Ive noticed a really odd trend in here......

You made threats against my wife and children, and myself. You made a threat that you and one of your friends were coming to see my family and I armed. Furthermore,...you KNOW I can prove it. YOU are the terrorist pussy boy in this room. Nobody else here is stupid enuff nor vile enuff to make the kind of threats you made against me. My bet is,....not one single person in here supports those threats you made. Loser POS ....

Stone, you're known liar and bullshitter. I'd never threaten innocent people; that's your gig along with your terrorist friends. The fact you can't cite a single threat I've made to innocents is all the prove anyone needs to know you are a fat, lying piece of shit and an oath-breaker. I have ZERO sympathy for you and your white supremacist terrorist friends....even if all you do is buy them drinks.

Stone, you're known liar and bullshitter. I'd never threaten innocent people; that's your gig along with your terrorist friends. The fact you can't cite a single threat I've made to innocents is all the prove anyone needs to know you are a fat, lying piece of shit and an oath-breaker. I have ZERO sympathy for you and your white supremacist terrorist friends....even if all you do is buy them drinks.


You KNOW what you said. We BOTH do. I like it when you bury yourself in lies. By all means,....keep doing it. I want the fucking to be HARD. Tell more Lies dutch,...Deny what you posted....pretend you never said that wives and children could end up as collateral damage,......pretend you never said you were going to have an old marine buddy come and case out our home and property. I want you to.. For ...reasons....:laugh: It was a pussy move on your part to level those kind of threats dutch. It is even a bigger PUSSY move to not own up to it. But thats par for the course for someone like you living in your poor old mothers spare room. I'd say basement, but I know you dumb fucks in bumfuck are too stupid and broke to build one when you build a home so you just build on a slab of concrete like cheap govt housing does. Anyway,.... please do continue to deny. PLEASE do....
Do you know whats going to happen Dutch. Sooner or later a mod is going to see this. They are going to dig in for legal reasons and find the things you said and the threats you made. At that point I wont have to lift a finger or make another post,....I wont even have to repost the threats you made. I LOVE letting you slow cook btw, its what you deserve. In fact, I wont have to do a damn thing. At that point,...The jig will be up,....and so will you be. :cool: Thanks for taking the bait.
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First, dimwit, I don't associate with people who commit rule violations. Any who strayed close or possibly over the line, I informed, but it's both their choice to do anything about it and it's the forum admin's choice to do something about it.

Second, you should be smart enough to recognize that a report is only a report. Someone like you or TOP who report everyone for everything are known to be whiners by the mods. A person who reports legitimate violations is just a person making a report. It's up to forum Admin to take action or not.

Lastly, it's your choice to lie about others. No one can make you a liar except yourself. Only you can choose to live an honorable life; no one can take that from you or make you into something you don't choose to be. Your choice, RB 60.

Another Lie. Just a few weeks back Damo himself had to drop the hammer on you about all the sexually explicit pictures you post. You were told in no uncertain terms to stop doing it....or GTFO. And your filth was deleted. Such a POS liar you are Dutch. Btw,...say hi to Ma, and do try and leave the poor old womans SS check alone o.k.
You KNOW what you said. We BOTH do. I like it when you bury yourself in lies. By all means,....keep doing it. I want the fucking to be HARD. Tell more Lies dutch,...Deny what you posted....pretend you never said that wives and children could end up as collateral damage,......pretend you never said you were going to have an old marine buddy come and case out our home and property. I want you to.. For ...reasons....:laugh: It was a pussy move on your part to level those kind of threats dutch. It is even a bigger PUSSY move to not own up to it. But thats par for the course for someone like you living in your poor old mothers spare room. I'd say basement, but I know you dumb fucks in bumfuck are too stupid and broke to build one when you build a home so you just build on a slab of concrete like cheap govt housing does. Anyway,.... please do continue to deny. PLEASE do....
Are you admitting you're too fucking stupid to find the post? Everyone already knows you can't figure out how to hyperlink a thread. Here's a HINT. LOL

Stone, you know you're a liar and I know you are a liar. Your choice to keep lying about this.
Are you admitting you're too fucking stupid to find the post? Everyone already knows you can't figure out how to hyperlink a thread. LOL

Stone, you know you're a liar and I know you are a liar. Your choice to keep lying about this.

