Jade's Recipe Exchange.

Yes, I've tried several different coatings- like cajon seasonings, even Jerk Chicken coating, but just plain ole flour works great! Keep the skin on!

You do not have to inject legs or wings like you have to inject Turkey breasts when you deep fry whole tukeys in those outdoor turkey fryers.

Mine always turns out tender- well it is a turkey leg! They are a chore to eat- but a well worth chore!

Be sure to always use a food thermometer- when it is 165 degrees all the way to the bone- they are just about ready!

For whole turkeys, I just spatchcock them and do them on my Traeger. Always great.
I told you it's not for everyone, and you did mention someone in your family liking spicy.

Yeah.... I was looking at the recipe/photo, he walked by behind me and asked what that was. I said "It's an outrage, that's what it is! Ruining 3-4 cups of vodka by soaking habaneros in it!" He thinks it sounds delicious, although maybe with OJ rather than the passionfruit stuff. Question though: What do they mean by "simple syrup" as one of the cocktail's ingredients?
Yeah.... I was looking at the recipe/photo, he walked by behind me and asked what that was. I said "It's an outrage, that's what it is! Ruining 3-4 cups of vodka by soaking habaneros in it!" He thinks it sounds delicious, although maybe with OJ rather than the passionfruit stuff. Question though: What do they mean by "simple syrup" as one of the cocktail's ingredients?

Just equal parts sugar, and water, brought together on the stove top, to a syrup state.

Chips and salsa is a great hors d’oeuvre, snack, or compliment to many other dishes.

I make many different varieties of salsas, but I stumbled onto one, that is for the pepper headed adventurists out there.

There is usually someone in every crowd that always asks, "Where's the real hot sauce at"? Well, I have one that is not only gorgeous to look at on the bar, but it tastes great and will usually have them slamming their frozen Margarita down and then running back for more salsa- because it is so addictive! The Salsa- that is! LOL! We already know they are addicted to frozen margaritas! Right?

The only ingredients are fresh red jalapenos, pure garlic juice, and fresh squeezed limes, and a pinch of salt!

Take 10 larger Red Jalapenos, and roast them in the oven at about 350 for about 20 minutes, in a shallow pan greased up with some olive oil.

The peppers will blacken up a little, but the skin will separate to a degree allowing it be easily removed, and be discarded. I'd wear food handlers throw away gloves- IF I WERE YOU! Either that or don't touch yourself or anyone else for the next couple of days! LOL!

After all the pepper skins have been removed, drop them in a pan with a little water and boil them until they coagulate into a beautiful red sauce with white seeds.

I'll usually drain the water out and pour the salsa into the blender, add about a tablespoon of garlic juice, and squeeze the juice of a larger lime, and add the pich of salt.

Do not just turn the blender fully on- but bump the blender to start and immediately stop 2 or 3 quick times.

It's done! Pour into a salsa bowl and go at it.

This is a salsa that is appropriate to serve warm if you like.

It is a beautiful salsa and you will get lot's of compliments- and possibly a few complaints from the sissies! LOL! You may have to warn all the sissies that this salsa is a little spicy!

If you want it to last longer, add a little ascorbic acid or red wine vinegar, cover in a glasslock container and keep in the fridge, for up to a week or two!

Fresh salsa tends to start going bad even if left out of the fridge for over 3 hours.
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Chips and salsa is a great hors d’oeuvre, snack, or compliment to many other dishes.

I make many different varieties of salsas, but I stumbled onto one, that is for the pepper headed adventurists out there.

Do you grow your own peppers and such? I've never seen red jalapenos in the produce section.
They are normally fully ripe jalapenos.

I know, but stores usually only sell green ones which don't ripen naturally.

Hey, remember those Trinidad black congo peppers you told me about last year? Ordered the seeds, started them indoors, kept them in the greenhouse all summer, harvested quite a few small roundish peppers that were fiendishly hot. The husband unit liked. Gracias!
I know, but stores usually only sell green ones which don't ripen naturally.

Hey, remember those Trinidad black congo peppers you told me about last year? Ordered the seeds, started them indoors, kept them in the greenhouse all summer, harvested quite a few small roundish peppers that were fiendishly hot. The husband unit liked. Gracias!

