Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

I had more confidence in your intelligence. You don't typically fall for nonsensical, sarcastic posts. ;)

I should have used green font.

You think I thought you were serious?

I remember when politics was about debating policy. This thread is about whether liberals or conservatives are fatter.
I'll make a fucking sigline that shows up in every post that says......."Hey everybody, go look at this thread in the off topic zone" just to be a fucking asshole. :cool: I do not like it when people try to hide the truth like little bitch babies. They NEED to be punished for such actions.

Told ya........... ;) :cool: :laugh:
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

When it comes to Trump they are all brainwashed and have syphilis of the asshole.
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:
Anyone can post a link to the physics proving the earth is flat but some of us have seen the curvature of the earth. Poor neighborhoods are food deserts with nothing but fast food and liquor stores. They've been abandoned by industry and government. It takes a deep dive to realize they are contained by force with no way out. I believed you when you said you were done with the politics of division.
oops. My apology.

No problem. Ive just seen that same racist crap posted about white people one too many times over the last few months . I figured it was time to jam it right back up their asses with facts and supporting links. This should shut them up for a while. A good attitude adjustment and behavior modification thru the use of cold hard FACTS was needed. Thus the reason they didnt even attempt refuting them........THEY COULDNT.
And for the record.....I am not calling out Owl or any of the others specifically. It could be anyone, wouldnt matter. Its just that I find the thing so odd. So far removed from reality that its almost hard to believe why anyone would do it. VERY very stupid.

I am observant. I've been that way since I was a child. It has helped me immensely in my career as a health care professional, as well as in the clerical and food service positions I've had. It's pretty difficult NOT to notice, when viewing pics of the Jan. 6, insurrection, the invasion of Lansing MI's capitol last year during the pandemic shutdowns, the fat brat who shot three ppl in Kenosha, Toadstool rallies, and other RW confabs that you guys are overwhelmingly overweight, white, male, middle-aged or older. You are also the ones who cry the hardest when doctors, restaurants, politicians try to introduce healthier eating habits.

You guys are the Americans most worried about being supplanted by POC and/or "libtards." Then eat less, exercise more, shape up, feed your kids better, etc. Or else.
I am observant. I've been that way since I was a child. It has helped me immensely in my career as a health care professional, as well as in the clerical and food service positions I've had. It's pretty difficult NOT to notice, when viewing pics of the Jan. 6, insurrection, the invasion of Lansing MI's capitol last year during the pandemic shutdowns, the fat brat who shot three ppl in Kenosha, Toadstool rallies, and other RW confabs that you guys are overwhelmingly overweight, white, male, middle-aged or older. You are also the ones who cry the hardest when doctors, restaurants, politicians try to introduce healthier eating habits.

You guys are the Americans most worried about being supplanted by POC and/or "libtards." Then eat less, exercise more, shape up, feed your kids better, etc. Or else.

The fact that they wouldn't listen to a registered nurse or a licensed doctor is telling. :eek:
I am observant. I've been that way since I was a child. It has helped me immensely in my career as a health care professional, as well as in the clerical and food service positions I've had. It's pretty difficult NOT to notice, when viewing pics of the Jan. 6, insurrection, the invasion of Lansing MI's capitol last year during the pandemic shutdowns, the fat brat who shot three ppl in Kenosha, Toadstool rallies, and other RW confabs that you guys are overwhelmingly overweight, white, male, middle-aged or older. You are also the ones who cry the hardest when doctors, restaurants, politicians try to introduce healthier eating habits.

You guys are the Americans most worried about being supplanted by POC and/or "libtards." Then eat less, exercise more, shape up, feed your kids better, etc. Or else.

In fact they farted and screeched so much that they thought this what was being pushed.

