Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

And for the record.....I am not calling out Owl or any of the others specifically. It could be anyone, wouldnt matter. Its just that I find the thing so odd. So far removed from reality that its almost hard to believe why anyone would do it. VERY very stupid.

they seldom can make any sort of valid point so they all too often resort to juvenile slights.

it kills me that in the real world use of the term retard is strongly rebuked but in the interwebs its rampant.

more hypocrisy
they seldom can make any sort of valid point so they all too often resort to juvenile slights.

it kills me that in the real world use of the term retard is strongly rebuked but in the interwebs its rampant.

more hypocrisy

One of the perks of being anonymous.
Our bad. The women are old fat and white too.

Our bad. The women are old fat and white too.


Too funny. You focus in on one fat women meanwhile there are several non fat women in the background including the hottie wearing the black hat. Like I said from the beginning,.....far removed from the reality. :laugh: BTW,...anyone care to refute the links I posted? You know,...SCIENCE!!!! FACTS!!!! Not one single taker,.........because YOU CANT! ;) :laugh:
they seldom can make any sort of valid point so they all too often resort to juvenile slights.

it kills me that in the real world use of the term retard is strongly rebuked but in the interwebs its rampant.

more hypocrisy

You wouldn't know a valid point if it came up and hit you over the head. You are an intellectual lightweight. Even your avatar was selected for its troll value. That's what you are. I haven't seen you make a single intelligent point in the entire time I've been here.
You are getting too slow, Stoney. :laugh:



Then again, despite Trump voters being more likely than non-Trump supporters to be fat, conservative blog Breitbart wrote excitedly in 2016 about a study linking higher body weight to lower IQ. In his blog post titled “Fat People More Likely to be Stupid”, Ben Ker gleefully used a photo of a Lena Dunham to illustrate his point, writing, “the findings will undoubtedly enrage weight loss and fat acceptance campaigners, who have long argued that being overweight is merely a lifestyle choice that should not be stigmatised (sic) as unhealthy.”


IT'S SCIENCE! Why Democrat Women Tend To Be Butt Ugly

Hillary Clinton. Barbara Mikulski. Dianne Feinstein. Nancy Pelosi. Samantha Power. Janet Reno. Donna Shalala**. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Barbara Boxer. What do all of these women have in common? They are Democrats. And they are butt ugly.



LOL, you might want to read the article. It points out how shallow conservative voters are. Sure glad my wife broke the mold. Of course so did I. I guess Sarah Huckabee Sanders must have been too slow to dodge the ugly stick.
But it makes them look fucking STUPID. All anyone has to do is walk around the street, look around,...and you instantly KNOW they are lying. Either that or they are just flat stupid,...or maybe blind. :cool:
Not only does it "look" stupid, it is stupid. Won't sell anyone on your way of thinking by being a nasty bully. People just get more dug in. See; 'vaccine' shenanigans.
LOL, you might want to read the article. It points out how shallow conservative voters are. Sure glad my wife broke the mold. Of course so did I. I guess Sarah Huckabee Sanders must have been too slow to dodge the ugly stick.

LOL! You funny.
The preference of fat, sweaty people for Republicans goes back at least to 2012.

The association between county political inclination and obesity: Results from the 2012 presidential election in the United States

After controlling for poverty rate, percent African American and Latino populations, educational attainment, and spatial autocorrelation in the error term, we found that higher county-level obesity prevalence rates were associated with higher levels of support for the 2012 Republican Party presidential candidate.
