Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

Such language. I detect much anger and jealousy in you. Are you drunk? Or just angry and jealous? Should I post some more stats about how FAT certain minorities are? How whites dont even make it into the top 3 when it comes to being the kings and queens of LARD. :laugh: I can if you like. You know,...FACTS! SCIENCE!! :cool:
Well, I did warn you what would happen if posted here...;):laugh:
Well, I did warn you what would happen if posted here...;):laugh:

Yep,....you sure did! And you were right. I will tell you what I find amazing about the whole thing. Over the last couple of months I have made a good effort to turn the other cheek, look for common ground and peace instead of argument. Nobody in this room can deny that. But all the while certain posters just keep hammering away with their hatefulness towards others. Making racial comments, poking sticks, speaking in derogatory terms about others simply because of political beliefs. Some of the things they say are borderline CRAZY. Like the "fat white people" thing. I knew it was a stupid thing for them to say that didnt match reality even though I have seen them post it in here many times . So,...I finally had enuff! I figured I would beat them right over their heads with their own damn LIES using hard facts and data. They didnt like it,....to say the least. :laugh: Suddenly when I use hard facts and data that makes me a racist I guess even though THEY WERE THE ONES being racist by singling out a whole race of people in the first place! In fact,....screw them. If the truth hurts their little snowflake feelings thats just too damn bad. Like I said earlier,.... if they dont want none,.....THEN DONT START NONE! Its a very easy thing to do. Agenda's , false narratives, and lies do NOT have to be put up with in the interest of peace. Instead they should be jammed right back up their asses and down their throats. That will shut em up and we will achieve peace that way....:laugh:
Yep,....you sure did! And you were right. I will tell you what I find amazing about the whole thing. Over the last couple of months I have made a good effort to turn the other cheek, look for common ground and peace instead of argument. Nobody in this room can deny that. But all the while certain posters just keep hammering away with their hatefulness towards others. Making racial comments, poking sticks, speaking in derogatory terms about others simply because of political beliefs. Some of the things they say are borderline CRAZY. Like the "fat white people" thing. I knew it was a stupid thing for them to say that didnt match reality even though I have seen them post it in here many times . So,...I finally had enuff! I figured I would beat them right over their heads with their own damn LIES using hard facts and data. They didnt like it,....to say the least. :laugh: Suddenly when I use hard facts and data that makes me a racist I guess even though THEY WERE THE ONES being racist by singling out a whole race of people in the first place! In fact,....screw them. If the truth hurts their little snowflake feelings thats just too damn bad. Like I said earlier,.... if they dont want none,.....THEN DONT START NONE! Its a very easy thing to do. Agenda's , false narratives, and lies do NOT have to be put up with in the interest of peace. Instead they should be jammed right back up their asses and down their throats. That will shut em up and we will achieve peace that way....:laugh:

Nothing will shut them up. NOTHING!

And it's So much worse than to used to be....very sad, really....

IMO they are generally very unhappy people. When you confront them about it they will NEVER admit it. But their actions and hate filled posts sure say otherwise. Sooooooooo easy to see.
IMO they are generally very unhappy people. When you confront them about it they will NEVER admit it. But their actions and hate filled posts sure say otherwise. Sooooooooo easy to see.

Sooo....people who post hateful posts are very unhappy people? I agree. Have you looked in a mirror lately, Stone? The one with you in a Nazi uniform?

But they all look so HAPPY in that picture! :laugh:
Here, put this over your bed -

Sooo....people who post hateful posts are very unhappy people? I agree. Have you looked in a mirror lately, Stone? The one with you in a Nazi uniform?

YOU posted that Nazi trash,...not me. I merely made fun of it. Look in the mirror indeed. You my boy are the poster boy for what I am talking about. Worse yet,.....you seem to have no conviction whatsoever. You only serve a purpose as a troll to rile up trouble. THAT is the entirety of what you do. It is your one and only purpose.
YOU posted that Nazi trash,...not me. I merely made fun of it. Look in the mirror indeed. You my boy are the poster boy for what I am talking about. Worse yet,.....you seem to have no conviction whatsoever. You only serve a purpose as a troll to rile up trouble. THAT is the entirety of what you do. It is your one and only purpose.
YOU posted that Nazi trash,...not me. I merely made fun of it. Look in the mirror indeed. You my boy are the poster boy for what I am talking about. Worse yet,.....you seem to have no conviction whatsoever. You only serve a purpose as a troll to rile up trouble. THAT is the entirety of what you do. It is your one and only purpose.

