to self-produced ."