I see the stalker, I Love America, has now targeted you. What kind of creep follows someone to a recipe thread to graon?
I see the stalker, I Love America, has now targeted you. What kind of creep follows someone to a recipe thread to graon?

Impotent little middle-school boys/girls? I've had that POS on ignore for almost as long as I've been here.

Meanwhile, back to delicious foods!
Do you grow your own peppers and such? I've never seen red jalapenos in the produce section.

Ahhhhhh! I forget that everyone is not blessed with the availability of Mexican Grocery Stores.

I live in Texas, and we are lucky to have huge Mexican Supermarkets or Supermercados! They are a huge part of our economy in Texas!

If you live near a farmer's market, they usually have the Red Jalapenos- or if you have a Whole Foods Market or Sprouts closeby!

If not, you may have to order them online or grow your own.

Red Jalapenos are much sweeter and have more flavor than the green ones- but they can be just as hot if not hotter sometimes.
They are normally fully ripe jalapenos.

I think you are right about that as I have grown my own, and that's what I did was let them fully ripen to a rich red o the vine.

However, A & M universities play around with biological DNA and has created so many new plants, like the Aggie Pepper- which is a jalapeno that has no heat at all to speak of.

And now, we can purchase Red, Yellow, Orange and Green bell peppers. So I believe some peppers are genetically created to have certain colors with the color inherent within itself.

Somewhere I read there are over 16 known varieties of Jalapenos.
Looks like I'm going to need low fat recipes. Have to have an ultrasound done, and hopefully the worst doesn't happen, and they have to remove my gallbladder. The doctor said it's always a possibility. I have too many diet issues. I alter diet for one thing, and I cause other issues. So it's official. I have to watch Oxalate, fat, excess protein, cholesterol, and excess sugar. So I guess I've learned Atkins style dieting has drawbacks.
Looks like I'm going to need low fat recipes. Have to have an ultrasound done, and hopefully the worst doesn't happen, and they have to remove my gallbladder. The doctor said it's always a possibility. I have too many diet issues. I alter diet for one thing, and I cause other issues. So it's official. I have to watch Oxalate, fat, excess protein, cholesterol, and excess sugar. So I guess I've learned Atkins style dieting has drawbacks.

A lot of what I cook is lower-fat stuff so hopefully I can help you out. What kinds of home-cooked stuff makes you happy?
A lot of what I cook is lower-fat stuff so hopefully I can help you out. What kinds of home-cooked stuff makes you happy?

I like meat, and that makes it difficult. For now I bought some chicken breasts, and will just trim fat, and coat in breadcrumb. I also bought some turkey, Italian sausage links, and ground turkey. I'm certain I will need to jazz things up eventually though.

Hopefully my ultrasound will show I just need a minor surgery to remove gallstones. Me, and my stone issues. Even though I haven't had the ultrasound the doctor seemed confident I have them, because of my pain, and symptoms. One thing is with the digestive symptoms, I've been having trouble getting myself to eat, unless I rather like the food.
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I like meat, and that makes it difficult. For now I bought some chicken breasts, and will just trim fat, and coat in breadcrumb. I also bought some turkey, Italian sausage links, and ground turkey. I'm certain I will need to jazz things up eventually though.

Hopefully my ultrasound will show I just need a minor surgery to remove gallstones. Me, and my stone issues. Even though I haven't had the ultrasound the doctor seemed confident I have them, because of my pain, and symptoms. One thing is with the digestive symptoms, I've been having trouble getting myself to eat, unless I rather like the food.

I had my GB out in 2005. It was no biggie.The only thing you'll probably notice at first is that if you eat a meal high in fat, you will almost immediately need to run to the closest restroom. Your GB stores bile (which helps break down fats) made by your liver. When it's gone, the GI tract detects incoming fat, and instructs your liver to dump bile. Since it doesn't have a holding tank anymore it dutifully dumps a lot of bile all at once. It's extremely irritating to your intestinal mucosal, so the GI tract goes into extreme peristalsis mode to try to get rid of the irritating substance. The result is diarrhea. Eventually this doesn't happen as often. It does make eating out a prospect to be wary of, if you tend to like things like salad dressings, fried stuff, Asian food, etc.

I make a lot of things like chili, spaghetti sauce & meatballs, casseroles, sloppy joes, etc. with ground turkey. If you'd like some recipes/ideas pls let me know!