Dude, you loooved it! It's right up your alley with White Supremacism, Trump and overthrowing the US government.

He is either A..... doing it to help the board get more HITS as people LOVE reading crazy crap and knock down drag out fights. Or B.....thats just him. He LOVES to create turmoil. Almost like a pyromaniac who loves to start a fire then sit back and watch it burn. I wouldnt doubt if he was one fascinated by fires as well. I have seen him flip sides on an issue, ANY ISSUE, more times then anyone could imagine just to keep it going. Me thinks the answer is B,.....he's just a sick bored little puppy.
He is either A..... doing it to help the board get more HITS as people LOVE reading crazy crap and knock down drag out fights. Or B.....that's just him. He LOVES to create turmoil. Almost like a pyromaniac who loves to start a fire then sit back and watch it burn. I wouldn't doubt if he was one fascinated by fires as well. I have seen him flip sides on an issue, ANY ISSUE, more times then anyone could imagine just to keep it going. Me thinks the answer is B,.....he's just a sick bored little puppy.
Go with B...everyone will agree with you....
In the end I think Dutch is just a pathetic bored old man living in Bumfuck Texas with nothing to occupy his time. So he trolls for effect. Causes trouble whenever he can. It gives him something to do and he enjoys it. Think about that a second. THAT,..... is why I make fun of a lot of what he posts. Honestly,....I really shouldnt be doing that either. He is to be pitied. I should just do the Christian thing and just ignore his nonsense.
Im a small touch ornery this morning as it is. I woke up to a small leak under my kitchen sink. Small but still needs to be handled. I generally like piddling around on the house. I do lots of Carpentry, Masonry, and landscape stuff. But I have spent my whole life avoiding anything to do with electrical or plumbing and Im not gonna change now! :laugh: My old saying is this..........I dont know,...AND I DONT WANT TO KNOW! :laugh: I would wayyyyyyyy rather just call someone to take care of it. Less than an hour to go, then I can call my Plumber buddy and get his tail over here. Plus he comes right away when I call him,....Not fun to wake up to that kinda thing though.
Yeah,....:rolleyes:...you can really tell by how I made FUN OF IT ALL! Pffffft....What a dope.

Dude, you're like the asshole who tells a joke demeaning women or minorities then says "Heyyyyy! Can't you take a joke?"

I've been studying you and others on JPP for over a year. You are exactly what I posted: a Trump supporting, militia supporting White Supremacist who supports overthrowing the US government and our Constitution.

There are a bunch of tar faced losers rioting right now on the west coast. Maybe some will be shot down like dogs for being traitors. That is how the left said to deal with the problem,....maybe it gets done today! ;)
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what you are up to here. You are trying to incite people, get them to act up so you can sit back and marvel at the carnage. Actually,...I think you are even trying to incite people to act up in real life if you can. Its pretty sick really. I have a plan for you in the coming days. I KNOW from vast experience that what makes a message board work is opposing view points. Without them te place becomes an echo chamber and slowly dies. We will still have PLENTY opposing view points without you. You wont be missed. I myself have never been a fan of ignore feature. But in your case I am going to make a special arrangement if possible. I am going to do my level best to get every conservative in here to put you on ignore, including myself. I KNOW what that will do to you. Without the ability to cause problems you will wither up and die,....you will leave of your own volition. It might take a month,....but you will go and we will all be better for it. You are a sick individual with bad intentions. No need for you here.....
When I first mentioned on this site that I was returning to college seeking a degree in Native American Studies, a couple years ago, Toxic TOP gleefully joined in the slamming of a 60-something yo woman going to college, and what a stupid degree. She included racial slurs like "Lieawatha" "Fauxahontas" and other nasty nicknames for native ppl. She made nasty comments about wearing moccasins. She and Stone share the same racial bigotry. She also refers to urban kids as "thugs," while pretending that she used to teach them.

I've know this cunt for over 10 years now. She was a racist then, and is a racist now.

I thought Top pretends she was a teacher?