Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

And don't forget their very special collection of smart witty "nicknames". for conservatives...;) (They can't stop...)

lol. The irony is delicious. Libtard. Demmycunt. Lieberal. Demonrat. To say nothing of the constant pedophile threads homophobic racist ethnic and religious slurs tossed around on the daily. But somehow you are the only one whining about little snowflake.
lol. The irony is delicious. Libtard. Demmycunt. Lieberal. Demonrat. To say nothing of the constant pedophile threads homophobic racist ethnic and religious slurs tossed around on the daily. But somehow you are the only one whining about little snowflake.
Don't see those nearly as often....
Slurs? Seriously liberal heavy....
If Joe would do something right, maybe the Pedo/Brandon threads would stop...;) It would be nice to have good things happening to talk about...it's been a while...
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

OIP (1).jpg
Way too much talk about a White majority slipping away. For a couple reasons. 1.....Most whites dont even think that way or even care. 2.....losing a white majority is actually a false narrative GOAL made up by the left. It is said that by the year 2050 whites will be in the minority. Yeah,...sooooooo ??? So what. Thats not how real life works AT ALL. Minority groups are NOT monolithic and never were.

Picture it this way........ So in 2050 you take 100 Americans and put them in a field. It would look something like this. There would be 49 White people, 20 Hispanics, 13 black people, maybe 7 Asians, and 11 others from smaller minority groups. WHO is the majority? What single group? :thinking: ;)

Maybe you should be telling that to the GOP
And WHY is being poor suddenly become an excuse to be obese? What the hell.....it used to be a REASON for being skinny! :laugh:

I'll tell you WHY,....its because people have become totally sloth ass LAZY thats why. Dumb too. Holy shit, If I can cook, anyone can! It may even be cheaper to eat healthy then it is to eat badly. Take a pot, throw in different types of mixed veggies, add some water and chicken broth. Take a couple chicken breasts and cook them up. When done cooking cut them up into tiny pieces and throw em in the pot. season it up and let it simmer for an hour or so on low. DONE! Hell Im not even sure thats the way you make it...LOL but it was good enuff for me! It was good and it was healthy. This stuff isnt rocket science, its easy. This problem is mostly driven by pure lazyness IMO if people are honest.

Carbs cost less than protein
Don't see those nearly as often....
Slurs? Seriously liberal heavy....
If Joe would do something right, maybe the Pedo/Brandon threads would stop...;) It would be nice to have good things happening to talk about...it's been a while...

My taps are flowing with super cold super delicious PNW water.

It's freaking magical!
the amusing part is, the ones who do it are all fat white people.......

Yes, thanks for your confession, but no one Fat slams people, mostly women, anymore than DONALD FATASS/WHITEASS TRUMP!

At a 2020 campaign rally in New Hampshire, a protest broke out. A Trump supporter sought to remove the protesters. And as that was happening, the President of the United States yelled this into the microphone:

“That guy’s got a serious weight problem. Go home. Start exercising. Get him out of here please. Got a bigger problem than I do. Got a bigger problem than all of us.

Trump said of Hillary Clinton: "When she walked in front of me, believe me, I wasn’t impressed."

Trump called the 1996 Miss Universe beauty pageant winner Alicia Machado: "Disgusting" and "Miss Piggy."

Hillary Clinton, then the 2016 Democratic candidate for president, accused Trump of calling the Venezuelan model "fat." This only caused Trump to double down on his previous remarks about Machado, saying that "she was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem for us."

He once said of Rosie O'Donnell, "If I were running The View, I would look her in her FAT ugly face and tell her you're fired".

He once told Chris Chistie, "No more Oreo's for you" to his face in front of his TRUMP RALLY Crowd!

Those are just a few examples out of the thousands of Fat shaming comments he has used just since he became a president!

SO TELL TRUMPTY DUMPTY OK? Perhaps if he stops fat-shaming people- we will stop fat-shaming him!

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Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

Um, I don't know what other members you're talking about here, buttercup, but I made a single comment about the appearance of the January 6 terrorists who attacked our Capitol. I mentioned that a good lot of them -- most in fact -- were overweight white males. You then engaged me in an argument about why I believe that, fat-shaming, blah blah.

It'll be okay, Karen. They're fat. Maybe you are too. Your attack on ppl of other races is just more of you being what you are -- a dumbass racist white tard.

Deal with it, Fat Albert. :laugh:
lol. The irony is delicious. Libtard. Demmycunt. Lieberal. Demonrat. To say nothing of the constant pedophile threads homophobic racist ethnic and religious slurs tossed around on the daily. But somehow you are the only one whining about little snowflake.

When I first mentioned on this site that I was returning to college seeking a degree in Native American Studies, a couple years ago, Toxic TOP gleefully joined in the slamming of a 60-something yo woman going to college, and what a stupid degree. She included racial slurs like "Lieawatha" "Fauxahontas" and other nasty nicknames for native ppl. She made nasty comments about wearing moccasins. She and Stone share the same racial bigotry. She also refers to urban kids as "thugs," while pretending that she used to teach them.

I've know this cunt for over 10 years now. She was a racist then, and is a racist now.
Um, I don't know what other members you're talking about here, buttercup, but I made a single comment about the appearance of the January 6 terrorists who attacked our Capitol. I mentioned that a good lot of them -- most in fact -- were overweight white males. You then engaged me in an argument about why I believe that, fat-shaming, blah blah.

It'll be okay, Karen. They're fat. Maybe you are too. Your attack on ppl of other races is just more of you being what you are -- a dumbass racist white tard.

Deal with it, Fat Albert. :laugh:

I didnt attack other races at all. I merely posted the FACTS. Not my fault you cant deal with them.
When I first mentioned on this site that I was returning to college seeking a degree in Native American Studies, a couple years ago, Toxic TOP gleefully joined in the slamming of a 60-something yo woman going to college, and what a stupid degree. She included racial slurs like "Lieawatha" "Fauxahontas" and other nasty nicknames for native ppl. She made nasty comments about wearing moccasins. She and Stone share the same racial bigotry. She also refers to urban kids as "thugs," while pretending that she used to teach them.

I've know this cunt for over 10 years now. She was a racist then, and is a racist now.

Such language. I detect much anger and jealousy in you. Are you drunk? Or just angry and jealous? Should I post some more stats about how FAT certain minorities are? How whites dont even make it into the top 3 when it comes to being the kings and queens of LARD. :laugh: I can if you like. You know,...FACTS! SCIENCE!! :cool:
When I first mentioned on this site that I was returning to college seeking a degree in Native American Studies, a couple years ago, Toxic TOP gleefully joined in the slamming of a 60-something yo woman going to college, and what a stupid degree. She included racial slurs like "Lieawatha" "Fauxahontas" and other nasty nicknames for native ppl. She made nasty comments about wearing moccasins. She and Stone share the same racial bigotry. She also refers to urban kids as "thugs," while pretending that she used to teach them.

I've know this cunt for over 10 years now. She was a racist then, and is a racist now.

I find it is usually high school dropouts, slack jawed hillbillies, and crack heads who cackle with laughter about any adult pursuing life interests through higher education.
Lastly.......If you believe it is o.k to use terms like " fat white people" but also believe that someone posting factual data about the obesity rates of all races is a racist ATTACK just because the facts make you look a foolish racist hack,....then something is REALLY FUCKED UP with you. Its very simple.....You dont want none....dont start none. Instead keep your ignorant mouth the fuck shut. G'night all...;)