Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

The cold hard stats say otherwise. Including one I listed from the CDC. Are they wrong? I think not. They clearly say that the number one obese group is that of AA's followed by Native Americans and Hispanics. All three groups overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Thats a lot of obese Democrats.

SCIENCE and FACTS cannot be refuted by feels and false narratives.

Let's see your links then, Dr. Bigot. lol
This thread really is not talking about the CAUSE,....it is talking about the most obese groups of people in the country. I started this thread because there a a few in here constantly making statements about fat white people. I find their statements to be misguided and silly considering white people do not even make the top three racial groups when it comes to being fat and or obese. I believe I have more than proven my point with FACTS and Science....:cool: to the point where what I claim cannot be refuted.
You can't have obesity without a cause. Two years of lockdown resulted in a lot of fat white folk. Try living on a jobless reservation for 10 generations.
Looks like some of our resident racists want to deny that the Insurrectionists, the Cult, the Trumpanzees are overwhelmingly obese middle-aged or elderly white males.

Can't refute that no matter how many statistics you post about the rate of obesity among lower-income ethnic groups, can you?
Looks like some of our resident racists want to deny that the Insurrectionists, the Cult, the Trumpanzees are overwhelmingly obese middle-aged or elderly white males.

Can't refute that no matter how many statistics you post about the rate of obesity among lower-income ethnic groups, can you?

Nope. The links I post are NOT just LOWER income minority groups. JUST minority groups with no mention of income. Nice try though...
You can't have obesity without a cause. Two years of lockdown resulted in a lot of fat white folk. Try living on a jobless reservation for 10 generations.

Of course you cant. I agree. But THAT IS another topic.
I accept your unconditional

to FACTS AND SCIENCE. You had no choice really,...I get it. And with that.......rock on. :)
So Stacy Abrams is a Trump voting Republican? Hmmmmm,.....good to know.

She is fat.

But you "forgot" to acknowledge the conclusions of the peer reviewed research I gave you: Republicans tend to be fatter, even when discounting for race and ethnicity and anyone who has seen a Trump rally knows this is self evident
You wouldn't know a valid point if it came up and hit you over the head. You are an intellectual lightweight. Even your avatar was selected for its troll value. That's what you are. I haven't seen you make a single intelligent point in the entire time I've been here.

case in point...
These questions went unanswered from my original post. Of course they went unanswered, I get it. They went unanswered because those that could answer them would have to either be honest and admit that stuff like that is WRONG, or just continue to lie and make themselves look even worse. Just stop the bullshit o.k? There is no need for it. All it does is continue to pull the country apart when the truth is we need to come together. Here are those questions from my original post...................

" others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?"
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The LAST thing politics needs is a racial element. That kind of KRAP is the politics of division. Stop it! Everyone...
Politics should be about ideas, about what people think. Not about what color they are or what they look like. STOP IT! NO MORE!
Politics should be about ideas, about what people think. Not about what color they are or what they look like. STOP IT! NO MORE!
And don't forget their very special collection of smart witty "nicknames". for conservatives...;) (They can't stop...)
View attachment 21573
Looks like an all white crowd at Trump rallies!
That's why they support Trump.They see a white dominant American society, slipping away.

Way too much talk about a White majority slipping away. For a couple reasons. 1.....Most whites dont even think that way or even care. 2.....losing a white majority is actually a false narrative GOAL made up by the left. It is said that by the year 2050 whites will be in the minority. Yeah,...sooooooo ??? So what. Thats not how real life works AT ALL. Minority groups are NOT monolithic and never were.

Picture it this way........ So in 2050 you take 100 Americans and put them in a field. It would look something like this. There would be 49 White people, 20 Hispanics, 13 black people, maybe 7 Asians, and 11 others from smaller minority groups. WHO is the majority? What single group? :thinking: ;)
And WHY is being poor suddenly become an excuse to be obese? What the hell.....it used to be a REASON for being skinny! :laugh:

I'll tell you WHY,....its because people have become totally sloth ass LAZY thats why. Dumb too. Holy shit, If I can cook, anyone can! It may even be cheaper to eat healthy then it is to eat badly. Take a pot, throw in different types of mixed veggies, add some water and chicken broth. Take a couple chicken breasts and cook them up. When done cooking cut them up into tiny pieces and throw em in the pot. season it up and let it simmer for an hour or so on low. DONE! Hell Im not even sure thats the way you make it...LOL but it was good enuff for me! It was good and it was healthy. This stuff isnt rocket science, its easy. This problem is mostly driven by pure lazyness IMO if people are honest.
Off the subject a bit but I wanted to pass this on. We grill out a ton, spring summer and fall. Winter...not so much. So we bought one of those indoor smokeless grills to try. I wasnt expecting much but I have to say,....I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it worked really well. We did some chicken breasts a couple weeks back and they were excellent. Just something to think about for you folks in northern climates or apartment dwellers.