J6 Awards Gala?

The VAST MAJORITY of the charges were essentially trespassing. Hardly worthy of jail time. Or prison time.
Thank you very much for your opinion about the incident, Yakuda, even though I do not value that opinion at all.

Bottom line: I watched the assault on the Capitol. I imagine there are people stupid enough to think they can give reasonable explanations to excuse that horrible incident, but they can only do so to other very stupid people.

In many societies, those "trespassers" would be paying for their "trespassing" with their lives. The people who engaged in the assault are traitorous scum...and so are the people who are excusing them.

Hope all is going well with you.
What happened on January 6th should absolutely be a focal point of this campaign.

Trump sat & watched for 3 hours while his supporters beat cops, vandalized the Capitol, threatened a sitting VP and took over the Capitol. He sat there and watched, for 3 hours.

I'm not even sure how he is a candidate. But voters need to remember what happened that day, and how this so-called leader responded.
What happened on January 6th should absolutely be a focal point of this campaign.
less so than what happened in Minneapolis and Portland where the REAL violence occurred.......Walz sat for days and nothing to stop the actual vandalism and attacks on police.......Demmycunts dismissed charges.....
When they lose, are they going to clobber each other over their heads with their Golf Clubs?

I think this is a fair question!
Here's another one: If the event is being held to raise money for the J6 convicts, how can they afford to host it at a Trump property? Why not a venue that is a lot cheaper so more goes for the cause? Or did Trump give them a nice little deal on it?
of course......you supported dismissing charges on the more violent protests in Minneapolis......you're even going to vote for Walz who participated in forgiving the participants of those activities.......why should Republicans be treated differently than demmycrats?......
The same Governor Waltz your Messiah cited and praised for his handling of events in Minneapolis