Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

Never really noticed it at all.

Seems to me that most people here characterize Trump supporters as morbidly naïve or terminally stupid. Certainly much more often than I hear them described as "fat/white."

Just so I am sure of your opinion on this, Stone, do you think there is more characterization of "fat, white" than "naïve/stupid?"
:laugh: Y'all are nuts!

Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

The browning of America is going to really destroy the left's argument on every topic. It will have to simply declare that everyone who disagrees is sexist, albeit not necessarily racist.
Never really noticed it at all.

Seems to me that most people here characterize Trump supporters as morbidly naïve or terminally stupid. Certainly much more often than I hear them described as "fat/white."

Just so I am sure of your opinion on this, Stone, do you think there is more characterization of "fat, white" than "naïve/stupid?"

They have to be identified as white, because, Western Civ has still got to go. Or whatever.
Did they say all fat people are white? I didn't see that.

All white people are NOT fat. All fat white people ARE trump voters though.

Stupid. Why tell an obvious lie? No, not ALL Trump voters are fat white people. Thats just ignorant.
Never really noticed it at all.

Seems to me that most people here characterize Trump supporters as morbidly naïve or terminally stupid. Certainly much more often than I hear them described as "fat/white."

Just so I am sure of your opinion on this, Stone, do you think there is more characterization of "fat, white" than "naïve/stupid?"

Seems they are about equal from what I have seen. Its all silly. People are people.
They have to be identified as white, because, Western Civ has still got to go. Or whatever.

Bingo. Its not REALLY about white people per se. Its about HATING established western society because so many on the left have failed in it and are inwardly humiliated by that fact. They see white working class/middle class as the majority...........therefor the hate.
LMAO!!!!!!!! Of course this one got pulled off the main board even though it is a current event. The board lefties are embarrassed by it and there is simply NO WAY to lie about it because all the facts say I am 100% correct. So what do they do? They Hide it, and hide themselves. :laugh:

Run away little liars...run away. Oh,...and thanks for admitting defeat. Its was obvious as the facts say,........YOU HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO!


PS,....I'll keep this motherfucker active from now till next never day just to poke a finger in your eye! :cool:
I'll make a fucking sigline that shows up in every post that says......."Hey everybody, go look at this thread in the off topic zone" just to be a fucking asshole. :cool: I do not like it when people try to hide the truth like little bitch babies. They NEED to be punished for such actions.
LMAO!!!!!!!! Of course this one got pulled off the main board even though it is a current event. The board lefties are embarrassed by it and there is simply NO WAY to lie about it because all the facts say I am 100% correct. So what do they do? They Hide it, and hide themselves. :laugh:

Run away little liars...run away. Oh,...and thanks for admitting defeat. Its was obvious as the facts say,........YOU HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO!


PS,....I'll keep this motherfucker active from now till next never day just to poke a finger in your eye! :cool:

Couple of things:

One...to consider this post to be a "current event" topic...is a huge stretch. It is not.

Two...to consider this topic to be an "off topic" topic...is totally wrong headed. It is about politics...the disgusting kind of "politics" currently infecting America and the world in general. Whoever changed it from "current event" to "off topic"...doubled the error originally made by putting it in "current event."

Three...why is putting it in another forum (even if it has been put in the wrong forum) "hiding it?" It shows up.

Anyway...whoever pulled it and put it into the "off topic forum" should pull it again and put it in the General Politics forum...where you should have put it originally, Stone.
I'll make a fucking sigline that shows up in every post that says......."Hey everybody, go look at this thread in the off topic zone" just to be a fucking asshole. :cool: I do not like it when people try to hide the truth like little bitch babies. They NEED to be punished for such actions.

you are trying to pretend that his forum is for rational discourse, it isnt.
Couple of things:

One...to consider this post to be a "current event" topic...is a huge stretch. It is not.

Two...to consider this topic to be an "off topic" topic...is totally wrong headed. It is about politics...the disgusting kind of "politics" currently infecting America and the world in general. Whoever changed it from "current event" to "off topic"...doubled the error originally made by putting it in "current event."

Three...why is putting it in another forum (even if it has been put in the wrong forum) "hiding it?" It shows up.

Anyway...whoever pulled it and put it into the "off topic forum" should pull it again and put it in the General Politics forum...where you should have put it originally, Stone.

Thats fair. I find no fault in your post. I generally dont for the most part. I guess maybe Im just trying to get people to see that this CRAP runs both ways. something we all should know but many will fight like hell to deny for some crazy reason.
Certain posters including Owl and few others keep making posts about the trump supporters being a bunch of fat white people. WHY? WHY do you guys do this? Why make it about race? WHY always the fat thing?

You know whats really DUMB about it. When it comes to obesity white people are actually wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the list. In fact,...blacks are way ahead when it comes to obese. According to all the stats they are far and away the fattest most out of shape of all . Hispanics are right up there too. Whites? Way down the list. And Native americans? WOW!!!! Forget about it ! Absolute COWS for the most part. And starting at a young age. Blacks may well be the most obese % wise but pound for pound the natives are the fattest individually. Many 350 pounders walking around on those reservations,....well,...BARELY walking that is.

I only bring this up because you guys LOVE to tout science and facts and such but in this one case.........Not so much for some odd reason. ;) :cool:

BTW,.....if you guys need the links to the actual data just say the word,....I would be Happy to post them. I dont think you will though, as you already KNOW. :cool:

They are talking about Trump supporters specifically. ;) At every Trump rally, it always seem to be an ocean full of the Great White Whales. I could swear I saw a few spouts here and there.