Bwa ha ha ha....Keep talking fool. Thank you. BURY yourself for me. You cant help it. Its you. No self control. Like I said,...by all means continue on.
Another Lie. Just a few weeks back Damo himself had to drop the hammer on you about all the sexually explicit pictures you post. You were told in no uncertain terms to stop doing it....or GTFO. And your filth was deleted. Such a POS liar you are Dutch. Btw,...say hi to Ma, and do try and leave the poor old womans SS check alone o.k.

NSFW pics are not porn, Stone.....but you're a well known liar and terrorist supporter. Try to relax and go back to tending bar for your terrorist friends, fatboy. :)

Did you get Ma her breakfast yet i would hope? if not, get off your fat little sawed off lazy ass and get on it.
Bwa ha ha ha....Keep talking fool. Thank you. BURY yourself for me. You cant help it. Its you. No self control. Like I said,...by all means continue on.

Son, you've been a whiny little wuss about this for six months? A year? Yet you never produced any facts about your lies.....because they are lies.

Why don't you tell your terrorist friends about me so they can hunt me down and murder everyone in my house. That's what you guys do, isn't it? Not you personally because you're just a wuss with money, but your friends are murderous traitors so I'm sure you could pay them for the hit.

NSFW pics are not porn, Stone.....but you're a well known liar and terrorist supporter. Try to relax and go back to tending bar for your terrorist friends, fatboy. :)


Then WHY did Damo scold you and tell you to stop it or GTFO? Going to lie about that TOO Dutch, like everything else?
Son, you've been a whiny little wuss about this for six months? A year? Yet you never produced any facts about your lies.....because they are lies.

Said the little 5-8 fatboy. BTW....You are producing all we need. I LOVE to hand out the rope Dutch. Been doing it forever. Dumb people like you keep taking it. Why would I ever change. If it aint broke.....dont fix it. ;)
Said the little 5-8 fatboy. BTW....You are producing all we need. I LOVE to hand out the rope Dutch. Been doing it forever. Dumb people like you keep taking it. Why would I ever change. If it aint broke.....dont fix it. ;)

Hey Dutch...Ever wonder how I know you are only 5-8 on a good day? Like I say,...you are producing all WE need. ;)
Have fun Dutch. Maybe later I'll be back to give you a flip so you can slow cook on the other side for awhile. :laugh:
Said the little 5-8 fatboy. BTW....You are producing all we need. I LOVE to hand out the rope Dutch. Been doing it forever. Dumb people like you keep taking it. Why would I ever change. If it aint broke.....dont fix it. ;)

Sure, I'm 65 and fat. Why do you keep denying you're a fat boy, Stone? Is it because you lie about everything?

If you ever find the threats you keep lying about, please let me know. TIA :thup:
Then WHY did Damo scold you and tell you to stop it or GTFO? Going to lie about that TOO Dutch, like everything else?

Because the rules weren't very clear on what was porn and what was NSFW...and I tend to push the envelope. I even started a thread on it HERE. <---HYPERLINKED THREAD. :laugh:

Why were you banned for being a fuckwad who wanted his terrorist friends to attack members of the forum and revealed their personal information?

Sure, I'm 65 and fat. Why do you keep denying you're a fat boy, Stone? Is it because you lie about everything?

If you ever find the threats you keep lying about, please let me know. TIA :thup:

No,....you are SHORT...and FAT. Just like a little beach ball. No wonder everybody kicks you around! :laugh: BTW,....feed Ma yet I hope.

Dutch,....maybe you can get some big old Cowboys boots and a ten gallon hat down in bumfuck. Oh, and carry a box around with you too. That way whenever you have to talk to anyone you can quick throw it down and step on it. They wont notice,,,...honest. :rolleyes: But the gut? Hmmm....Maybe you could try one of those gut buster things. Might work. Better advice might be to start considering more salads though. ;) :laugh:
No,....you are SHORT...and FAT. Just like a little beach ball. No wonder everybody kicks you around! :laugh: BTW,....feed Ma yet I hope.

:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: Let's go with that; let's say I'm the fattest, shortest, roundest member of JPP. How doe that prove your lies about threats?

How does that disprove you aren't fucking the office worker who can't type, can't write but has a sweet ass? Do you fuck the secretary and then treat your wife like a housemaid who does your laundry and cooks your food? Is that why she's #3 and you're looking for #4?

If I'm the fattest, roundest and shortest member of JPP, how does that disprove you're not a narcissistic fat boy oath-breaker who is supporting white supremacist terrorism against your fellow Americans, Stone?

Unlike your lies about me threatening your family, this thread is full of your support for domestic terrorism, your white supremacist views on race and the fact, if you are believed to be a vet, that you're an oath-breaker?