I am observant. I've been that way since I was a child. It has helped me immensely in my career as a health care professional, as well as in the clerical and food service positions I've had. It's pretty difficult NOT to notice, when viewing pics of the Jan. 6, insurrection, the invasion of Lansing MI's capitol last year during the pandemic shutdowns, the fat brat who shot three ppl in Kenosha, Toadstool rallies, and other RW confabs that you guys are overwhelmingly overweight, white, male, middle-aged or older. You are also the ones who cry the hardest when doctors, restaurants, politicians try to introduce healthier eating habits.

You guys are the Americans most worried about being supplanted by POC and/or "libtards." Then eat less, exercise more, shape up, feed your kids better, etc. Or else.

The cold hard stats say otherwise. Including one I listed from the CDC. Are they wrong? I think not. They clearly say that the number one obese group is that of AA's followed by Native Americans and Hispanics. All three groups overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Thats a lot of obese Democrats.

SCIENCE and FACTS cannot be refuted by feels and false narratives.
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No problem. Ive just seen that same racist crap posted about white people one too many times over the last few months . I figured it was time to jam it right back up their asses with facts and supporting links. This should shut them up for a while. A good attitude adjustment and behavior modification thru the use of cold hard FACTS was needed. Thus the reason they didnt even attempt refuting them........THEY COULDNT.
You won't have the facts until you actually live in the ghetto. It's filled with despair because of 40 years of outsourcing jobs. The white folk who stormed the capitol on 6.Jan had a very high long term unemployment rate. People are suffering all over with no fault of their own.
You won't have the facts until you actually live in the ghetto. It's filled with despair because of 40 years of outsourcing jobs. The white folk who stormed the capitol on 6.Jan had a very high long term unemployment rate. People are suffering all over with no fault of their own.

Native Americans do not live in inner city ghetto's, they live on rural Reservations with Casino's. Yet they are a horrifically obese people. FACTS and Science.
You won't have the facts until you actually live in the ghetto. It's filled with despair because of 40 years of outsourcing jobs. The white folk who stormed the capitol on 6.Jan had a very high long term unemployment rate. People are suffering all over with no fault of their own.

There are actual food deserts in certain urban areas. Absolutely there is. Do you know why? As we all know, a capitalist would have no problem putting a grocery store in HELL if he thought he would make a healthy profit. But when a grocery store needs locked CAGES and armed guards everywhere to prevent it from being robbed blind every other day then OF COURSE nobody will put a grocery store there. WHY would they? That would be foolish. Fix the crime,.... fix the problem. Being poor doesnt mean you HAVE TO be a criminal.
Native Americans do not live in inner city ghetto's, they live on rural Reservations with Casino's. Yet they are a horrifically obese people. FACTS and Science.
Again, you have to be willing to look at the cause of containment and despair. Whites are mortgage slaves in quiet desperation, complacent to lockdowns and mandates.
Again, you have to be willing to look at the cause of containment and despair. Whites are mortgage slaves in quiet desperation, complacent to lockdowns and mandates.

Facts and SCIENCE....with links.

" According to the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Minority Health, American Indian and Alaska Native adults are 1.6 times more likely to be obese than Caucasians. In addition, almost 33 percent of all American Indians and Alaskan Natives are obese."

https://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resourc...e Department of,and Alaskan Natives are obese.
Again, you have to be willing to look at the cause of containment and despair. Whites are mortgage slaves in quiet desperation, complacent to lockdowns and mandates.

This thread really is not talking about the CAUSE,....it is talking about the most obese groups of people in the country. I started this thread because there a a few in here constantly making statements about fat white people. I find their statements to be misguided and silly considering white people do not even make the top three racial groups when it comes to being fat and or obese. I believe I have more than proven my point with FACTS and Science....:cool: to the point where what I claim cannot be refuted.

The ONLY race in the United States with a lower obesity rate than Whites are Asians. Minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat. This means Democrats are a VERY fat group of people considering minorities make up almost half of the country. I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that certain posters narratives are based on nothing more than bullshit and LIES.

FACTS and SCIENCE!!!.....;) :cool: Have a good night all.
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