J6 Awards Gala?

Right in the sources I posted in the topic post, duh

And if you think Trump didn’t approve of the event being hosted at his golf course with many of his favorite ass kissers you really are drunk on the Kool aid
Right in the sources I posted in the topic post, duh

And if you think Trump didn’t approve of the event being hosted at his golf course with many of his favorite ass kissers you really are drunk on the Kool aid
Poor anchovies,

If it is not going to happen, why the OP?
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Here's another one: If the event is being held to raise money for the J6 convicts, how can they afford to host it at a Trump property? Why not a venue that is a lot cheaper so more goes for the cause? Or did Trump give them a nice little deal on it?
Trump give a deal? You have to be kidding. His bodyguards, when he was prez ,were charged for golf carts as they followed him around. They paid for their own meals and rooms.
Do you really think so? Or it will it just sputter and fizzle out, like his campaign seems to be doing?
Yeah, I suspect this is closer to what will happen.

If there are people still willing to put themselves into jeopardy for Trump...they deserve everything that will come there way. And I think a second insurrection will meet some very, very stiff resistance and severe penalties.
What happened on January 6th should absolutely be a focal point of this campaign.

Trump sat & watched for 3 hours while his supporters beat cops, vandalized the Capitol, threatened a sitting VP and took over the Capitol. He sat there and watched, for 3 hours.

I'm not even sure how he is a candidate. But voters need to remember what happened that day, and how this so-called leader responded.
Trump give a deal? You have to be kidding. His bodyguards, when he was prez ,were charged for golf carts as they followed him around. They paid for their own meals and rooms.
Yeah, he really raked in the dough as #IMPOTUSx2, didn't he? But Obama golfed in Hawaii! The scandal!! lol
Poor anchovies,

If it is not going to happen, why the OP?
Because voters deserve to learn that one of the candidates was going to support a fund-raiser for a pack of treasonous convicts who tried to overthrow the last election for that candidate. Unlike yourself and your fellow MAGATs, most of us love this country. We also have principles and ethics and want the same in a leader.
Yeah, I suspect this is closer to what will happen.

If there are people still willing to put themselves into jeopardy for Trump...they deserve everything that will come there way. And I think a second insurrection will meet some very, very stiff resistance and severe penalties.
Agree. It was interesting at his various trials and court appearances that very few of them showed up in support. The authorities took a lot of precautions that turned out not to be necessary.
Because voters deserve to learn that one of the candidates was going to support a fund-raiser for a pack of treasonous convicts who tried to overthrow the last election for that candidate. Unlike yourself and your fellow MAGATs, most of us love this country. We also have principles and ethics and want the same in a leader.
Is it going to happen?
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Is it going to happen?
The award thing? Looks like not, or at least not at that particular Trump property. Since you all deal in gossip, slander, and innuendo, it seems that you should admire this report that paints your #MalignantMessiah in an unflattering light. Why don't you? You're not a hypocrite, are you?
Because voters deserve to learn that one of the candidates was going to support a fund-raiser for a pack of treasonous convicts who tried to overthrow the last election for that candidate. Unlike yourself and your fellow MAGATs, most of us love this country. We also have principles and ethics and want the same in a leader.
"If you’re able to, chip in now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota."

You just gotta love what this leftist "nominee" supports...
"If you’re able to, chip in now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota."

You just gotta love what this leftist "nominee" supports...
I wonder why it is that you think there's some sort of equivalence between a convicted gang of violent insurrectionists who tried to overturn an election, assault members of Congress, and hang the vice president, and a group of violent protesters angry at the murder of an unarmed citizen. I'm sure it's not because you're hopelessly and blindly partisan, or a racist, or anything like that, right?
I wonder why it is that you think there's some sort of equivalence between a convicted gang of violent insurrectionists who tried to overturn an election, assault members of Congress, and hang the vice president, and a group of violent protesters angry at the murder of an unarmed citizen. I'm sure it's not because you're hopelessly and blindly partisan, or a racist, or anything like that, right?
There was no insurrection. If there was, Biden would have been removed.
That said, did you contribute to the bail fund this "nominee' requested?
You know, those who looted private businesses and burned down a police precinct?

Oh, and you had to pull the race card, didn't ya? :palm:
There was no insurrection. If there was, Biden would have been removed.
That said, did you contribute to the bail fund this "nominee' requested?
You know, those who looted private businesses and burned down a police precinct?

Oh, and you had to pull the race card, didn't ya? :palm:
No, I didn't. Did you contribute to the various Gofundmes for the insurrectionists? How much of your social security check do you send #TRE45ON every month so he can pay his lawyers to shield him from prosecution for his many crimes?

Sorry, Cletus, but there's zero equivalence between violent civil protesters of a racially-charged incident, and the storming of the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to block the certification of a fair election because your would-be king lost that election. Try all you like to make it so; it does not parse.
No, I didn't. Did you contribute to the various Gofundmes for the insurrectionists? How much of your social security check do you send #TRE45ON every month so he can pay his lawyers to shield him from prosecution for his many crimes?

Sorry, Cletus, but there's zero equivalence between violent civil protesters of a racially-charged incident, and the storming of the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to block the certification of a fair election because your would-be king lost that election. Try all you like to make it so; it does not parse.
Why isn't there equivalence? Other than burning and looting private businesses, the other the killing of an unarmed woman?

Tell us more, Fowl...
I wonder why it is that you think there's some sort of equivalence between a convicted gang of violent insurrectionists who tried to overturn an election, assault members of Congress, and hang the vice president, and a group of violent protesters angry at the murder of an unarmed citizen. I'm sure it's not because you're hopelessly and blindly partisan, or a racist, or anything like that, right?
Well dipshit, that fund cost the taxpayers over a half billion dollars in MN property damage, countless small businesses to close forever, and dozens of criminals were set free to repeat their crimes, at least one of them went on to murder another individual. The pattern set that night and the fact fat ass Walz did nothing, cost our country billions and still counting.
I love the you continue to play you're a racist card.

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