Jade's Recipe Exchange.

I know, right? I seldom eat fruit except in the summer when you can get locally-grown stuff. The store fruit is tasteless, peaches are hard as rocks, tomatoes are watery and flavorless, etc.

Mom just plucked a half-full bucket of Blackberries. Too bad they are one to watch on my low FODMAP diet.
Boiled cabbage,onions,garlic,and sausage for lunch.
White fish,lettuce and green olives,a touch of Miracle Whip for dinner,4 Fritos

only 4??? WTF, you are disciplined....... When I go to like (occasionally) subway I always get a small bag of "devil chips" as I was trying watch what I was eating & I would eat the bag, & hers if she didn't..lol
So that's why I can't stop at four. lol

That is unnatural......

The lady I use to go to Subway w/ (subway was not my choice) loved those chips but would try not to eat them also.. It was funny to watch..

Sometimes she tried to be disciplined & have only a few but then be "un" happy w/ me if I ate them...:laugh:

I had to stop doing that, she would give me "that look".....
I’m okay as long as I stay inside, we’ve cancelled our plans to attend the fair, I just can’t handle to smoke.

Wow, sorry you had to cancel....

I really hate that acrid smoke... Back in 08 we literally were surrounded by fires so no matter which way the wind blew we got smoke.....

Last year was real bad but we found that if we went over the Sierra the wind was not blowing it on that side-unbelievably beautiful & fresh clean air..

Of course going back down into the smoke filled valley was quite depressing..
Wow, sorry you had to cancel....

I really hate that acrid smoke... Back in 08 we literally were surrounded by fires so no matter which way the wind blew we got smoke.....

Last year was real bad but we found that if we went over the Sierra the wind was not blowing it on that side-unbelievably beautiful & fresh clean air..

Of course going back down into the smoke filled valley was quite depressing..

I remember being around Fresno back in 09, and the grass for a good way north looked more like wheat with how brown it was.

That is unnatural......

The lady I use to go to Subway w/ (subway was not my choice) loved those chips but would try not to eat them also.. It was funny to watch..

Sometimes she tried to be disciplined & have only a few but then be "un" happy w/ me if I ate them...:laugh:

I had to stop doing that, she would give me "that look".....

Ah yes, the look. lol